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Everything posted by uhfradarwill

  1. My eyes, my eyes!!!! I guess I just assumed Puc would post a Gen 1!!
  2. A chevy, Dodge, and the rest Mustangs?
  3. How do you know the fork pressures are equal??
  4. I've been riding to work, 51 miles one way, on the VR if the weather permits everyday. I've had two scares this season and both of them involved bicycleists!!! Crossing a RR tract that was very rough when a road bike comes whippin thru a stop sign just pass the xing. He was going so fast he neared the center line and when he saw me, he almost sharted. If I hadn't slowed for the RR, he might have got clipped!! Oh well, I'd fair better in an altercation with one of those than a car I guess.....
  5. Ok Puc, I'll protest when they start layin out the instruments but I don't think the docs will listen to me!!
  6. It does not matter what I or anybody thinks; you gotta do you!!
  7. I contacted the seller and got some more information. I don't think he would mind if I posted it here. "There are just under 61000 miles on the odo. It needs brake work, possibly a good bleeding may take care of it. It needs the connection for the air ride soldered. It has not been ridden in 3 years. I have had it running and believe fresh fuel and Seafoam would work wonders. The tires were replaced and the clutch slave done and not ridden much after that. It is not the original engine as that locked shortly after I got the bike. My life took a turn and I did not have time to ride this machine. I have clear title. I figure $500 is a fair price for what it is. I am in MN. I am no longer a member of the forum as biking has fallen by the wayside. I contacted Freebird as I think this should go to someone who cares about these machines."
  8. This is why I would never donate my body to science!!!!
  9. Thanks for the info. I'll file away in case it ever happens to me!!
  10. How did you handle the death wobble?
  11. I recently had to change a fork seal because of a leak. I did both sides just because but only replaced the seals and dust cover. Long story short: After seal replace the same fork had a small leak, so had to replace the all balls seal again. Yet same small leak. Guy at work said I should replace the piston and the slide in the fork as well. I just received said parts this morning and wow, I can see mine on my bike with 35K miles are smoked. Lesson: If your going to get into the forks, replace EVERY wear item!!!!!!!
  12. If that was an 89, I'd buy it for a parts bike ASAP!!
  13. That really sucks!! Medical billing is increasingly expensive as it catches up with other crooks like Dentists. I don't like riding highways and freeways. Maybe I'm just old and lame but I like 55-60 Mph cruising. The speed may have not been a factor in this case but I figure the slower you are going the less damage a body will take when something goes South.
  14. That's too bad cause I really like her avatar!!
  15. *Grabs popcorn... This has potential!!
  16. Looks like a pair of underwear.
  17. That's some funny stuff rite there!!! LOve it....
  18. I think that is a fine looking Harley Davidson motorcycle.
  19. I don't have any vibrations either but I put them back in to be cool. lol
  20. My seat gets dirtier with every close call!!
  21. Steve Inside the black part of my handle bars were lead, I think, bars with rubber ends and o-rings spaced evenly. Maybe these were aftermarket but they are clearly for vibration dampening.
  22. I remembering my grandfather having very very similar symptoms. It wound up being inner ear issues. I hope you find a simple solution as well!!
  23. I finally got around to cutting about 1.5" off the top of my windscreen today. The top edge was cutting directly through my eye line unless I slumped down or had excessive correct posture like Pee Wee Herman on his bicycle. Now I can easily see over it and the road ahead of me at around 35'. The thing is that my windscreen is a Slipstreamer not factory as I had assumed it was. I can buy a NOS Yamaha screen for $99 and will if it is shorter than the Slipstreamer was as I don't want to cut a new screen. Could someone please give me a measurement from the top of the front chrome to the top of a stock windscreen? Thanks Will PS I noticed very little change in buffeting and the air just grazes the top of my helmet in the new configuration.
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