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Personal Information

  • Name
    Marvin Joel Harp


  • Location
    Norlina, Un, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2000 Royal Star Venture MM Limited
  1. Oddly enough I think I found the problem....due to another issue. Found another problem in that the headlight was burning both the high and low beams at the same time. Traced it to the left handlebar controls. Found a solder joint that had broken loose on the rocker switch for the high beam and shorting there. Since I fixed that I havent had the bike shut off on me. Before it would shut off every time I rode it at least by 2 miles or so. Now ive ridden it at least a thousand miles with no issues at all. Weird. Your issues to me sounds like the ignition switch problem I have seen described in the forum.
  2. Took tank, seats and side covers off...commenced checking wires, relays, fuses, etc. Wiggled stuff, tapped components with a screwdriver thinking maybe the vibrations of riding might be a contributing factor. No luck. Also bypassed the side stand switch. No luck there either. Unplugged the emergency stop switch (tilt switch) and the bike shut off but flashed the code. Did the same with the TPS. Bike didnt shut off but flashed the code. Whatever is happening while I'm riding is not flashing a code at all. Got me stumped. Just cannot duplicate the problem while the bike is sitting still. Also tapped and wiggled the wires and key in the ignition switch. No luck. I appreciate all the help and ideas. This is a hard one to crack.
  3. That is the light I am referring to. Service manual says that it is the "Engine Trouble" light. It doesnt flash at all giving me a code. According to my reading in the manual there are a lot of things that can make this light activate but the bike is supposed to flash the light a certain number of times to indicate what part of the circuitry caused it. The bike is not doing that...just light coming on solid when engine shuts off then light shutting off about 2-3 seconds later and engine starts firing again. This has only happened to me while riding it and never while the bike is just sitting still idling. I dont think heating up has anything to do with it because yesterday it did it to me about a mile after I left home in 40 degree weather. I purposely didnt let it warm up first just to check that. Bike runs fine other than shutting off intermittently. Idles fine, revs fine and has plenty of power when going through the gears. Ive tested the kickstand switch and ive let it starve for fuel by shutting off peacock and neither of these turn on the light when the engine shuts off. Havent figured a good way out to test the bank angle switch yet.
  4. Not a stumble...just like hitting the kill switch then turning it back on after a couple seconds. Odd thing to me is the check engine light coming on and not flashing a code. It comes on when the engine shuts off and stays on for a couple seconds. While light is on the bike will not fire. As soon as the light goes out the bike starts firing again.
  5. Hi all, New member here. I have a 2000 RSV that had developed a very odd issue. While riding engine stops like there is an electrical shutoff happening. Lights and everything stay on like normal. While I'm coasting after it loses all power I notice that the check engine light has come on and stays lit for a few seconds then goes out. It does not flash. After a few seconds it goes out then I can pop the clutch out on the bike and it starts again. Has happened exactly like this a few times now. Starts, idles and revs fine. Only does this while riding. Its like whatever is making the light turn on cuts the ignition then after a second or two it corrects itself then lets the ignition fire again. Dont think misfire since engine light does not flash a code or anything. Anyone ever hear of a problem like this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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