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Everything posted by jeromeb

  1. I've heard nothing but good things about SKYDOC. I'll join the other members in wishing for a speedy non eventful recovery for him and all the best to you.
  2. i get the gasoline odor on my 2009 for a period in the garage. I make it a habit to turn the petcock off prior to turning the ignition sw. There is no visible leaks and I have never experienced any sign of a flooded carb. It starts up clean and clear. I've wondered myself but with no ill effects, I live with it.
  3. I'm Pulling for your complete recovery.
  4. Welcome to the club. Not just the embarrassment of dropping, but the agony of picking it up afterwards.
  5. Vacuum leak??
  6. Customer still running?
  7. 10-4. used to do it 2-3 times a week.
  8. I was without a bike from 1982 to 2018. I knew what I wanted to do and several makes and model fit the bill. I went online because I was living in a new to me state and really not knowing any fellow riders. I did Kawasaki, Suzuki, HD, etc forums. This forum sort of sold me on the RSV, price vs performance. Bought the bike and joined the forum at the same time. Two years and no regrets.
  9. Roll on.
  10. My 2009 cruise control is not an "instant on". It takes a second or two to engage. I set it, let go of the throttle and it backs off. I set it and hold the throttle a couple of seconds. Once engaged it functions great. The delay was a pain but now I have just adjusted to it.
  11. LOL, it's been over a year since I last dropped it. I had a chance to ride a Can Am a few yrs ago. Still has the wind in the face but I miss the lean into the curves feel. I'm sure my wife would appreciate one. My pension is now 22 yrs old. That hurts compared to today's costs. $5000 RSV vs Cam Am. RSV for a long time.
  12. I dropped my 09 RSV 3 times inside of 500 miles. Never rolling, but always at a stop. They are top heavy but the thought of picking it up kept me aware. Practice, practice, practice. I'm 5 10 and 77 yrs old. Man, I don't want continue picking it up.
  13. Hellava job. Unique and sweet.
  14. It's not what you ride. It's the ride itself, Vespa to Vanderhall. Enjoy the breeze.
  15. jeromeb


    No argument.
  16. jeromeb


    He is a martyr because he was murdered by a callous cop who thought he had every right to kill him. you see a man in in custody, in handcuffs, helpless, having his life slowly being being snuffed from him. This cop was no angel either. How many reprimands did he have in his folder?What else has he done under the cover of his badge? Why did his wife file for divorce inside of two days after his arrest? I put 27 yrs in with the City of Phila, over 8 with the police dept. I know the deal. When you feel your rights are being violated, the constitution empowers your right to protest. Protest, not riot or loot. Unfortunately there are people, some "professional agitators ", who take advantage of protests for their own agendas.
  17. My RSV is the first bike I've owned in 35 yrs. This was after weighing my wants and needs with the dollar amount I had to deal with. (Fixed income means smart dollar being spent.) The search began by Youtube and rider opinions etc. Venture Riders showed up in the search. The result was a 2009 RSV and a membership with riders. I'm a happy guy.
  18. Lookin' good
  19. Brings back memories. I had a '65 coupe, 140 hp and 4 spd trans. The biggest problem was that with it being rear engine, it would create oversteering in turns rather understeer like front engine vehicles. Original models, (60-64) had an inferior rear suspension design flaw. That was refined with the 65 and later models. That little 140 hp, 4 spd would give an automatic small block V8 hell 0-60 hell. Oh, the originals had a gasoline fueled heater. Those bad boys would smoke up the interior and light the pavement at night if they weren't tuned correctly.
  20. Got my wife's ass on the passenger seat today.:banana:
  21. We all need a little laughter despite the seriousness of a situation. This is a lighthearted but informative attempt to provide information.
  22. What he said:beer:
  23. I remember seeing Malcomb Forbes riding all over the world in full leathers. Don't remember anyone turning up their nose at him or his entourage.
  24. My feelings also. I too own a 2009 RSV. I have experienced no real performance issues. I do like having a fuel injected engine with ABS braking. I have had no problems with the RSV carb setup or ever needed ABS while riding. It's just nice knowing it"s there. What I do see is a seemingly lack of Star Venture bikes on the road compared to Harley, Indian, Honda etc. Still trying figure that out.
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