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Everything posted by uhfradarwill

  1. I'd say those two bikes are running neck and neck in the ugly category!!!!!!
  2. Thanks everyone for the well wishes and the stories for my information. I gotta tell ya folks, I'm tired. I'm not sure I'm allowed to say that but this ordeal has taken it outta me!!
  3. On December 13 at 11PM my wife was making strange noises in the bathroom. I went in and found her unable to move any air in or out of her lungs. She also was cold to the touch and sweating profusely. I had my son call 911 and they arrived in less that 5 minutes. They gave her a 12 lead EKG which indicated a cardiac event was in progress. The gave her Nitro and placed her on a industrial CPAP device and headed to the hospital. Long story short, two days later they cracked open her chest, replaced the Aortic and Mitral valves in her heart and also did a double bypass. Being she is 4'11", 119 pounds, does not smoke and exercises regularly; the docs were mystified why this happened in the absence of any heart disease. They speculated the she may have had Rheumatic fever that was left untreated and it took till ages 52 for the valves to allow regurgitation of the blood in her heart. It's been 25 days post surgery and she is doing exceptionally well. I've learned that sometimes an event like this makes you appreciate what you have. Just my rant as I'm tired working, cleaning, cooking etc but I wouldn't trade a thing; having her alive is the best X-Mas present I have ever received.
  4. My property is protected by Smith and Wesson!! Or Ruger, or mouser, or winchester, or Anshultz, or Remington etc........
  5. Yup, but, those vacuum tubes and paper capacitors are sure to give out soon!!
  6. Puc!! What have you done?? Posting a pic like that, this time of year, is just about the worst thing a human can do!!!!! I don't know much about lop-eared varmints but, I suspect this is just the kind of thing one of those would post.....
  7. I'm #2 ; so I have been told many times in my life!!
  8. Like the Terminator said, "Hey, that's a nice bike".
  9. uhfradarwill


    This entire thread offends me!!
  10. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Thanks seems to be the consensus.
  11. Jesus, with a windshield that big you better clear the standard 13'8" standard. I'm 6'1" and I cut 2" off my stock shield so the top of it didn't cut my eye line!!
  12. I had a fork seal that was leaky and decided to change it out. I used an All Balls seal and expected great results. Guess what, it leaked again. After going thru all that give, I replaced the piston and metal slide in both forks with Yamaha parts. OMG, what a difference!!!!!! My point; if your gonna do the forks replace everything, don't cheap out, and enjoy the ride!!!!!
  13. If someone lets their bike get that dirty for a sales pic, I'm sure the maintenance has suffered!! Of course there are those people who are excellent mechanics and a wealth of technological knowledge that allow, purposely, their bikes to get dirty cause that's the way it is. BTW, Puc how you doing??
  14. I know where you can buy a 89 Gen 1 MK II Royal that's just as clean, has less mileage, and costs under $1,500!!
  15. These new Rangers are wayyy bigger than their ancestors. I had a nice old 4x4 Ranger but hit an 8 pointer square on at 50 mph and she was all done. The suspension is softer than the Colorado's but that's a major plus if you creep down some rough mountain roads. My concern relates to the 2.3L Turbo Direct Ignition engine. While it pokes great and has some good torque and HP, I wonder if Ford is working the engine too hard. Also, the complex Eco-boost; how will that hold up? Oh well, hopefully it blows up before the 100K warranty!! Will
  16. It's the SXT with cloth no navigation. It would be the cheapest you can get but the FX4 package made it more expensive. Will
  17. Three years ago my wife totaled my 2003 Chevy S-10 ZR2, which was in mint condition I must say. Three days ago I finally found a truck that I could call my own and bought it brand new. 2019 Ford Ranger with FX4 off road package; shocks, skid plated, locking rear diff etc.... 274hp 2.3L 4 cylinder with timing chain and 10 speed tranny I love it!!
  18. I check in soo frequently that, like an old monochrome computer monitor without a screen saver, the VR Logo is burnt into my retinas!!
  19. I have my fingers crossed for you!! 73 de KD4FOV
  20. I think the hose is available on ebay if your sealant method does not work out. Glad I could help. Will
  21. If you look under your handlebars you will see two plastic grates; one om the left and one on the right. The hazard lights switch is installed in the right one. Remove the phillips screws securing them and remove them, very easy. You'll see a black sleeve around the fork on the left with a hose going into it; that is it. The rubber hose goes to the right fork black ring but is not as easily visible. Looks at this parts diagram. https://www.partzilla.com/catalog/yamaha/motorcycle/1989/venture-royale-xvz13dw/front-fork The hose I am referring to is #66 . Will
  22. I ordered 41V-26313-01-00 from Partzilla when I needed a opening throttle cable for my 89VR. Here is a link: https://www.partzilla.com/search?q=41V-26313-01-00 It fit perfectly. According to web site a 1985 and 1989 use the same cable. Good luck!!
  23. There is a rubber air hose that joins the right fork to the left. Mine was cracked and it displayed the same symptoms you are having. Get some windex or soapy water mix and squirt them down. If it is leaking it will be painfully obvious.
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