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  • Location
    Bridgeton, MO, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 Yamaha Venture
  1. Yeah, those studs are the devils in question. I was really hoping that someone might have a trick to getting them out. I may just grab a spare and go at it with a mallet and some map gas, see if I can't pop em out somehow or something.
  2. There we are, it looks like I got videoarizona on the right page, and I think we are talking about the same thing cowpuc. there is a nut and lockwasher on the underside of the tree, with a cotter pin through the end of the bolt as a just-in-case. but there is definitely a gap between the flat part of the perch and the bolts there, and liquid comes through it from the inside of the knobbly bits. And yeah, it shows in the fiche as part #10 . But I've seen a few different bikes where they have slid barrel risers in there and placed a longer bolt through the Triple tree (a-la the picture up there in my first post); so either they come apart, or people go so far as to grind off, cut bolts, and weld on new length bolts to add risers on their rat-bobbers. I'm hoping cowpuc or prariehammer come up with a trick here, or I'm gonna be breaking out the grinder and welder
  3. Not quite. Im talking about the actual bolts on the assembly that go through the triple tree. the big black bolts that are screwed into the part you clamp the handlebars to: They are obviously threaded in, but I cant get them un-stuck for the life of me. Penetrating oil left sitting for two days (it flowed out through the gap in the bracket) and they still won't budge with two pairs of channel locks. Are they tacked in or something, or are mine just fused with rust?
  4. Hey there! got a question about the lower handlebar holders. how in the name of the flying spaghetti monster do you get the bolts out of them to replace them with longer ones? I know it is possible: The part you actually clamp to is threaded in the interior as well. But I can't for the life of me get the durn bolt to loosen up, I can't seem to get a grip on it. anyone done this round these parts and have some tips? I'm about to drill a big hole through the bolt and stick a rod through it to get some leverage, but would rather not have to destroy it if at all possible.
  5. Thanks man! I figure as I get into the actual build, I'm kinda finding my stride with recording and editing this type of project. Very different from FPV Quadcopters. They are getting less "Boring AF", as Gary put it. Lol and its Loyventures, with an L :-p
  6. Oh my Gosh, that was a Lot of work (To edit; the Work on the bike isn't really that bad at all). But hey, Now it stops when you ask it to!
  7. EDIT: For some reason I can't quote your Pic. oh well. Waaait a sec... Zag, I recognize that bike from the web. The Chain on the headlight and black bars are a dead giveaway, lol. In fact, I may be taking a little bit of inspiration here and there from your build... Quick Question For you. This one Is WAY down the line in the build (further than the Speedo), but.. Are your Rear exhaust head pipes a custom fabrication, Or a find from another bike that fit? I've been looking at '96 Royal Star Heads, thinking there may be a way to fit them how I want with a little extra "encouraging" or something. But as the guy who has proof of quad exhaust being viable is here for me to ask...
  8. Part 2, For those who Are interested
  9. Thanks! Yeah, Then my guess would be it is a 5:1 , 2240:60 speedo. Almost every Yamaha I've found is listed the same; if a different speedo swaps out without reading absolutely ridiculously, It should be on par. Once I actually Get to getting the thing done (it's gonna be a while), I'll report my findings. As for being slightly off, in my experience that's a fairly standard thing, for the most part. Mechanicals can only be be so precise: my Intruder reads just under 5 mph slow at 60, and my little brother's Magna (when he still had it) read right about 6 mph fast at the same speed. We decided to figure that out after repeated discussions about speeding / going too slow while out riding together. He wanted to be a cop at the time, all stickler about it...
  10. Lol Everybody's getting all up on me bout being new to the bike. Not just you guys, but on other threads as well. Now I get it, I'm new here, But just to clarify (with no ill intent:2143:) I've got plenty of experience with this stuff. I'l run through some of it real quick for yous guys: I Just refurbished the internals and cable on my Suzuki intruder 800's Mechanical Speedo pod (its a 2000, but they haven't changed anything other than the side the front brake disk is on since 87), converted her to LED Blinkers, and Re-ran parts of the loom while rebuilding the front end. I've previously Replaced the front and rear tire tubes with hand tools, Synched both Mikuni Carbs after a disassembly, cleaning, and rebuild; I've rebuilt both the front brake and clutch master cylinder; and replaced about half the bike in general in bits and bobs. and that's just My Motorcycle. I've rewired The Cluster, Ran compression tests to find the cylinder with the blown head, and replaced the radiator, hoses, and water pump on My Pontiac Sunfire back in the Day; Fought a sensor battle with the Airbags and seatbelt with a Hyundai Tiburon, Kept a 121,000 mile third owner 95 Camaro v6 alive for 5 years before the better half upgraded, and so on and so forth. Let's just say I got experience with these kinda things, and ain't scared of an older bike. Especially one that doesn't have the CLASS system, electronic cruise control or Electronic anti-dive. A little worried about the Development of a second-gear issue (PrarieHammer states there isn't one right now) cuz its a Mk1, But only because of the time involved in cracking the case open so much to get to a single washer. At the moment though, the Speedo is WAAY down on the list. I gotta replace the rear master cyl; The Progressive (brand name) Springs, Racing-spec fork seals and covers, and bolts to plug the anti-dive just came in. There is a long road ahead on this bike, and the Cluster isn't coming off until the whole rest of the bike is running nice and pretty. But when the time comes, I would like to know what the Speedometer gearing ratio is (if anyone has it off hand) So I can look around for pods in the correct ratio, and don't have to tear the original Dash apart too hard to figure it out.
  11. Oh yeah, I know It's a Doozy of a Question to begin. I'm just hoping to get an answer on this one well before I tackle it. Plan is to get her apart, all flushed, cleaned out, and running nice and pretty before I even mess with the cluster. Not gonna take the best diagnostic off the bike until well after she is all reliably green
  12. Lol Of course part one, a tear-down, Is boring for yous guys who have had this particular bike for 20 years. But for the people who watch my channel that have never seen a motorcycle come apart, or may have never even held a wrench, It's AMAZING that a bike can be taken to pieces with a couple hand tools. It's a series, so not every episode is going to be on par with an LSD trip on a 20 million dollar plane ride through the UAE. :-P Don't worry, The Interesting Stuff is coming. Still working on how to make the Frame fully convertible with minimal to zero tools, but that's all I'm gonna say about that for now.... Hey Kevin! Don't worry, It may get a little crazy, but I'm planning on keeping most of the heritage of the bike. As for the airbox vs Stacks w/ restriction thing, I've actually found a weird and interesting solution online for that. But we will get there eventually...
  13. So, I'm in the process of modifying / restoring an 83 1200 venture that sat for ten years, and I'm going to have a few questions. I do my best to use search (please don't flame me too hard if I miss it) but this question I don't seem to be able to find anywhere: What is the speedometer ratio on an 83 Venture? I'm looking to replace the cluster with a mechanical speedo pod (i'm almost too short to see over the cluster properly, lol), but I can't find documentation anywhere on the Gearing of the Speedometer. Is it 2240:60, 2:1, 1:1, or something special and different? I know 2240:60 is most likely, as that's what most older Japanese bikes are, and most Harleys are 2:1, but I don't just want to assume, buy a pod, and be completely wrong. Any info/ assistance would be appreciated!
  14. Hey Everybody! I know I may get eaten alive for this, But I picked up a Venture here recently, and am working it as a restoration/bobber build to make it fit me a little better (I'm 5'5" on a good day, and about 190 lbs). The '83 XVZ1200 sat around for about ten years, and needs some love to get running. Luckily, the PO is here on the site, and did a wonderful job of maintaining her for her long stint in a covered Workshop, So the mechanicals should mostly be in order. If you are interested in giving me pointers, or just wanna watch me bumble through this thing, enjoy! This is first of a series, and I have a specific plan to keep the luggage and tour capability for when I want it
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