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Everything posted by Rocket

  1. I noticed your temp guage was reading low (but not sitting on the peg), maybe cleaning the connection to the sensor will help. Also check the coolant level, you may be low, the sensor needs to be in coolant to function properly.
  2. The locks on the front of the bags hold them in place, can be very stiff if not used & lubed. If the locks will not rotate, you can open the bag & remove the 2 screws that fasten the lock to each bag, then side the bag to the back for removal. If you need to do this, service the locks, so they will function........
  3. The sensor, manifold & compressor is located under your rear trunk mounting rack. There is a plastic cover above it & the rear fender below it.
  4. Gunboats battery was only about 6 months old too..... Try with a borrowed battery & see what the readings are, as this is similar to gunboat's, until Squid tried his battery on the scoot.
  5. I had changed out the flex lines to, the SS Braided ones, big difference in brake performance. The Rear can be a real PITA to puge all the air out of though. Rick H at Buckeye Performance is the one to contact for them. http://www.buckeyeperformance.com/p04.htm
  6. That is the Hawaii Mars, as it has the red painted tail. I have seen one (can't remember tail colour) loading in the Esquimalt harbour, for a fire in the greater Victoria area.
  7. Need more details first......... BTW I'm back in Wainwright, rode back through a thunderstom in the area.
  8. Maybe It's telling you, it's too dry & hot, not moist & cool (as per normal)...........:rotf:
  9. Use some Threebond 1104 sealant on the wires where they go through the rubber (also packaged as Yamabond). It is a semi drying sealant, used on scoots.
  10. Yup, should check in at work today, to see what I'm up to for the next few weeks. Also need to get another leave pass submitted, for PIP when I arrive there. Don't know if I will be able to get away again for PIP, but now I have a better idea of the travel time involved.
  11. I had done that as an interm fix, right after getting the deerhunter, with an right angle bracket to hold it. Remember to put in a jumper wire for your rear level sensor, otherwise it will show as low brake fluid on the CMS. Keep the level sensor from your old one, if it works ok.
  12. http://www.plastex.ca/ Look over some of the pics on the site.........
  13. Yup, I re-stocked as well + got some for others in the Wainwright area.
  14. After getting the"0", did you press ether of the larger rectangler buttons, to select front or rear, before pressing the auto / manual button or the 3 smaller square buttons????
  15. That describes the prairies in general, USA or CDN side of the border...........
  16. It's a wonder you didn't bust the camera part, with that pic of "Mother". I had suggested to Freebird, using that 350 HP outboard as a weedwacker for the pond.......
  17. Yup, Sierra is very good to deal with, but wingstuff only ships UPS & that gets costly, for us.........
  18. Or the geographical centre of North America...... As the sign I saw yesterday, at Rugby, North Dakota.......
  19. No good for a Canuck to shop there, the UPS shipping fees will double the cost. A few that bought there & got hit with brokerage & other fees.
  20. I can use the bottom middle one (013.jpg). I just saw this as I still on my way back to Alberta from the rally. Left Grandpagak's yesterday, visiting with Friesman1 today.
  21. Too bad it wasn't ready for the rally, but some progress is better than none...........
  22. You can always pass her a big hammer, to knock more off....... :duck:
  23. The line was full of air too, don't think Fred swallowed any fluid, from the plastic line we connected to the bleed nipple.
  24. Had we been talking CDN prices, he is about 4 thousand too low........ 2 thousand will get you a fixer upper (almost basket case)..........
  25. Only problem I see, is the probable lack of support, to get a scoot fixed fairly quickly, in the Jasper area. This needs to be considered in any location chosen. I was not at Ft Collins, but the support from the bike shop, near this years Rally HQ, was outstanding.......... :thumbsup:
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