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Everything posted by funrider

  1. How do we get these set up so members can vote on the one that they choose for our official signature for our sight? Will you, (Freebird), be the one to take Care of that?
  2. I am interested, would like to display our place. I am proud of this sight and would like to see it continue to grow.
  3. Hay, Yama Mama, how about? I am not afraid of dying; but I am afraid of not riding!
  4. how about? Riding motorcycle is next to being in heaven, I want to ride all the way there!!
  5. Mine ranks 565
  6. Don't know if this is the correct place for this or the right way to mention this. Another member said that he liked my signature and that got me thinking about it. I thought that maybe a signature for our sight on the welcome page would be a good idea. Something that speaks for the way we feel about riding or what ever that catches the eye of members and perspective members. Maybe we could have a number of suggestions and then have a vote to chose the one members feel is the best or most appealing. I am willing to give mine up if it were to be chosen. What do the rest of you think?
  7. Had the same problem with mine last year, bleed it out with fresh fluid and haven't had a problem since.
  8. you can do what I did, I run a separate antenna for the radio and one for the cb. If you unscrew the splitter from the cb a regular cb antenna wire will screw right on and then I run another antenna on the other side for the radio, it actually makes the cb work better.
  9. Check out harbor freight, They have a small motorcycle trailer for sale that will be on special I believe on june 12. for I believe $350.00 Can't even build one for the price. Item # is 66771-OVGA Anyone looking might be interested:scared:
  10. I was having kinda the same problem, What I did was to drain the carbs out the drain hoses, got a spray can of carb cleaner and sprayed back through the drain hoses until it came out the over flow tubs and then shut of the drain screws and let it set for about 20 min. drained the carbs and ran the fuel punp to flush gas back through. Seemed to help a bunch. Also found that I had one cylindar that wasn't firing, checked with a timing light and found no spark. I had put new plugs in about 4000 miles ago and one of them was bad. maybe check and replace the plugs.
  11. This past year has had it's share of challenges. First, my job slowed down so I started a new job Sep 1st, after 11 years with the same place. 2nd, my oldest child died on Sep. 22. 3rd, my mother died 12 days later. 4th, I got carpel tunnel in both hands. 5th, I got laid off about a month ago. 6st, the one that is my own fault and probably the stuppedest thing I could have done, after quiting smoking 13 years ago while going through treatment for lung cancer, I started smoking again a few weeks ago. I can't believe that after 13 years, the first sig was like going to heaven, it tasted great. All I can say is if you have quit, don't have just that one sig, you could be hooked again.
  12. That is something that I want to do, but got laid off and can't afford to do it now. Nice job
  13. Cool Wish my wife liked to rid and wanted her own bike
  14. Just started the bike, (1987 VR), for the first time this season and before I decided to put the new tires on, I took it for a ride. Wasn't running great and when I looked down, there was a fast drip of gas out of one of the overflow tubs. The back carb on the clutch side is overflowing and running gas out. Think it had started to cause trouble last fall already but not to the point that it is now. How hard is it to work on the one carb, can I just remove and repair the one or can it be repair on the bike? I run sea foam through my bike quite often so don't think that will help. What is the easyest way to try to fix this problem? Thanks John
  15. funrider


    Boy do I know what you mean. I just got laid off three weeks ago. I hate not having a job. I can meet my bills on unemployment but not much left over. I didn't make big money, $17.00/hr, had only been on the job for 7 months, that was after leaving a job I had been on for 11 years. The way the economy is, I could see taking a job at 10. to $12.00 /hr. Talk about hating your job, I hate the knots in my stomach from worrying about paying bills, how to take care of my family, medical bills and what will happen if I have to take a job at a hug cut in pay. Continue to hate your job, it is better than the alternative.
  16. funrider

    new job

    Things have been slow where I work. I worked in a kitchen cabinet door manufacturing facility, and with the housing market being so bad, our orders are way down. After just about 11 years with the same company and working 60 to 70 hours a week, I have been using vacation time to try to get my 40 hrs. a week for some time now. I have applied at a number of different places but at 56 years old it seems not to many places want to hire you. I had put an application in with Case New Holand and was called in for an interview, and hired on the spot, of course had to wait for the background check, criminal history check and a ua, (drug check), to come back and then I was call and will be starting work on the 25th of this month. It will be an assemble position and a small cut in pay but at least I will be getting 40 hours a week and more and they have good benefits. Job is in Fargo, about 70 miles from home so will be staying there all week and be coming home on weekends. I have family in Fargo so have a place to stay. Will find a place to live closer to work after our son graduates from school, 2 years left. Lots of people I worked with didn't have any vacation saved up and are unable to pay their bills, at least I had some money saved and vacation to use and have been able to meet my bills, savings has been taking a big hit and will take a while to get back on track.
  17. your bike, like in a parking lot or at a sudden bad stop, the standard hitch will probably not allow for enough movement to avoid doing damage to the trailer hitch or to the trailer tong. Trailer setting upright and the bike on its side, is more than what would be able to move with just a standard connection. As has been stated many times, it is not if you will drop your bike, it is when.
  18. My clutch started to slip last fall, had about 39,000 miles on it. This spring, because of a lack of money I did a cheap fix. I bought a new flex plat and just put it in leaving the old one in there also. The clutch lever pulls harder but the clutch has not slipped now in over 5000 miles of riding this year. The cost of the flex plat and new gasket was less than $60.00.
  19. At least don't have your mouth open while looking up at them!!!! :rotf:
  20. most batteries from walmart and other places all you do is add the acid and they are ready to use. It is recommended that you take them for a short ride to top the charge of but they are usually ready to use right after putting the acid in.
  21. A ex work associate and friend, (Paul), that lives in Whapeton Nd. and works in Fargo, about 50 miles, was on his way home from work Wed. morning at about 4:20 am when he hits a dear. he was thrown form the bike and the bike slid into the ditch, while he slid to a stop on the road. Another friend of mine, (Brad), that I work with gets of work the same time as me and he works in Whapeton and lives in the direction of Fargo, and he heads for home, he runs over something laying on the road and turns around to see what he had just run over and finds it was his friend, (Paul). I don't know if Paul was dead from the accident with the dear or if he was killed by being ran over with a 1994 chev pickup. I will miss riding with Paul, but I almost feel more sorry for Brad, I would rather be the one dead than to run over a friend of mine. My prayer go out to both Paul,s family as well as for Brad.
  22. Just wondering what should be drained when changing oil, (please, no one say oil). What I mean is where should the oil be drained? First would be the big drain plug, next the oil filter. Doe's any one also drain the bottom bolt, (alen head) on the left hand side of the bike as you are setting on it. It is the cover farthest back , down by the foot peg. To get straight in on it you have to fold the foot peg back. It is made to allow for draining. It has a copper washer on it. I drain it each time I change oil.
  23. Or in Minnesota (USA) Land of 10,000 lakes.
  24. If the left turn is after making a stop, I suggest stopping a little further back and get going in a straight line before making the turn.
  25. drove about 40 miles to check on new diaphragms only to find out that they would have to order them. Good news is that it is starting to run better as I get more miles on it with the sea foam in it. I think just about46 mpg is real good, that is the one thing that makes me wonder if it is the diaphragms. I think if it was the diaphragms the mpg would be a lot worst. Well I guess I will drive it for a while and see if it continues to run better.
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