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Everything posted by uhfradarwill

  1. I can put you on some Ground Hog hunting in SE TN. Sorry, no Prairie Dogs.
  2. We had a pretty nasty cell move through today and all is well. Ahhh Hail.
  3. Not specifically about the Venture, but it's the second video shown in the intro!!
  4. I really look up to you forum vets, flyinfool, cowpuc, videoarizona etc.., but I must admit the open and free use of all the four letter words has upset me. Words such as "SNOW" and "WORK" are bad words and should not be used in mixed company!! Just Sayin
  5. Small engine this, 2 stroke that; I'll add a real world Venture related story. I bought my 86VR this year with, I know now, 2 year old gas in it and it hadn't been cranked for the two years. The bike ran pretty good and I had come to thought the roughness was just the V-4 design. I kept reading on this site how smooth the XVZ's were and how they like to rev. Over the course of 2,000 miles and three cans of Seafoam, I now know the smoothness of the VR's. Granted my carbs were not clogged, but I have to give Seaform a thumbs up!!
  6. "Former LEO", I bet you converted to Aquarius didn't you"
  7. Being unfamiliar with your particular kit, I didn't realize it consumed electrical current to work properly. I do have a fair amount of electrical engineering experience and I have learned many times that what appears to be ground is not always ground. Continued good luck to you!!
  8. "A better ground"?? Are we talking an electrical issue or a fuel/air/delivery issue???????????
  9. I wish you luck on this modification but to me it like removing three chambers of your heart and then trying to tune your body for "original" performance.
  10. Glad to hear the bike took the lay-off nicely and came rite back. On the other topic: I respect you decision can only imagine the emotional toll it took. Myself, I'll never have to make such a decision. My Father and Mother were Heroin junkies and in 1969 skipped town leaving me and my sister, both sub 3 yrs old, to live a life without ever knowing them. I'm not sure a lifetime of wondering is worth having to make a one-time very hard decision tho. Live long and prosper!!
  11. Pretty cool setup. I guess if the camper is a rocking my rods aren't knocking.
  12. I remember the firesticks, great antennas indeed!! Yamaha makes great motorcycles but RF is a whole new ball game.
  13. BTW How does that song go?? It was the dark of the moon on the 5th on June, with a Kenworth hauling logs. A cab-over Pete with a refer on hauling.... or somethin like that....
  14. I can tell that sadlebum knows CB just buy his term "walked on"!!
  15. A co-worker took a trip out west, I think in Oklahoma. He gave me this receipt for a toll road there. It's nice to see I'm appreciated somewhere!! I think motorcycles should travel for free.
  16. Good info,thanks. The bike is still for sale and the guy says $700 cash and it's gone. I may go check it out this weekend.
  17. Kevin, There seems to be no end to your knowledge of these Yamaha's!!
  18. My line of work is in RF radar and communications and so I have access to a variety of RF test equipment. I decided to test the cb radio output with a RF network analyzer to see just how much rf was radiated out of the antenna vs how much was reflected back to the transmitter. I know there is a FM radio/CB interface box in the system so inherently there has to be some loss. It turns out that on my bike 33% of the CB output is reflected back to the transmitter. Not good at all. Just sayin!!
  19. Hey Midicat How about some pics of your new install??
  20. Yea, go ahead and find a channel that is clear. When the truckers "who own the band" find you they will turn on their 1KW linear amps and purposely step on your communications; been there and seen that many times. FRS for $30 is the way to go. Radio is my life, I know it well, so I'm not speaking out my booty on this believe me!! You want to experience professional CB at it's finest, go to Alaska. They know radio and how it should work.
  21. Not yet. We had a death in the family, cancer, and it has been crazy here for almost a week and a half!. Weather has been crud also. I'll get to them. Will
  22. What happens, god forbid, when you get into an accident that's not your fault but you are cited for improper equipment??
  23. CB radio in the Continental US sucks!! Get a HAM license, and no not a no-code ticket, and enjoy all the HAM bands have to offer!!
  24. Geez Puc, you and two wheel transportation go back a long way! That deer looked tiny and it was haulin A$$. Good think there was no audio on the video as I'm sure you let loos of a few expletives.
  25. Condolences for the loss. The swivel is a good habit for sure.
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