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Everything posted by funrider

  1. http://www.roadtrackandtrail.com/default.asp check out this place. I bought my venture from them through Ebay and what they said was what was. They also offer real reasonable shipping any where in the US. If I remember it was under $450.00 Good luck
  2. True,True. I have a 16 year old son who knows the system, disipline is just about out of the question. He has thretened me and my wife. If I would ever have hit him, he would have and would go directly to the athorities. I don't know what this country is coming to. AS parents, you don't have any rights.. I would never want to have another child in this day and age.:(:(
  3. Here in ND, we have flat ground, straight roads. Don't know what a twister is. It is so flat and straight You can take a 45 min nap and not run off the road. Twisters, arn't them those things with all the wind":rotf::rotf:
  4. if seafoam is made up of inflamable liquids, to much of it meens no fire, there for it will stop and you would need to flush your system out, add more gas, possibly use starting fluid to get it to fire and start. You may even need to clean or change the plugs.
  5. I am new to the v4. bought a 1987 VR a short time back. It makes like a squeak. When I bought it the dealer said is was the venture wine. I have riden it just about 3500 miles and no problem, the noise hasn't changed. This chirp is like three rapid chirps, a slight pause and starts back over. You don't notice it after the rpm come up some or while you are riding, but at a idle, it is rather loud. Is this the chirp that is talked about or is there something else I need to be worried about?
  6. There are numerous things that irritate and cause potetial accidents. Smokers who throw there sigs out the window, or any other thing thrown out the window. Tail gators. Even worse than a drunk driver is people on a cell phone while driving, I have even seen motorcycle riders talking on the phone while trying to drive. Your correct when you say it is not only the car drivers that need to look at what they are doing.
  7. I quit over 10 years ago, didn't have much problems with quiting, of course being told that I probably wont see my next birthday becouse I had lung cancer helped. Had a good share of my right lung removed, then went through kemo and radiation at the same time and was still told that I wouldn't be around much longer helped me decide that smoking isn't worth it. Quite know matter what or some day you will have to quit becouse of them, maybe in your grave. I wish you the best.
  8. No not motorcycle #18. No not wife # 18. Not child #18. #18 grand child. Daughter and grand daughter are both doing great. Gran pa is happy, another excuse to go out for a ride. Grand kids all want rides. My daughter wouldn't let me take the new arival out for a ride, I assured her the side bag would hold her quite well. Maybe she thought it was a little cold, We do live in North Dakota. By the way, #19 is on the way. I don't know, if my kids are just all very fertil or if they just enjoy the horivontal bop? How many can top this at 55 years of age?
  9. funrider

    Free Beer

    12 a month? not even worth my time, I can drink that much in a hour, ok make it two hours, after a long hard day of riding. What would I do for the rest of the month? Drink water? Not!!
  10. I have to agree, it is said that if you drink alcohol, it will kill brain cells. All I can say is thank god. Think about it this way, what brain cells are being killed? We all know that the week and sick cells are the ones that are killed, what would happen if the week and sick ones weren't killed? They would infect all the healthy ones and you would end up brain dead. So it is good to kill off the weak and sick ones. I think I had better go and get another beer.
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