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Everything posted by Rocket

  1. Too late, it is now shot............:rotf:
  2. But it is not on the 1st gens, it is on the kaw (I checked).
  3. I was thinking the same thing.................
  4. All but the printer & desk............
  5. I'm gonna, have to have an out of province inspection done soon, if I transfer my License & plate over to Alberta. A few others at the Base Workshop, had them done recently @ $140. per bike.
  6. More members, of the asphalt surfing club, not good........ Not necessarily, as there is ebay, deals can be had there, if willing to wait. I took out a Mule deer with my 83 & still riding it. It took me 3 weeks before I rode it again, as I needed a coolant tube first. See my gallerys for pics.
  7. Yup, remember Don is having someone doing some work on the site. He said there would be some short term errors, while the work was in progress.
  8. The tar crack sealing, done to the roads........
  9. It would need to be an E-mail, as they would only see the PM if they logged in. This can be done by Freebird or one of the Moderators, as I remember reading of Russ sending one out before.
  10. Probably the piping in between, as I can't see Don throttling them back, with a rev limiter.......
  11. The chat start up, is much faster on this host, never seen it this fast before:thumbsup2:. Everything else that I have looked into, has been great so far.
  12. Been about 15 years since setting SWR, but it was done with the cb set to channel 20, go for the lowest reading there............
  13. Probably, better throttle response = tighter turning.......... That is my guess.
  14. I use PJ1 Cable lube & a lubing tool as shown in attached PDF......
  15. Have you thought of, lubing the cables???????? It will help flush out any dirt........
  16. Rocket


    Bosnia Pics
  17. Rocket


    From the album: SFOR

  18. Rocket

    My Bison MRT

    From the album: SFOR

  19. Rocket

    Mrt 88U

    From the album: SFOR

  20. You got the troublemakers mixed up....... Yama Mama is Peggy & Mini Muffin is Margret.......... Should we give you a few moments, to get your foot out of your mouth???????:rotf:
  21. Awards & Classified seems to be showing properly, now that the propagation, seems to has progressed to my ISP. Info for those still having problems, here is what I have found.......... Classified link & links within, is still hit & miss. Depends on routing of the packets, from clicking on the links. Sometimes I get the page requested & sometimes "not found". So from this, I'd say that the change has not finished propagating throughout the web as of yet. Give it time & it should sort itself out.
  22. Rocket

    Why is it?

    Sometimes it is due to photos posted into the thread, but right now I am seeing the text in the awards showcase & not the medal icon.
  23. Not yelling, these 2nd genners, can't see too good (that's why they are on slow bikes), so I had to make it readable for them too............
  24. Trying to go to the classifieds is till a problem for me (BTW I cleared the cookies under VR.org in my browser), I see a problem with the awards showcase, I used your first post in this thread as an example, see attached PDF.
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