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Everything posted by funrider

  1. I posted before about a noise in my 87 venture, 38,000 miles, but would like to get a little more information if possible. I am new with the v4's, have only owned mine for about 3500 miles. It has a squeak or a chirp that is quite noticable at a idle but goes away or turns to a whine as soon as I bring the rpm's up to over 1000. The noise seems to be there with the clutch in or out, but does seem to change a little. I need to repair the clutch as it started to slip when not fully warmed up. Using a stethascope it sounds like the sound is coming form the back of the engine, loudest on the back valve cover or in the clutch area. I have all the body panels, bags, and the trunk off and have repaired all cracks in them so this would be the time to pull the engine if needed. Wonder if it could be the timing chain or a bad chain adjuster, and how would I check that? Also what is the chirp that is talked about? If needed I could try to get a sound track of the noise and post it. All help is appreciated!!!
  2. I just tried it through a different web browser and it takes me where it is supposed to. Don't know why fire fox is taking me to a different place. Thanks for the help.
  3. that is the link that I am talking about, just tried it again and it takes me to link with 2749 items. ???
  4. Is anyone else having a problem when they click on the Ebay link at the bottom of the home page? It doesn't take me where it use to. I end up on a link that has a lot of stuff not for motorcycles and not for ventures. Not the same.
  5. I don't feel sorry for that person, I asked him what was up with the way he had it posted, through Ebay. days before the auction ended and he didn't answer me back so I didn't bid on them. I stated, that as he had it posted, he was going to have some upset bidders.
  6. there are a lot of things most of us would love to do before we kick the bucket, most are kind of trivial. the one thing that I would most love to be able to do is to rekindle the fire, heat and love that me and my wife felt when we were going together and were first married. The love is still there, but wouldn't it be great to feel that fire one more time. If I could do that everything else would seem kind of unimportant and trivial. Love always and hot heat for my wife.
  7. years ago, with my xs1100 I pushed it till I though I was going to drop before I found the kill switch.. It is more fun to when it happens to others. I still haven't caught my breath.
  8. I love it, works for me.
  9. oops poor daf
  10. my dad ran moonshine, is that the same?
  11. thanks! nothing more to say
  12. Cool, and a merry christmas to you
  13. I would be interested in a book of that sort. Bring it on, I will buy.
  14. I had lung cancer at 44years old and was told that I probably wouldn't see my next birthday, that was 11 pluss years ago. Went through kemo and radiation, no fun. I quit (and have nerver started again), six days before lung surgery that removed about 2/3 of my right lung. The fact is most people that get cancer nerver quit and out of those that do, the majority will start smoking again. It is a small % that acturally quit. Cancer doesn't cure smoking, death form it does. Maybe you should encurage people who have quit to help encurage those that are trying to quit.
  15. My wife has never been real great about riding, but she says that she wants to do as much riding as she can this coming summer. I hope things turn out as well for me as they seem to be for you. Hope the enjoyment continues. LOL (lots of luck), and I will be pulling for you:322:
  16. We have a bishon, maltis pup, he will be about a year and a half old by next summer, puppy play should have settled down some by that time. My wife tells me that if we are going to take any overnight trips on the bike next year, we have to take our pup with. Do any of you take your pet with on the bike? Any advise as to how to make it comfortable for him to ride and also as safe as possible. I have thought about a small pet carrier strapped on the trunk rack, but I feel it would be unfair to keep him penned up for an entire trip. We stop often, so he would be able to get drinks and run around. He loves to go with in the car and stick his head out the window, ears flapping in the wind. Would like to come up with a way for him to set on the tank and be leashed and harnessed there for some of the trip. Any Ideas welcome. Thanks again.
  17. My oldest brother had one, he couldn't beath without it for more than about 10 min. He even got a setup so he could run it in his car off the alternator, had a big cad so was room in the trunk and he had a long hose so it could reach any where in the car. He lived in Globe Arizona and made trips to North Dakota and Minnesota, he said it would have been just about impossible to fill tanks or find places to exchange them otherwise. Most places only service there own tanks. Worked well for him. Best of luck to ya
  18. Hay, they are all wonderful, you can spoil them and when they cry sent them back home. Congrat, hope you have many more, I just had #18 about a mounth ago and # 19 is on the way. The first 4 to 6 seem to be the most exciting, although I have kind of started a compatition to see what one of the kids will give me number 20. Live long and enjoy. Just always think about christmas, birthdays and all those expensive times. Once more Congrat:rotf:
  19. Many years ago, when I had a 1971 yamaha 650 special, without a windshield,I had a bird hit my helmet, thank god for helmets, It just about took me off the bike. No fun. I also had a bumblbee nail me in the face, that was almost worst than the bird. Kind of funny when you think about it now. well maybe not.
  20. It would be fun to join in on some chats. My problem is that I work 2nd shift, start at 5 pm and get off at 3:30 am and I have also been working extra hours, so I don't get off until 5:30 am. I also have been working 6 days a week. My hours don't work real well with chatting to others. If I could I would spend time chatting. Mybe some day when I have a life, I will but for now when it is summer and I have time I will ride first and chat 2nd. LOL Talk at you all later.
  21. I don't know if it is good or bad, but when it comes to a emergency I would like to know that I can lock the brakes up if needed. it is nice to have more control, but lets look at it every way, if you have been covering quite a distance and somewhat fitigued, or if it is cold and you have gloves on, you may not have the strength, grip, or ability to pull hardenough to stop yoursef as needed and if you have a passanger, it may be even more dificult to stop becouse of the extra needed pressure. My understanding is that a divice similar to this was manufactured for cars quite some time back and was outlawed, lawsuits because of the inefectivness of the brakes. If you go to the gold wing sight there has been a discussion on the same thing and over all the advise is against them. I will take my chances with experience practice and knowing my bike, not some overpriced item that it would take 3 of to fit all the brake systems on my bike, ( two front brakes, and one rear brake).
  22. I would like to know why you chose your user name and signature. I think it could help us all to know each other a little better. My user name is funrider, that is because I have fun everytime I go riding and every ride I have is fun. My signature use to be, My wife asks me when I am going ot grow up, I tell her I have to grow old, I don't have to grow up. ( that pretty much is the way I look at life, to many people grow old and forget to have fun.) Another person has a signature very much the same, so I have decided to change mine. My new one is, A clash between a bike and a cage, You can not win. Choose you battles wisely and live to ride again. After reading about all the accidents, damage to bikes. personal injuries and even the deaths of fellow riders, I feel this is only appropriate. Now it is your turn to tell all of us about why your user name and signature. Oh, one more question, how do I keep this post going?
  23. watched my new donlop elite II disapear to about half in 3100 miles on a trip, not happy with that
  24. I like it,
  25. I don't know how many others have had the same problem as I did. While on a trip I stopped along the side of the road and had to get my glasses out of the saddle bag to look at the map. Well decided to put the glasses in my pocket rather than back in the bag. Stopped for gas 31 miles later and realized my cover had blown off, forgot to latch it down. Lucky for me we turned around and 15.8 miles back in the middle of the road was my cover, a few scratches but still in good shape.
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