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Everything posted by uhfradarwill

  1. It may be. I had it off to take a look at the clutch and I may have gotten it a little high. Will
  2. I have to post pics of my new toy. I love this bike!! I pulled next to a 94 Voyager last weekend. IMHO the Venture, if nothing else, looks way more stylish!! My 89 VR:
  3. Thanks everyone! My caps are off and I'm about to go see where they are set at. I guess I'll just go with the 2.5 turns out. Will
  4. Anybody have a pic of the location of the mixture adjustment screw? I did a carb sync and would like to check to see where the mix screws are set to but I don't know where they are located! Thanks
  5. Well folks, I think I'm back on the road!! I got a K&L carb sync kit and began going thru the carbs since the clutch visually checked ok. I also measured the friction discs, thanks flyinfool for the specs, and they were all at least half life. The sync between 1-2 weren't off terribly as was the sync from 3-4. The sync, adjustment screw C, left bank to right bank, was way off. I spent some time really dialing it in and the bike is running very nicely and without the clangs I thought were the clutch. I think what I heard was the gear lash in the clutch combined with the lash on the final drive brought on by the horrible carb sync. Thanks everyone for the help!! Final note: Make damn sure the bike is TOTALLY warm before doing the sync. From cold to normal is a big difference!! Will
  6. Thanks, I'm gonna need the help. I pulled the clutch cover off and all the discs down to the last two, the ones held in place by the long keep spring, and I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary. If I laid my hand on the clutch cover the noise and vibration def changes as I worked the clutch. Maybe something deeper into the engine or maybe something in the water pump transmitting the noise/vibe into the clutch area? I'm not sure how to proceed, any suggestions are welcome. Will
  7. I've had a clutch go bad before and heard a few recollections from other riders and they all seem to fail in slippage. My issue is a little different. Not far from home I down shifted to turn onto my road and heard briefly a scarping type noise like I was dragging something metallic. As I down sifted to my drive way I heard it again and when idling in my barn I could hear a light but unpleasant grinding coming from mid right bike down low. In Neutral with the clutch in is wasn't nearly as bad as in neutral with clutch out and having my hand on the clutch cover I can definitely tell it's in the clutch housing. It will still function but after discovery I ran it a very minimum. I plan on dropping the cover and doing an inspection this afternoon. I suspect a spring may have broken and causing all kinds of havoc. Just a guess as I am no expert. Anyone have an issue like this before? Thanks
  8. Toeman That is a very clean bike for sure.
  9. I'd have no luck at all. I lost my clutch on the way home from work tonight..... I'm telling yall, Gloom to spare and agony on me!!!!! Just dial BR549 and ask for the depressed guy!!
  10. Is it just me or is the Kawasaki just an ugly copy of the Ventures? What about the inline four cylinders vs the Venture V4??
  11. I like this stuff, works real nice!! ***EDIT*** I'm sorry I misread the title of the post.
  12. I'm sorry but I think that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. Who would want to butcher a beautiful 1st gen Venture like that?? IMHO
  13. Because I do a lot of gun re-bluing I have one of these, with the floor pedestal option. 600 grit compound on left and 1,500 polishing on the right. Oh, and a 2" thick rubber mat surrounding the whole area in case I catch an edge funny and it rips the receiver of barrel out of my hands!!
  14. I should have a compression tester tomorrow, but if I'm cursing on the divided 4 lane road in 5th at 70 Mph and I need to pass someone, all it takes is a moderate twist of the wrist and I'm doing 85 before my front wheel is past the cars front bumper!!
  15. Cool thanks I'll try your settings but I need some time to add another 15 lbs to my belly. I'll be on the Wild Turkey diet. lol Thanks for the info
  16. Hats off to you man, much respect. Being a EE I can tare down to bare bones any part of a 25 million dollar radar system without a second thought, but this kind of in-depth on a motor scares the hell outta me!! KUDOS
  17. I'm buy no means an engine expert, but it seems any engine producing power for 3/4 of the time it should be would exhibit some performance symptoms? No? From a 4.5K RPM 2nd gear rap of the throttle if you are not careful it will hang the front wheel, and hang it in third if you shift near red line. Will a dead cylinder Venture do that? Thanks Will
  18. I'm 6'1" and weigh around 200lbs. Riding 1 up I usually set the Auto mode to medium if I'm on the usual New England frost heave bumpy back roads. I use auto low an the 4 lane fast roads. These Auto settings leave the rear still, like 40 something, and the fronts much lighter like around 15lbs. What do you 1st gen knowledgeable people use?? Thanks. Will
  19. more lights on it than my small town's 4 police cars combined lol
  20. Hey no problem, sometimes I'm an A$$ lol. When you buy something off craigslist you never really know the truth. Will
  21. Finally a thread on here that I'm not a noob at. My Uncle is a gunsmith and taught me how to re-blue and refinish stocks. We made our own rifles. Mine is an old 3 lug Mouser action, Heart barrel, Jewell trigger, Leupold scope on a Remington Base and rings in 25-06. It hits where you hold it!! I shoot fairly often but because of prices, I find myself shooting my side cock RWS Diana air rifle more often!! Will
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