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Everything posted by uhfradarwill

  1. Clogged with those anti-vibration rods that weigh as much as a small sack of potatoes. I didn't know they were in there until I recently replaced my grips. What a diff new grips make!! I had to cut ~.5" off of the dampers to allow room for the new metal bar ends at the outside of the grips. I checked out some Harley wannabe chrome grips, but decided to go with the BMX style in all black.
  2. Bummer. Maybe follow the wiring back just enough, cut them, and add a connector?
  3. If you remove the eight bolts,with washers and rubber pads, from inside both side bags, twist and remove both rear brake light bulbs from their holes in the lenses, and remove a couple of screws from underneath the chrome strip on the back lower cross chrome piece, them you can simply remove both bags with the connecting chrome trim piece as one "U" shaped unit.
  4. When I'm only on two wheels I'll spend a little more money. Rubber is wayyyy cheaper than skin!!
  5. you'll need about 100 monitors stacked vertically to display that pic.
  6. I finished replacing my lower pull cable today. I was wondering what would happen if the cable was on the outside of that spacer, so I installed it that way. In that configuration you can only open the throttle around 3/4 before the angle of the pull get ridiculous and prevents further opening of the throttle. Common sense, it seems, would prevent anyone from installing it incorrectly. Another thought is that you install the throttle cable incorrectly, limiting the throttle to 3/4 travel, as a training aid for people used to slow Harley's. Will
  7. Just cut down to size an old tarp. Would-be thieves won't give it another glance.
  8. I'm sure you know this but remember to key lock those saddle bags or the tops will blow off. Will
  9. Nice find!! The only way it could be better is if it was Faded Blue.:happy34:
  10. I was thinking the same thing Puc. If anyone could ride home with a vise-grip throttle I'd bet it would be you. Did you like it better??
  11. Congrats. You are the owner of the finest revision of the finest Jap tour bike ever produced! You will be pulling G units like you never felt possible before! Just remember the fighter jet pilots maneuver to stay-off blackouts; just strain like you were straining to move a stubborn bowel. Bring extra clothes.
  12. Thanks. I did look over the service manual and a few pics. She has her entire left side stripped for easy access to the 5-way throttle cable junction. Hope to finish her tmr and get some miles in. Cheers
  13. I received my new cable today. I'm trying to remove the left side fairing so I can get to the cable junction module. Does anybody have any advice how the left side comes apart? I have removed a bunch of screws but it's still held in place rite around the stereo lower box amp. Will
  14. That's a clean looking bike for sure. Will
  15. Whenever Mr. Hammer fesses up some knowledge, I'm in awe all over again. Could you, Mr. Hammer, please upload your entire brain contents, concerning the Venture, and post it please? Will
  16. The cable snapped halfway between the carb connection and the 5 way junction. I just ordered the complete assembly today. Guess I'll start ripping off the left side fairing.
  17. Thanks Suds, but I gathered it was either 63 or 62. Only diff that I see is one has an adjuster and was does not. I was hoping to get a head start by ordering the cable. I'll tear it down further and should be able to figure it out. Thanks again. Will
  18. I broke my lower pull throttle cable tonight. Had to idle her up to around 2K RPM and hobble her home. Does anyone have the Yamaha P/N for this cable? I haven't tore her apart yet so I'm confused what the part number is. Thanks Will
  19. Whats with all those Harley wanna be's? Oh gen 2's!!! Relax I'm JK!!!!
  20. I'm still hung on the fact it's marked "PP" and "overass"!!!!!!! Edit: I didn't see the "c" preceding the overass
  21. That sounds cool. I'd be like if I can't hit the 10 I'll make sure no one does. The linebacker approach to archery.
  22. I've got a rag bag around 2.5'x2.5' setup at 35 yards. I can't group that well yet but I can hit the bag every time. I'm a total newb with recurves.
  23. Hey Puc. I see you still have the same hair style. I'm settling into that same style myself!!
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