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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. Keep that snow up there!!
  2. I like!!
  3. I'm actually talking about the hardware, not the lights.
  4. I had to replace a burned out bulb for my passing lamps and was reminded what a junky set up they are. Has anyone replaced the passing light buckets with something better? Perhaps something that can be adjusted without removing the bulbs? I'm good for another year or so until these bulbs burn out but I wouldn't mind finding a better set up to mount on my light bar.
  5. I feel better just reading this! Well done!!
  6. It's really hard to see. She could just have a headache and was holding her hand next to her head. Pretty cool though!!
  7. I'll try to make this short. I have a friend who was a co-worker back in the 90's. He is a kind and gentle type of guy who would bend over backwards to help you out if you needed it. Well, I found out that he was paralyzed in an accident while riding his bicycle. He was traveling down a hill and hit a parked car. The car pulled over and stopped due to the new law in Washington State that requires you to not be driving and talking on your cell phone. So the driver did the right thing and Mark hit the car on his bicycle. I know what it's like to go down hill at a high rate of speed on a bike and you tend to look down because your trying to avoid rocks etc. Mark was looking down, hit the back of the parked car, and now is paralyzed. Seems the story should be over and I've said some prayers for Mark and his family. I decided to look on the Internet to see if anything was written about it and found a Corvette forum talking about it. He was called every kind of idiot there was and beyond. I guess we don't think about how our words can hurt folks sometimes. He's a friend of mine and it was an accident. http://forums.corvetteforum.com/off-topic/2641469-new-cell-phone-law-leads-to-serious-bicyclist-injury.html
  8. I got my '07 for around 15 Grand. I see alot of bare bones bikes going for that now. Seem to me that I got a great deal on a fully loaded touring bike.
  9. I keep thinking that I should sell mine and upgrade like Don did.
  10. Looks like I joined up in October of '07. That was the month and year that I bought my bike so I must have gotten lucky and found VentureRiders right away!
  11. I used to fuss around on my pillow top trying to get comfortable. I had the Butler Mod done to it and now it's much better. The only little nag I had with it was that it was a bit soft and I felt like I was pushing down on it too much. Could be the fact that I'm fat! Anyway, I put my sheep skin cover on it and now it's perfect!
  12. How's the fit Al? Are you able to stretch out on this bike?
  13. My '07 has never chirped. The transmission has a whine but that is it. The Venture is the best bike out there for tall guys. I'm 6'3" and test rode all the other touring bikes. They all felt cramped to me compared to the Venture.
  14. Thanks!
  15. I'm interested since I have a burned out passing light bulb that will need to be replaced. Do they fit into the stock Yamaha buckets?
  16. Back then, the only folks that got hassled were the hippies in their Volkswagon Vans! That was an automatic search!
  17. I guess things have changed on the border crossings. We used to frequent the ski hills and bars in Trail and Rossland and would cross back into the States drunker than skunks and all the border guards would do is laugh at us and wave us though. This was back in the 70's and 80's. Our favorite haunt was a place called Funky Johns!
  18. Flu shots don't bother me at all. It sure looks like you had a bad reaction to yours Dan!
  19. Beautiful! Ventures sure trike out nicely!
  20. Seems they have a bike with the chrome forks and one without. My 07 Midnight was chromed.
  21. Party lines were fun! You just had to be careful when you were snooping on someone else's conversation.
  22. Wow! I was cringing throughout the whole video!
  23. I've been thinking about a smaller laptop as well. All we use this one for is to use the Internet so I've been thinking of a 13" screen with no optical drive.
  24. That's pretty cool! I just got a key ring opener for my bike.
  25. The next morning after drinking Tequila......
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