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Everything posted by Rocket

  1. Not OEM, think you're good with this one.
  2. True the plane in your pics is closer to the runway, but the control tower can be seen between the bike antennas in the second pic & another airport building is shown in another pic (painted in red & white squares). This airport is on an island off shore of Toronto. A ruling is needed on this one........
  3. Good to know, about the only thing I have done on mine is Diaphrams & sync.
  4. Not sure if Charlie has moved out of his igloo yet (before it melts), so he may have a chance at it.
  5. Click on the donations button, for this fine site.
  6. Bongobobny, something else to consider, if it can be modified for a VR.........
  7. Ok he gets it (never thought of a reflection of the building in front of the cars), now what is next??? Please no Bison (4 legged or 8 wheeled), as we have a bunch here on base of both types. Part of the base is a Buffalo park & there is a herd maintained here, there is also a good selection of vehicles for Afganistan work up training.
  8. Only potential problem is the lack of the doughnut shop sign in one pic, as the sign above the door on the building behind the cars doesn't seem to match up, to the stated shop. Can you get another pic of the sign, from a better angle, to verify it is a doughnut shop. Try & get part of the dounut shop building in the pic with you, bike & cop car. If needed take another pic of building with sign showing & normally the building style should match between the various pics. Other than that very good, I was hoping we would be moving on, but if we are strictly keeping to the goals of the picture(s), I guess this one is still open.
  9. Sure But a quick question, do these already have a clear coat on them???
  10. I am interested, but like Squeeze had said pictures. They will help, in the decision process.
  11. Sounds like the clutch is really slipping, you may need new friction plates & cleaning the steel plates. Put in the barnet clutch springs, I have those springs on my 83, no more slipping (minor, 2 up in 5th gear & hard on throttle). I also run the CDN Tire "formula 1" motor oil in silver jug, for the Deer Hunter, this oil makes it easy to find neutral at a stop. This oil type was in the bike when I got it 2 years ago, still running the same clutch disks. Tried another oil, hard finding neutral, so went back.
  12. Rocket


    Is Lonna going to carry a bat with her, to make sure Squid behaves, when riding the scoot???? Guess it could double as a walking stick........:rotf:
  13. Aside from having the scoot out of sight for a bit, why dread it???? This should be a warranty fix.........
  14. Not sure on who has the best price, but here is the part # 11-1112 for the fork springs. http://www.progressivesuspension.com/prodSearchResults.aspx?yearID=1991&makeID=48&modelID=529
  15. Or you can order a new set of amp to headset cables (J&M YV-41), from Sierra Electronics for $51.00 USD + shipping. They will ship USPS to Canada. http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=JM%2DYV%2D41 Also look at this thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13444
  16. Rocket


    Yup I noticed the difference in movement also. I had installed a NC sheild on a friends bike a couple of years ago (Honda CM 450), he dropped the bike last year, a chunk broke off on the left side, put a big crack into it too. this was on of their plexistar shields. So not all their windshields are of the same material, depends on the model.
  17. In my home area, late evening is the best, multiple targets to choose from.......
  18. Yup, in at least a few threads............
  19. So get the needed photo on your next visit, so we can proceed on to another target.......... If the guys you work with are that ugly & are concerned for your camera's lifespan, use a disposable...........
  20. 1) 1st gen looks more like a wing to some & 2nd gen more like a harley. Different riding positions, for foot placement. 2) Fork springs are probably shot (bottoming out), replace with progressive suspension fork springs, change fork oil while at it. Less likely, steering neck bearings loose (feels sloppy in steering).
  21. Yup, that's why I thought this would be an easier one, than what else I had in mind. With the LEOs we have here, I would have thought one would con a buddy or 2 to help with getting the shot needed. Back at home the RCMP had started, parking in different areas of the parking lot, to avoid group photos of the cars with the "Tim Hortons" sign above the cars. Here we get RCMP & MPs (Military Police) meeting at the local Timmies (nickname for Tim Hortons).
  22. Nope, no way, it gets posted on site...........:rotf:
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