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Everything posted by uhfradarwill

  1. Well good luck on your bike and take heart, I saw a nice electroglide in the median strip on I-495 parked with no one around getting hammered by a torrential downpour today at lunch. Will
  2. I've shot compound for a very long time but am just now trying traditional recurve archery. Currently, compared to my compound results, I suck but can hit my bag at 35 yards every time. It's a Samick Sage one piece, 60" at 40 pounds. Who needs sights lol. Cheers
  3. On my 89, which starts very nicely with a new gel battery this year, will drop below 12V on the dash gauge at a stop idling at 800 rpm. If you are holding the front brake you can expect significant current being drawn from the batt/charging system. The anti-dive is pulling current I believe and the filaments on those brake lights draw their fair share of current. That is how my bike acts anyhu. GL
  4. I've never used reverse on my 1st Gen Mk II
  5. I wish I had received my progressive springs I bought on May 20, 2019 from seller "qeautoparts1". I waited my ten days and now have to wait till June 5th before ebay/paypal will get involved. If we could just get rid of the scum bags in the world we could all breath a little easier!!
  6. I must have abused my left side seal when I replaced it two weeks ago since it is leaking. Now I must get into that fork again. I paid almost $18 for Honda 10wt oil and really don't want to spend that again. My question; has anyone found that running synthetic ATF or something is suitable? I know this is a loaded question. Thanks for any input. Will
  7. LOL I tried air and a stick magnet to no avail. I began by removing the left side chrome radiator piece that wraps around the horn and bingo, it was sitting rite behind it. I consider myself pretty lucky.
  8. OMG!! That tire was made in 1915; no wonder it's dry!! If someone went down in front of me taking me out in the process with a tire like that, I'd be pretty pissed...... BTW - A safety visual inspection is not a "Monthly" check. It is an every time, just before you hop on for a ride, check.
  9. I was putting things back together after some front end work when I dropped the left hand handle bar nut trying to start it. It went klink klank but never hit the floor. It is still MIA. I'm going to try some compressed air before I start ripping plastic off. Bummer!!!!!!!
  10. Me and my better half did around 150mi today. It was mint!!
  11. Of course it depends on how hard you ride her but keeping her cruising at or near 4K RPMs generally give me around 33 MPG. I spend most of my time in 4th gear. Will
  12. I'll second this. When the motor is hot sometimes you get the dreaded starter stall and have to release the button and reengage.
  13. Cowpuc mentioned the rubber gaskets in his post. From one noob to another, let me tell you I learned from my very clean 89 that no matter how good of shape your 30+ year old bike is in.... Everything made of rubber, and most every gasket, is suspect and is leaking or will leak soon.
  14. OMG Puc, I never knew you were soooooo handsome!!!!!!!!
  15. Just ordered them. I have the dreaded front end clunk when hitting frost heaves or pot holes. I'm checking the stem bearings tomorrow, but I'm sure these springs will help.
  16. Hey Puc. Where is the best place a lopp-eared varmit suposed to find them pro-gresuv sprungs at?
  17. I've seen posts asking for Yamaha Technical Bulletins on this site. I ran across these on the net and am posting these here so someone doing a search can find them. Feel free to move them to the proper forum. Good luck, Will XVZ12 Tech Update Front End Noise.pdf XVZ12 Technical Bulletin M83-015 Instrument cluster Noise.pdf XVZ12 Technical Bulletin M83-016 Steering Head Noise.pdf
  18. Rides and runs like a dream. I had to do a few things to her: Completely flushed the brake fluid front and rear. New Fork seals New cross fork air line. New oil/filter New rear drive oil New case gasket on the left back case cover New O-rings on the 90 deg coolant elbow Flushed the coolant system New Pirelli tires front and back She just may be up to a Pork in the Pines road trip!!
  19. People like this hold political seats from the town level all the way to the House and Senate! Oh well, I still think Hillary and Pelosi are wayyyy hot.
  20. I replaced my gasket this week and was wondering just what the heck that was. Now I know. Thanks Video!!
  21. Yup,I took off the mufflers and the rear bags are rear chrome connection in big "U". I removed the caliper and bracket also. I guess I got lucky cause my rear axle came out with no problems at all. There is not a lot of wiggle room between the tire side wall and the plastic dust ring on the final drive tho. Also, a new hose and now my front end holds air again. Ah heck, it needed seals any way rite?? Thanks for all the advice. Will
  22. Very awesome, thanks Mr. Hammer. A dab of grease is exactly what I did!! The funny thing is that no matter how good of a job you do on the fork seals, a cracked rubber air line at the top of the fork will ruin your day. I ordered some replacement lines off of ebay. Will
  23. No, not at all. I've watched your video numerous times and you never show just exactly how you accomplish the task I originally asked. Actually it looks like you don't have the bottom bolt in when you are driving your seal. This makes me wonder how all that banging didn't dislodge the parts I inquired about. Thanks Will
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