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Everything posted by Leadwolf56

  1. Daniel Dagel, (short-haul), ticket number 622600.
  2. Yes, we're home, got in about an hour ago, our 20 mile ride home wasn't very exciting......AARRRRRRRGH!!!!!!!!!!!! (I was there and I know........)
  3. Nice looking trailer Brad. You'll like that.
  4. Thanks Alan, Glad to hear Mel is ok. See you next week.
  5. We are one week away from the International Rally. If you are coming to the rally and haven't ordered a rally package or just the dinner if you don't want a shirt and patch, Please do so ASAP. We need to get a good headcount to get the food ordered for the dinner. Package consists of a shirt, a patch and dinner - $50.00 per person Dinner only - $24.00 per person Payment information: Paypal - CFAS@Juno.com or check or money order to: Russell Hicks 185 Redwood Rd Apple Valley MN 55124 We're trying to get everything finalized this week, thanks for your help.
  6. Tinkerbell says she would order a couple tank tops if they're available.
  7. Yeah, that. Go to Canadian Tire or WalMart and get some Camco Wash&Wax. You'll find it in the RV aisle. Good stuff, how do I know? We make it right here in Elkhart. After all, your bike is just a miniature recreation vehicle, eh?
  8. No, for you I think it should be PINK!!!!!!!
  9. Bump. Once I get the tickets I'll post my Paypal info and if anyone wants to they can buy tickets between then and the rally.
  10. Carl, Look for the Rally Package thread and the 2010 shirts thread. The package consists of a shirt a patch and dinner for $50.00 per person. Payable to Black Owl at CFAS@Juno.com or Russell Hicks 185 Redwood Rd. Apple Valley MN 55124 Shirts and patches are also available separately.
  11. Happy Anniversaryto you both Peggy. Happens to be ours too, only our 3rd though.......
  12. Sorry Bob, we had to get home as everyone was coming to our house at 1:00pm for Father's Day. We beat 'em here but not by much.
  13. Maybe Brad should put some Loc-Tite on her "seat"? :rotf::rotf:
  14. Just rolled in at 12:30 from Elyria, left there at 7:00am. Good trip, not a lot of traffic and good weather all the way. This was Sue's first long trip, she did an excellent job. She got to experience a little of everything, back roads, 2 lanes, freeway and even some gravel (on the road into Don's). Thanks to Don for the great time. It was great seeing friendss we haven't seen in a year. We hope everyone has a safe trip home. We'll see you again as soon as we can. 3 weeks to the International Rally.
  15. I believe they have plenty of rooms available..........
  16. We'll see you there Bob.
  17. Someone changed her mind....lololol. Woman's perogative and all that..... See you and Rhonda there....
  18. Sue and I will be leaving Elkhart around 9:00am on Friday. She has decided to make the ride on her own bike so we will be taking 2 lanes and not the Interstate as she's not feeling quite up to that yet as a rider. This will be her longest riding experience so far. We should roll into Oberlin/Elyria around 2:00pm or so.
  19. Congrats on the sale of the Venture Joe. Doug's getting a great bike. Now, make sure you join the newest Venturerider sub-group, the "Wingnuts"........ :rotf::rotf::rotf: Hi to Donna and the rest of the group down there. We'll have to get together after you get back from vacation.
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