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Everything posted by Rocket

  1. 1st gens look & run great (when mainained), without the later de-tuning, suffered by the 2nd gens. 2nd gens are all show no go, like the newer computer run, speed restricted cars.
  2. How about that mexican place you & Steve, took grump & I to last year. That pinapple based dish was gooood. :thumbsup2::thumbsup2:
  3. Yup, he missed the fork seal retainer spring, under the dust cover.
  4. She is probably younger, than Condor & Black Owl too. :rotf:
  5. For doing these on the bike & not just on the bench. I have a welded double nutted bolt, that is also welded into an old 15/16ths socket, for holding the damper rod. I need it normally for reassembly, as I also use the impact for disassembly.
  6. Nope, 83 are the only ones with this issue (aside from abuse / accidents).
  7. What is this shoveling you refer to???? Here, it turns to rain within a few days & melts away. I'll probably ride down to Victoria today.
  8. That should be a requirement, for all 2nd gens......... :rotf::rotf:
  9. Steve, you trailered to last years International Rally.... Grump & I rode there, in the later stages, of a 10,000 mile round trip.
  10. Squid, I can't help you out with this, but don't turf the current one yet. As it could possibly be used, for the upgraded starter clutch mod later on.
  11. They don't know you very well..... They must have meant, that your sleep is much better now. Yup, that must be it........
  12. Was Ramona with you, at the time of the Pic taking???? I don't think you will survive, if she sees your post.
  13. Not quite Jack, there is mic leads for the intercom in the optional helmet interface cables & a provision on the amp for a supposively optional CB to plug in, but no PTT switch. At least one member (Marcarl if I remember correctly) has retrofitted a OEM CB into a Mk1, that didn't have it. The aftermarket CB was Cyclecomm.
  14. Well you're out of it fluffy (nothing new there)..... I would be in it, with 10,000 miles on 2 scoots at the same time, in 1 trip. But they don't make 1st gen windshields, that I'm aware of.
  15. Quick, get a fire truck over to Dans, as his head is probably smoking, or on fire...... :rotf::rotf:
  16. Rocket

    Biker Babe

    Yup...... :rotf::rotf:
  17. A 1st genner needs to shift out of 1st gear, to go faster than 50 mph. Are you waiting for a spring, or just waiting for spring?????
  18. Once you get past the years of neglect, there is not much to be done, aside from oil changes & tire changes.
  19. No cake, probably the left over pizza or the spiral cut ham, that is in the fridge....... BTW did you get any normal food at your place yet???? Or is it still all dog food.
  20. No problem, unlike the Grumpy old fart that was riding the 83 last summer. Good thing I have another 2 Qts of paint, for the scoot.
  21. Ok, I stayed mostly of the site yesterday, so the 2nd genners got a break. Only came on to get Pacidaho's mailing address, to ship off something they had requested.
  22. Older than both of them, but not combined. You mean 2 days, but I screwed up Mom's newyears, with her being in the hospital.
  23. Took the truck down to Costco yesterday, even though it was a nice day to ride. Too hard to pack an 18' pizza on the scoot. Should be getting out on the scoot today.
  24. More & more 2nd gens are getting walkers installed (trike kits).:mo money: But they still need to wake up sometime & not stay in a groggy daze all the time.
  25. That should only take 4 or 5 of them, to generate enough hot air.........
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