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Everything posted by Rocket

  1. There is a parking light position when locked, as well as the locked position without lights on. Try both locked positions, to find out for sure, which one you want to use.
  2. It was basically to check that the primary coil connection for the left front coil is making good contact (not needed to pull the coil at this point, just check the multi wire connector for good electrical contact). It is a tight fit going in that way, the alternative is pulling all of the left fairing off. The tci connectors sit directly under the battery box (tci is mounted to the underside of the coil mounting tray & is a PITA to pull out). Muffinman is good at working on these bikes.
  3. Could also be bad primary coil connections, I had that before, as in a loose connector. It is better to check that coil & connector first, before going to the tci.
  4. See this thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=260613
  5. Try hotter plugs DPR7EA9, that solved it with my 83, it was fouling on the same cylinder.
  6. It is nothing compared to a pair of 55 watt driving lights (110 watts), in use for night time riding... I need to run them on my scoot.
  7. I have had good service from this seller http://cgi.ebay.ca/YAMAHA-VENTURE-ROYALE-XVZ-12-1984-HEADLIGHT-COVER_W0QQitemZ280262898733QQihZ018QQcategoryZ35583QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1713.m153.l1262
  8. With the US dollars performance against other currencies, no wonder & current economic times will probably mean, more of the same.......... :mo money:
  9. Good thing we do not have a video chatroom!!!!!!!!
  10. It is a tight fit for the hands, but the battery & battery box needs to be pulled out,. to access them. So better do it at home, it is the left front one (as per normal riding position).
  11. Do you know if the stator cooling mod was installed into your bike, if not, that could have been the cause. This mod was a new rotor bolt with a larger hole & a formed wire that goes inside the bolt, is supposed to keep the hole from clogging up. The mod was done by dealers & a new stator was also installed at that time. This was for the 83, not sure on how many other years they had to modify, prior to being a regular production installed item. A 2 amp load should not have any effect by itself, what other extras are in use???
  12. Sounds like the ignition coil for #2 cylinder is cutting out (tach reads from that one). Probably a loose connection, on the input wiring to the coil, or possibly the TCI connections. These will run on 3 cylinders, not great (lacks power) & goes though more fuel, but you can ride it home. I have ridden a few hundred miles that way before.
  13. He is on holidays until the 14th, I placed an order with him, just prior to it starting.
  14. Whomever makes it over there, to do it........... Don't you mean, submarine lawnmower races in the pond????? :rotf:
  15. For a set of stock pegs, check out ebay Item number: 280169981725 C $35.00 (approximately US $31.12)
  16. Now where did I put my ear plugs, sounds like I will need them.............
  17. Still listed at Flatout MC, COVER,CASSETTEDECK 26H-88153-00-00 $19.41
  18. Possible leak between the upper & lower engine cases. If so, hopefully you only need to snug up a few engine case bolts in the area.
  19. Condor, you forgot the rear caliper, so that makes 4..... BTW what size would be needed for the bleeder in the steering neck area on the Mk 2. That one could make it 5, if all bleeder screws were changed over.
  20. That link has been down a lot longer than that. It is an old one, from before the links, in teck library.
  21. The plastic cover that hooks in over top, about $20 CDN at the dealer.........
  22. Squeeze, I think Dan is thinking of, taking on that VTX1300, with "Ugly". Also, Dan is gonna be in for it:bang head:, if the Warden gets wind of this.......
  23. Yup, that's right.
  24. Check out this thread...... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3384
  25. You looking for the Intercom connection between the Amp & the 5 pin headset cords???? If so here it is. http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=JM%2DYV%2D41
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