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Everything posted by uhfradarwill

  1. I'm about to reassemble my forks after acquiring new seals. I've done a fair amount of searching, watching that youtube video, and staring at the illustrated parts breakdown, but the answer eludes me. It's my understanding that the "SPINDLE,taper" and the wavy-flat-wavy washers are installed in this fashion: My question is how in the hell do these stay in place, and not just slide off the inner shaft while you slide the outer fork tube up? The hole in the "plate, seat" is almost the size of the inner shaft. Will it seat a little higher if I take a socket and tap in on to the bottom of the inner shaft" Thanks for any help. Will
  2. I have several compounds by Hoyt, Mathews, and Martin. I just started slinging arrows recurve style and need some more practice. I shoot this Martin at 50 lbs most often now. I'll post a pic of the compound that got this fine 200 pound New Hampshire specimen when I take a pic of it (Mathews). Live long and prosper my friends!!
  3. Dig them things out and do some shootin.... I'm pretty sure it's the cheapest ammo you can send downrange, cept maybe rocks for your wrist-rocket!!
  4. Damn,that is quite the resume!! I likie....
  5. Traditional or compound, show what you shoot. I shoot 10 spot leagues every Thursday. Show me yours and I'll show you mine.
  6. I bought my 89 VR with 27K miles on it and it was running a tad rough. One whole can of seafoam to a full tank of gas and around 1,800 miles later it smoothed out and and is still running great!!
  7. If I remove the right and left mufflers the axle should come out easy. I know you have to pull the rear wheel to the right to disengage it from the drive. That pesky rear caliper bracket has to go. Will
  8. I have the bike on an air lift table doing the fork seals. I figured I may as well clean up the lower units. I went with All Balls seals per suggestions on this site. I have the bike strapped down with a center jack on the table. The rear tire can drop straight down. Anyone have any luck maybe removing or pivoting the rear caliper assembly out of the way to remove the back tire without removing all the saddle bag and grab bars? Thanks Will
  9. My wife's sister had a double mastectomy two years ago to try to thwart cancer. After the operation she got better only to find that the cancer had spread to her sternum. After removing much of it she felt better. Around 60 days ago she was feeling faint, confused and generally weak. Test confirmed that the cancer had spread to the upper spinal cord just below the back of her head. They elected not to operate. Our family just spent 45 days watching her die slowly while on Hospice. She finally passed on 3/15/2019. Her name was Linda and was a 25+ year nurse. I'm sure she is in heaven. Please pray for her and excuse my absence from these forums. God bless. Will
  10. I love that Blue color!!
  11. Got any pics of her?? Would love to see them!!
  12. My opinion of Taurus could be a little outdated. It was developed while I worked my six days a week job, at least 40 hours per week, at Ray Judges Gun Shop in Winchester, TN during my High School days just prior to going active duty USAF for over 10 years beginning in 1985. At that time Taurus had many, many issues and was not looked upon as being a great weapon. Don't mean to bash but facts are facts as they do not in any way compare to the top names in firearms!!
  13. Sorry folks but I avoid any firearm with steel slide and an alloy frame. Give me my trusty 1911 for .45 or my Browning High Power for 9mm and I'm all set!! BTW: Nobody having firearm issues with a Taurus should be surprised; they are not the best. You get what you pay for!!
  14. Dentists are trained professionals; they specialize in inserting sharp tools into the patient's mouth in order to extract cash from the purse/wallet.
  15. If your doing 130 with others cars on the road, you get what you deserve. Too bad he didn't go down I say!!
  16. If you drive the truck only on roads with a slight downgrade then it will look and handle normal??
  17. I can imagine the stress a jump like this must bring. I'll bet you'll excel. Good luck.
  18. I could swear I read on this site that Blue, as in gen 1 MK II, was the fastest color???
  19. Ok, I might have exaggerated a bit!! As Fool says, 1st and 2nd gear no problem lifting the front rubber. I've never actually tried any thing stupid in the rest of the gears.
  20. In any gear, under heavy WOT acceleration when the RPM's approach 5.5K the front end gets very light and occasionally lifts off the ground. Is this normal??
  21. If I was where I'm from originally, SE TN, I'd be riding Thursday up Sewanee and Monteagle twisties. Have a good ride!!
  22. I couldn't help but to zoom in on the bike and admire her. I'm in love with this motorcycle. It has absolutely zero issues like fluid or air leaks or anything. I do have to re-attach the rear right Royal chrome to the saddle bag tho. Now it needs another bath as well. It's got about 36K on her and I'm hoping for another 100K. You can spend much, much more money to replace her but what upgrades do you really get? These 1st gen MK II's are as good or better than any production two-up cruiser you can buy now. Just my two cents..... Keep this site as is; AWESOME
  23. Put a half can of Seafoam into an empty tank and empty carb bowls then added 3 gallons of gas. A fun time was had by all!!
  24. Yeah! Just what is the retirement thingy??
  25. I had to look on your profile to see what state Falling Waters is in; WV is God's country. When you head West off of I-81 towards Greenbank, NRAO site, that is some damn fine motorcycle twisties for sure!!
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