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Everything posted by b2dad

  1. Can't wait to see what he sent you Lewis. When will the auctions start??? HUH????
  2. thanks bill for the update. Registrations are still slow coming in. We really need a head count folks and we need to know how many shirts / sizes to order. We can't do that until we have your registration. We will have to cut off those registrations a week before the rally to make sure we get them all. You don't want to pay that late fee!!! so get them to me asap! thanks Patti
  3. Congrats to Mike and Cherie! You two are a beautiful couple! Here's hoping you have another 25 beautiful years together!! Don and Patti
  4. good luck. saying a prayer for you Patti and Don
  5. Lewis Let me know when you start the bids on these. WOW! Dick is sure talented.
  6. Those are awesome Hummingbird! You do such beautiful work. Ok, I will bid on those too! Look out bob!!!
  7. Congrats Puc and tippy and to TOTR. She must be a wonderful young lady since you are her father. Here's hoping the wedding day goes off without a hitch and it's a lovely memorable day. Can't wait for pics
  8. Sorry to hear that Lewis. We have just been so busy this year, selling the house, trying to find a motorhome and then getting rid of all our stuff. More time consuming than I thought. I am retiring June 30th so that may help. Just too much to do. Sorry I can't be of any help this year. Hoping you don't have to cancel tho. C'MON FOLKS!!! PLEASE SUPPORT LEWIS / ST JUDE. IT'S FOR THE KIDS!!!
  9. sorry Lewis, I didn't mean for you to send me some to auction for you, just wondered if you had any for me and Don. Are you going to auction any more? If so, I will do it that way. Sending you a PM
  10. sounds like a winner Freebird! Will keep you posted.
  11. Very nice Don. You are truly blessed to have found the love of your life!
  12. dang, sorry I missed these Lewis. Do you have any more shirts / hats?
  13. Riding with Squid is always an adventure! that's if you can keep up with him. He's a little heavy on the throttle....haha! BTW...where is Lonna????? AND...COWPUC....where is your helmet and why are you videoing while YOU are driving????? Shame on you my friend. There were too many riders down at MD this year. (Ok, "mom" is done lecturing now). Thanks for the videos. Looks like it was a good day to ride.
  14. Thanks Bill! Sounds great. There are really good roads to ride in and around St. Charles. Can't wait! See you in St. Charles!
  15. Glad you will make it to the International Annie. Can't wait to see you and Al. Patti
  16. Cowpuc, well you see I was afraid to thank Eck. He tends to get a big head sometimes if you give him too much credit! (Just kidding Eck) i guess I thought it was you cause you was hollering at me, just didn't pay attention to who started the post. I better start looking and paying attention or get some new glasses, what do you think? thanks Eck!! Thanks for thinking of Jason and don and I. Hope me to see everyone at the International Rally next month! Patti
  17. what the heck guys and gals? Can't a person get any rest around here? Thanks for the post Cowpuc! I'm sure Jason would love that bike, but he's a bit tied up at the moment with his new camaro (and making it go faster) plus they are moving to Montgomery, AL so he can do another year of schooling and get promoted again. Can't keep up with that boy. On the other hand, our older son, Daniel, is still fishing and feeding his folks. Just had a huge fish fry for my family reunion, thanks to daniel. Now he's feeding us crawfish, shrimp and all the fixings tomorrow. that boy don't ever stop! He just fished a Triton's owners tournament last weekend and finished in the money. lots of excitement in the Ellis household lately. Thanks for thinking of us. Don and Patti
  18. One of those links is the registration form in a Word document, the other is an adobe document (I think). Please open, print, fill it out and either scan it to my email address or slow mail it to me. If you need those addresses, let me know. Patti PS. Hope we see lots of you there. It's going to be a great one. Snarley Bill has done alot of work getting this ready.
  19. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=97685&d=1424865637
  20. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=97684&d=1424865637
  21. It is gas.
  22. Cecdoo: Sorry Craig, we can't make it. We just sold our house and have to start liquidating all our belongings. I have to be in Nashville Friday on business. Can't get out of it. Still trying to make the International Rally. Hope we see you all there. Patti
  23. very cool Annie. I know he will like that.
  24. Sorry to hear this, Jay. We know this was not an easy decision but you did this for him, to get him to a better place. We know what this is like and how hard that decision was. Our love to you and Jeannie. Patti and Don
  25. This is NOT photo shopped. This is OUR 2006 Jeep Liberty, 4 wheel drive. anyone that knows us, knows this jeep. This is my brother's boat. I don't know the length but from the looks of the picture, I can understand now why everyone at the ramp was watching and saying "no way". But it really did pull this boat out of the water. We did not tow it home (or back to his home marina), we only pulled it out of the water, up the boat ramp. Or maybe it's just that I am an awesome driver??? (you know I am!!) Well, I figured you wouldn't believe me anyway...but it's true. This really did happen. Patti
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