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Everything posted by Rocket

  1. Guys, looks like you missed this part, now in Bolt text........
  2. I wonder if it will fire when in gear. Maybe try starting when in gear, with the clutch lever pulled & sidestand up. As it could possibly be your neutral switch acting up. Better dig out the multimeter too, to check out other parts of the starter interlock system, as well. You will need a manual for the various tests, to perform.
  3. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=493
  4. Yup, but he also gets it, when he is not in trouble. It is the same for many others here. Like Freebird & lawn maint equipment, ending up in the pond, as an example. But on a more serious note.... None of us, wants to read or hear of another, being in an accident. There has been a few of us, that have been in some serious ones. I killed a Mule deer (missed the first one) @ 60 Mph with my 83, about a month after Yammers accident. It took about a year to get full movement with my right shoulder again.
  5. I have to agree, with this..... You'll need it.
  6. He had recently posted, that all the SS Braided line kits are on sale too.........
  7. Try riding about about 1,000 KM (625 Miles) per day, for a few days. Not bad on a 1st gen.
  8. Looks like you have a short memory (what memory), after all I was at your place last month. I even gave you a Yamaha Canada ball cap, even bought lunch while we were out on a ride. Come over to PIP, I'll be there on the friday afternoon (as per my current plan). Or can't you ride for more than a few hours...........:stirthepot:
  9. Request for mailing address sent by PM. FYI, As stated in the PM, mailing will be dependent on me being able to hit the post office, before leaving for PIP. Or it will be mailed while enroute to PIP.
  10. The bird story:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: Like parking a CDN military helocopter on its side, on a Navy ship's landing pad..... For those that are un-aware, of what we are still attempting, to keep in the air (for now, replacements are ordered). Aprox 40 year old "Seaking" helocopters. :mo money::fingers-crossed-emo BTW do you crew in one of these?????
  11. Good idea, same here......
  12. Watching Squidley or Mother pole dancing:bang head:, no thanks.......... That would be torture........
  13. Nope, no reset at all. 3 things come to mind & remember there are sensors for both front, rear masters..... Unplugged sensor connector Dirty contacts at connector Damaged wires for sensor You can use a jumper wire, to bypass the sensor at the connectors, in order to determine which one is causing the warning. Start with the rear one, as it is along the frame, under the side cover & easy to get at. Unplug sensor wires from wiring harness, insert jumper, turn ignition on & see if the indicator goes out on the CMS unit. If needed do the same for the other sensor.
  14. If you are going to clean it out, better break out the Seafoam........:rotf:
  15. Check with Bongobobny, as he plans to change his front forks over to the Mk2. Also call this place, as they are closer & had a 1st gen at their salvage location last December, when I was around there (think it was a Mk1, can't remember off hand)...... Victoria Motorcycle Sales & Salvage D-611 David Street, Victoria, BC V8T 2C9 Telephone : 250-383-1912
  16. Why not just pull it out & match it up locally.
  17. That will never happen, I don't think he has ever been, what is considered "normal" by most people.....:rotf:
  18. National Course thread, as there is also National Fine thread.......
  19. Paypal sent for 4 Ding a Lings.
  20. The OEM short was 20.5 inches, tall was about 22 inches. This is measured top to bottom edge in the centre area. I prefer the 20.5 height myself, for riding in fog & rain.
  21. Brad, you know with Cindy, it is one or the other, she can't do both at the same time.....
  22. I can't this year, I am out in the training area most days including weekends, since Kitchner, just to get to PIP. Look at the time of day I'm posting this, I just got back in & went out at 7:00 AM Tuesday with this course & I'm even getting back 14 hours early. By the looks of it, I head out with a course Monday & get back Friday next week. There are the day trips as well. As I told you, the cage & trailer could be dropped in Nevada & ride from there, as there is probably someone from there going too.
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