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Everything posted by Beachbum

  1. So I’ve been pretty quiet for a while. I got clipped and sent into the median on New Year’s Day. I was able to ride my venture home, although it did have a scary wobble when I took one hand off the bent handlebar. The van that clipped me was a Home Depot rental van. So here is where it gets convoluted. The guy who RENTED the van was the passenger, not the driver. The RENTER of the van gave the cops his insurance information and filed a claim that day. The problem was that the DRIVER was not listed on the rental form as an authorized driver. So the RENTERS insurance (progressive) denied the claim. However, they took SIX dang weeks to formally deny it. I had to file a complaint with the state insurance commissioner to get their attention. About 3 weeks in I find out the DRIVER of the van had insurance and so filed a claim with them. (Farmers) after progressive finally denied the claim Farmers was able to progress their claim. They decided Home Depot had primary exposure. So I had to file a claim with Home Depot. They provided the paperwork showing the rental waivers so Farmers ended up honoring my claim. By this time it’s been eight! weeks since my accident. Here is the bitter part. They totaled my Venture. I work 6 11 hour days and honestly don’t have the time to fix my bike. I’ve got a project KZ1100 that can attest to that. Really, really sucks. However, here is the sweet part. I’ll still be around, just as a Victory rider. I got a Victory V92 at a steal! Pic will be added. What has this taught me? If you’re in an accident on your bike, and you are miraculously unhurt, LAY THERE AND WAIT FOR AN AMBULANCE! I was thankfully completely unhurt. Bruised but not even sore. I decided not to pursue an injury claim because tbh there is enough abuse of the system without me adding to it. However! Attorneys would not take my property damage only case. The one lawyer who was honest enough to explain it said that his fee (33%) would eat into my money too much. So I’ve had to do this whole stinking process on my own. That’s why I haven’t posted anything, because I’ve had no idea how it was gonna play out. Anyways, they picked up my Venture today and that was absolutely one of the saddest things I’ve had to see. It’s right up there with putting a pet down as far as I’m concerned. Farmers did try to low ball me at first, I disputed their valuation and they came back with a proper settlement finally.
  2. I’ll come up and visit. I grew up in Helen GA and learned to drive in the N GA mountains. I still love to do the six gap run and let the sparks fly!!! However, I work nights/weekends so will prolly have to take a day of pto to visit everyone. Look forward to meeting y’all!
  3. I need a left front turn signal cover, clutch lever, and left handlebar. I may also need a clutch master cylinder and rear top box. I’m in Carrollton GA
  4. Yes they did. Tbh I think it was only because some other motorists stopped to assist. Either way, I’m glad they did. Some other riders who were out stopped and helped me get my bike out of the median. Good to know there’s still nice people out there.
  5. So yesterday it was in the low 60s, so I rode my scoot to work. On the way home a guy in a van decided to change lanes from the left lane to the right lane. Unfortunately I was in the left lane! I headed for the shoulder but he clipped me and I went off roading thru the median, plowing thru a construction sign and leaping a culvert before laying it down and plowing up some Georgia mud! Thankfully all my gear did it’s job and I’m okay. I rode my bike home and now the fight with the insurance company can start. Sigh. Crappy start to 2019, but also super lucky!
  6. I live 2 hours away from Vogel. I’ll take a pto day to come visit.
  7. I use Shinko 230s front and rear. Super sticky and good in the rain. I’ve ran 880s and 888s in the past. I don’t like 880s, they break loose in the rain if you think about them wrong. 888s are better, but still sketchy. So I ride shinkos and just replace the rear more often. But not as often as you’d think. About 9-10 k for shinkos, 12 for metzlers.
  8. You sir have much more patience than I!!! Wonderful work! And puc, was one of those choppers a KZ? I’ve got a 1100 LTD I’m planning on cafe/brat modifying. Great pics one and all!
  9. Lol! That is bad to the bone! Of course, down here in Georgia I’d only get to ride it about every 5 years. For one day!
  10. Welcome! If you haven’t already, join up. Best investment of $12 ever! There are usually some factory components for audio/cb in the classifieds. The air ride system best to check the tech section and lots of searching. My bike has progressive springs, I really like it. It rides nice but not land yachtish if ya get me. That’s just my .02 tho. again, welcome!
  11. Just resurrecting this for a second. Ultimate venture noob reading!
  12. Hats off to you sir!
  13. I second this. On our Kenworth T-680s the factory setup uses a splitter and integrated cd/fm antennas. The coax, splitter, and lack of a solid ground result in high swr readings. My truck looks like it uses three antennas because I just leave the factory duals there for radio reception, and run an outback mount with a firestik and quality coax as my cb setup. It works so much better than factory. I’ll have to remember this if I ever feel froggy enough to mess with my venture cb
  14. Sadly i I did not see Olivia anywhere. I think I did run into her civilian cousin tho!
  15. One year my buddy and were heading out to glacier via sturgis. Going thru Columbia MO he suddenly wasn’t there. I pulled over and waited. And waited. Finally got a text he was two exits back. His VTX had died just like your bike, except at highway speed on the interstate. Turns out the battery had died that quickly. Lucked out and O’Reilly had a replacement in stock. That fixed it. Had a good rest of the trip. Glad your scoot is going again!
  16. I’ll keep an eye out for her. I think I saw some of her kin at wheels thru time in Maggie valley!
  17. I’m heading up there tomorrow morning. Any hard to find parts I should be on the lookout for? Any special requests for me to keep my eyes open for? Thanks, Robert
  18. So these are some questions I can’t find answers to bc either not listed or buried in search results. 1. Where is the petcock so I can switch to reserve? 2. How do I adjust my handlebars? (91) 3. Will be added shortly as I continue learning curve! Thanks, Robert
  19. So my new bike just keeps getting better! All the gauges are working, and when I took my fake tank cover off I found a “progressive suspension “ sticker on the top of my airbox! I checked and sure enough, I’ve got a progressive rear spring! My question is how do I tell if front forks are upgraded as well? The bike rides and handles great, but it would with factory front too right? Anyhow, thanks in advance Robert
  20. Thanks guys, I checked the connection and presto! The temp gauge works! Thanks very much
  21. Inspect the interior side wall of the tire. If it was run long at low pressure it will look like someone rubbed sandpaper on the sidewall interior. If that is okay I would run it but pay attention to any new vibrations. That may be an indicator of a damaged belt. Your culprit is most likely the valve stem went south. That is almost always the culprit on our big rig tires when there’s no hole or damage. Just my .02
  22. So one of the issues with my new to me ‘91 is the temperature gauge stays at cold. It doesn’t move up at all. The bike warms up, it doesn’t run like its cold. I think the sending unit has scale on it. Is it easy to install a new one or should I plan on a pita?
  23. Wow!!! What a great ride! Now I see why cowpuc can’t keep a rear tire! And it rides so smooth! 34k miles. Some rough plastic, a few issues to sort, and I love it! Thanks for all the help. Y’all might not realize it, but all your tips and insights really help someone like myself who is considering a “new” old bike or so something newer that requires payments. It really helped me decide on a gen 1. Thanks in advance for all the upcoming help getting it sorted! Robert
  24. Just wondering if anyone is going to be there on Saturday the 6th. I’m going to be there with a friend, but we’re going to be in a pickup just in case! Its the annual vintage weekend at Barber Motorsports Park, Birmingham AL area
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