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Everything posted by Rocket

  1. You can do it sitting on the centre stand, where the front tire can be on the floor, as well.
  2. Ol' Headbanger of the Crazy Dawgs MC
  3. Yup, gave him the link a little earlier while in CHAT tonight. Info I forgot to give him in chat & will last much longer here too........ Using a plastic turkey baster tube (without the bulb attached), bottom ridge filed off & kinda threaded into filler hole will increase fluid capacity for bleeding. I fill most of the way up the tube, when starting to do a bleed session.
  4. Rocket


    How was the hangover?????????
  5. That is my plan, for whenever I'm finished here, in Wainwright. As I will need to get both, back to the wet coast.
  6. Yup, Still listed at Sierra MC http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=JM%2DYV%2D41
  7. It may not be worthwhile after paying UPS cross border fees "Most packages shipped UPS at the discretion of Pinwall, certain/very few items ship via USPS." Previously I had placed an order with them, of a few buy it now items. The items pages had stated USPS shipping, they shipped UPS & I refused delivery of the order, as they broke their own terms & condition of sale. In the long run, the order was destroyed & I'm out the purchase price (paypal dispute has improved since then). So as a result, for out of USA buyers, I recommend against buying from them. This Ebay dealer, I have excellent dealings with & will ship USPS (combined shipping too). I highly recommend him, I have placed about 10 orders with him. http://stores.ebay.ca/Marys-Motorcycle-Parts-and-More_YAMAHA-VENTURE-ROYALE_W0QQcolZ4QQdirZ1QQfsubZ11QQftidZ2QQtZkm :thumbsup2: Ooops included the link for his 1st gen stuff, didn't realize it was for 2nd gen. But check his store ,he may have some 2nd gen stuff........
  8. Wouldn't be surprised at all........... Is there going to be a repeat of that, this year??? If so, we will need some ice cubes....
  9. OR Costco, almost every week......... Same general area, but a different location.
  10. Not hard to find, but some of the stealers were charging gold plated prices for them. I remember reading of another Alberta member, locally being quoted over $175. each, just after I replaced all of mine at $53. each through Flatout.
  11. Some are cheap too, as your other half will work for ice cream............ I think his standard rate, is a Banana Split.
  12. It was started by another member.......... $5. site donation, for each time you dropped your scoot.
  13. Maybe a helpful tat, if he is game for it. Bood type or Medic Alert info.
  14. Yup, glad it's not worse. Take it easy for a while, both of you........ on finding the scoots storage location quickly.
  15. Also, when Buddyrich said the "D" word in the ventures west thread, that was just as bad, as the S word. IMO
  16. The Cdn copy was mailed today, to Sunman.
  17. Probably sleeping off a couple (or more) of cases of Kokanee Beer "Kokanee advertisements are quite frequently shown on Canadian television stations, the ads centre around the beer's official mascot, Mel the Sasquatch. The ad campaign follows the storyline of the "Kokanee Ranger" and his unsuccessful attempts to hunt and catch the Sasquatch who is stealing the Kokanee beer; these commercials parody the real life Sasquatch hunter René Dahinden, who appeared in the first Kokanee commercial of its kind. A few years ago, the Ranger recruited three Glacier Girls to join the search to catch the elusive Sasquatch."
  18. I thought they were modeled from Squidley & Reiny & I've seen those two. :rotf:
  19. There is no reserve on an 83, it is a on / off valve only, unless a valve from a later year has been installed.
  20. I have been on the phone with the Warden tonight (thought it was Dan online) & she is getting a chuckle out of the comments / teasing. I heard her chuckling on the phone, as we discussed the some of my comments. But her concerns with his leg & the clots is real, which is very understandable.
  21. He even provides the ammo.......
  22. She needs a Nimbus 2000 at least, to keep up with the 1st gens, for a 2nd gen, any old broom will do. :rotf:
  23. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  24. I think her last one that broke, probably had to be surgically removed.........:rotf:
  25. No idea, but maybe Don's son is now doing the lawn & is keeping eveything out of the pond.
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