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Everything posted by sailplaner

  1. So.....What do you think of EdSets, scottc?
  2. Back in the day, PayPal was free. Of course, they were just starting out and needed to break into the market. I remember when they started charging for transactions and people complained. I guess we got used to the convenience. Any money transfer company will have to charge fees to make money and I doubt Revolution Money Exchange will be different. I have the PayPal credit card which works like a debit card or secured credit card. You can only spend as much as you have in the account but they also return 1% (maybe 1.5%) on purchases. I transfer money to the account from checking (when I'm ready to spend $1000.00) and it helps to offset what they take on money transfers in other areas like eBay. If you-all think PayPal is greedy, take a look at the alternatives like Western Union and BillPay (these may be the same). I don't see how it can be legal the amount they charge. If RME makes headway in the market, eBay will offer them some ridiculous amount of money (which they will take) and the business will go away. Just my 2 cents. Mark P. ..
  3. Jim: What did you end up doing with this? I have the #1 plug fouled with oil and probably need to (at least) replace rings. I HOPE the cylinder isn't mucked up. Thanks. Mark P.
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