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Everything posted by Rocket

  1. Thanks Rick. Sooner or later I'll be back home & will have to put up with this garbage again.............
  2. If all else fails http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=JM%2DYV%2D41
  3. All due to the CDN Fed Govt, getting it for our troops, that pass thru there. Besides the air force, probably wouldn't go over without it......................
  4. Hmmmm, I wonder where Mini heard that...... I don't know, if they still drive the armoured vehicles into the drive thru (I have heard of that, a few years ago)...... But do try the icecap, you will probably like it.
  5. Rocket

    I WON!!!

    Fluffy, are you living in the dog house, as it looks like the dogs have taken over the house....... Your dogs might get up long enough to see what is happening, but from that pic I doubt it..... :rotf:
  6. Have you even ridden it, since last years PIP (the short test run, after carb sync)?????? Or are we going to mega dose, it with seafoam..........
  7. He is heading overseas, to the big sandbox..... He better :duck:too, while over there........
  8. I am for sure........... Don't know, if Friesman1 will be able to get the time off work, for this meet.......
  9. Talk about LOUD startups, with the Steble air horn installed.........
  10. Great to see this posting, Ben........ :thumbsup2:
  11. Relay is required, yes the increased amp draw, is why the relay is used.
  12. Float adustments, isn't that changing positions in the pool????? I think, you can also do that. :rotf: But seriously, good to see more, of these these events, at least in the planning stages.
  13. Nope, $400. USD for all flex lines (brake & clutch), sealing washers for the Mk 1 & added bleeder point at steering neck, Mk 2 is about $300. USD.......
  14. Maybe that is why he got the 2nd gen , so he won't be tempted to go faster, as he had done in the past. Could this be a case of, "Do as I say & Not as I do", probably..........
  15. Considering your line of work, probably something spaced out....... Buck Rogers, Outland, Total Recall, ect..... Or the other kind, Cheech & Chong........ :rotf:
  16. The wiring is most likely installed at the factory, but the dealer puts the antenna's onto the scoot, after uncrating it.
  17. Shouldn't that be an warranty item if the CB was damaged, as it is a 2007 & the dealer didn't prep the bike right. So much for the pre delivery inspections, that many shops charge for.
  18. That means, you won't be buying him a steak, as he never stops whining.......
  19. I am posting a link to my shared tracking page from the Kruisin meet that I went to. The tracking wasn't the best, but it was sitting in my jacket pocket. I will not put it in a mount on the scoot, as I want the unit to stay with me. That way I can activate the "911", once I stop sliding apart from the scoot (if that should ever happen again). http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0dW2uviFRmfVBIi65A9vRaQ1osJHe2jOq Seems the shared page will only, retain the tracking info for about a week, as I just looked at it & the other 3 pages of my trip tracking, are now gone.
  20. Yup, it looks like I will have to put my tent, in the same place again....
  21. Next, he will be using it, for after shave.............
  22. Nope Maybe, but you can dent it in from the bottom (scoot laying on auto/truck tires & beating on it with a sledge), to tighten it up. Another member has done this..... Another possibility for replacement, see Marks pipes in this thread. [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=16425]Mufflers, Collectors and pipes...oh my! - VentureRider.Org[/ame]
  23. What kind of food & how much, did you use for the bribes, to get that many???????
  24. I wonder if any got this pic, during the ferry ride across the lake, on Friday. This was part of the route, for Kruisin the Kootneys.
  25. Just like toxic antifreeze, too....... Couldn't resist it.....
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