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About LarryAndrews

  • Birthday November 5

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Los Angeles, CA, United States


  • City
    Los Angeles


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2010 Royal star venture s, 2012 star 950 tour, 2012 Ural Yamal LE
  1. It is oil coming from the weep hole on the water pump. No water as far as I can tell. I am talking to my shop again today, thank you for al the info.
  2. When i say straight oil, I mean, whatever is leaking looks and feels like straight oil, no water. As to what caused it in the first place, i don't know. As far as the head gaskets, they showed them to me after they were removed, they looked like pastry dough with a metal ring. I am talking to them again today. Thanks for all the info.
  3. They replaced the the entire water pump, would that not include the seals?
  4. Thanks for the research, this is really bugging me. I had a 96 Royal star tour classic, I bought used in 2004 with 4000 miles on it, put 100,000 on it, had a 2005, got up to 75000 before it got totaled in the street, and got the 2010 in 2011, which was was the replacement for the 2005. The first two didn't do this.
  5. Hi everyone, I have a 2010 venture that has a recurring issue. It has 95,000 miles on it, always been hyper vigilant about maintenance. I have replaced the water pump when it first started dumping coolant, it went away for a while. Then it started mixing oil and water, so my shop guys replaced the head gaskets which were pretty rough, also replaced all cooling lines, water plugs and flushed the system. All was good for a while, but now it is passing straight oil through the overflow. Any tech gurus out there with advice on how to proceed? And don't say "buy a new bike". This is the third Royal star I have owned, and the first time I have encountered this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. It still runs great, has no power issues, starts right up, no hesitating, no outward engine issues, just leaving a small puddle of oil after running for about an hour or so, which is what my commute is.
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