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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. I've had no troubles whatsoever with my Diamond R Leveling Links. One of the best mods I've done on this bike.
  2. I like yamalube. It was one of the best for smoothing out the shifting on my bike. The next best oil that I've used (and use now) is Mobile One 4T 10W-40.
  3. Do you like the sound of the HD pipes?
  4. So, are you really thinking of going to a Wing?
  5. I had the same "problem" with my 1970 GTO Judge. I was only 16 at the time that I had that car. Still amazed I didn't kill myself in that thing!
  6. Prayers sent Don. Hope you have a speedy recovery!
  7. I never thought too much about this before, but your right Eck. It takes a bit of time for a new member to get comfortable with this gang.
  8. Bob, A good idea would be to look on the Community page and see who rides first gen bikes in the Seattle area. They would be experienced on how the bike should handle and behave. Sometimes a guy who has had a bike for a long time can take one ride on one and instantly know what is wrong vs. trying to figure it out from afar.
  9. Your kidding......right?
  10. He got too close to the edge and got caught up in the loose gravel. I was behind him when he went into the ditch (that's my Midnight in the Video). Pretty amazing that nothing got broken.
  11. I didn't know you had a video of that. That was a close call!
  12. http://www.wishtv.com/dpp/news/local/marion_county/biker-hit-by-officer-to-be-laid-to-rest
  13. Looks like the officer was drunk when he hit those cyclists!!! Just saw it on the news.
  14. Beautiful!! Wish I could build something like that!
  15. Of course the officer is at fault. I've driven emergency vehicles and we know that you don't have license to blast into intersections even with lights and sirens. You have to to slow, establish eye contact with the drivers and proceed through. That's why you see fire trucks blast their horns at intersections to get the drivers attention.
  16. Well done! It sure turned out nice! :thumbsup2:
  17. Go to radio shack for the double male end jack. It should be pretty cheap.
  18. Yes, you need a double male end jack. Plug one end on the bike and the other to the Mp3 player. Here is the one I use right now. It's highly rated and cheap! http://reviews.cnet.com/mp3-players/sandisk-sansa-clip-4gb/4505-6490_7-33770002.html?tag=contentMain;contentBody;1r [ame=http://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-Sansa-Clip-Player-Blue/dp/B002MAPSC6/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1281150430&sr=1-1]Amazon.com: SanDisk Sansa Clip+ 4 GB MP3 Player (Blue): Electronics@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/315mw4PD6PL.@@AMEPARAM@@315mw4PD6PL[/ame]
  19. I don't think about my cassette deck. It's behind a door and out of sight. I have plenty of options.... Mp3 Player Regular Radio XM Radio and the cassette player!
  20. I was going to say that alot of guys have just plugged in their MP3 players to the AUX jack on the cassette player. It works fine and is very easy to do. I guess your using Ipod's and they have a different plug?
  21. haha, I saw that one coming!
  22. The pictures turned out fine. We've always had two dogs. Figured it was good for them to have a playmate.
  23. I was an EMT for 11 years starting in 1989. It was a great experience.
  24. That's going to look really good Tripod! Can't wait to see it put together!
  25. Wow talk about good luck and bad luck!
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