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Everything posted by Leadwolf56

  1. Lightning fast and stylish? About as much as a Harley!!!!! I've seen some 2nd gen owners around here, they won't answer PMs or go to Meet & Eats. I don't think they ride more than 50 miles from home either. They must think they're riding Harleys. When I move to a 2nd gen it will be because of parts issues since yamaha doesn't support their older bikes like Honda does, not because I WANT a detuned Harley lookalike. :stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot:
  2. Yeah, what Charlie said....
  3. :moon::moon::moon::moon::moon::moon::moon::moon: We're quiet because we're out riding. We don't "whine" like the 2nd genners. My bike is nice and quiet and smooth riding and we ride the hell out of it!!!!! :stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot:
  4. Glad to hear it went well. Tell Rhonda we wish her a speedy recovery.
  5. Now, now, Lynn, there were two bikes from Indiana in Colorado. One was my 90 the other was Bummer's 06. I didn't see any of the other Indiana guys ther 1st or 2nd gens, must be most Indiana bikes can't go very far (bought mine in Tennessee..:rotf::rotf::stirthepot: Besides, mine don't look like no Hardley.....:rotf:
  6. I have 491 Elite II's on my 90. I have 10,000 miles on them and they look almost new. I run 38-40 psi and ride 2up most of the time. Looks like I should get around 20,000 out of the rear and maybe more from the front.
  7. Christo, Check out Trailmaster, they make the Aspen line of MC campers. Also Timeout Trailers here in Elkhart make campers.
  8. Everything they said above and also check your fuel filter. Mine clogged up a week above. Mine clogged up a week after we got back from Colorado. Looked like the ethanol in the gas we bought out west cleaned stuff out of my tank.
  9. I mounted my markland hitch after looking at Squidley's pictures. You'll need either longer bolts through the saddlebags or as I did I used a smaller shoulder bolt that just slid through the bolt hole. It's not real difficult to mount but I had to lose my rear mudflap. It works very well, I now have about 2800 miles pulling my Bushtec trailer with no problems at all.
  10. Do you mean a left side engine guard/crash bar? If so, I have one. Let me know.
  11. I have a 90 VR with the rubber boots. I trimmed the inside of them to fit when I installed my Superbrace last year. I had no problem with the bolts, they were all plenty long to torque and came with finish caps. I don't know why you would think you'd have to machine the brace instead of trimming the boot. mine looks and functions very well, made a big difference in handling.
  12. Reiny, Are you putting the bike on the centerstand when you try to bring up the pressure? if it's on the sidestand you may get the E2 message. Not sure how I know this....
  13. Sherry, I was very shocked and sad to hear of Tom's passing. You and your family have our deepest sympathy and condolences. You're all in our thoughts and prayers.
  14. Donation sent by Paypal.
  15. very sorry for your loss. You're in our thoughts and prayers.
  16. 20 to 25 miles before you lose the clutch. Personal experience.
  17. Corbin makes one but it's $699.00 without the backrest. I'm looking into saddlemen too, they make the Travelcade seat. Don't have a price yet. Ok, just got a price of $425.00 for the Travelcade seat.
  18. Here's another thought. They shouldn't be dumping the grease into the dumpster. It should be getting recycled like you would oil from a car or bike. You're supposed to take it to an oil recycling collection site. That's what we're supposed to do with the oil from our turkey deep fryer when it's old.
  19. I've tried regular, mid-grade and premiumin my 90 VR. It runs the best and gets the best mileage with the premium. If I want it to run really well I add a can of Seafoam to it (it LIKES it).
  20. I got First Gear mesh jackets earlier this summer from newenough.com. They were on closeout. Very nice jackets, definitely keep you cool.
  21. Red Wings are very comfortable. I wear the harness style motorcycle boot.
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