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Everything posted by Rocket

  1. Same upper fork tube for all 1st gens. Main difference in the part # was if the tube shipped with or without, the bushing on the bottom. Also "Forking by Frank" makes the tubes, in full sets or 1/2 sets & was about half price of Yamaha, when I got a set. http://www.frankmain.qpg.com/
  2. Rocket

    red Fridays

    Good to see that you are following our lead in this. This was started in Canada, years ago, shortly after going into Afganistan. I would like to wear the red T shirts at work myself, but can't. As they are not military issue, can't be worn while in uniform. Rememberance Day is coming up soon, on Nov 11, be there at your local cenotaph. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8poZshcDj8g]YouTube - A Pittance of Time[/ame]
  3. Yup, but you wanted fitment info, so there it is. I didn't expect you to buy this, unless it was the best price found.
  4. By looking at this page, I would think that all will fit. Check the fitment tab, on the page. http://www.denniskirk.com/jsp/product_catalog/Product.jsp;jsessionid=ZIBDFTOLPFBQNLA0WTVSM4VMDK0NCIV0?skuId=208604&store=Main&catId=&productId=p501465&leafCatId=&mmyId=16017#fitment
  5. Yup that was it, I have seen that episode. Someone else made the aquacycle, 2 weeks before episode production, so the S'cool bike was a quick subsitute. The episode also showed it, at a Friday the 13th Port Dover bike gathering.
  6. Import a Canuck (from the prairies), for the Duty.....
  7. If you have the CLASS (built in compressor), most likely problem is cold solder joints, on the controller board. Progressive Suspension 420 Series http://progressivesuspension.com/productsearch.aspx No pricing on line, you will probably need the 420-1014. I think this, is in the $500. USD range. Works Performance lists one for the 1st gen $689. USD http://www.worksperformance.com/html/street.html
  8. How about one, on a neck chain as well..........
  9. Try taking it out of 2nd gear & maybe use 3rd or higher............ I go to 75 Mph on occasion in 2nd gear, before up shifting to 3rd. Maybe time for a new fuel filter & a seafoam treatment.
  10. Sure, give it a shot & see how it looks.........
  11. Just to clarify, the speedo for the bike & not the one someone would wear, in the pool......
  12. Hot tub time at Don's & who is bringing Mini over to there..........
  13. Nope, this is not the same as a wing...... The stator is on the left side, I did 2 stators in 1 afternoon, while in Cody........
  14. You thought it had to be about you????? Those pics were of Gunboat's scoot (Gunboat is also named Don), broken down at the international rally last year, in Ontario. He had to be trailered back to rally HQ & was the only scoot that needed that. Cause of the breakdown, was later determined to be a defective Odessy battery, for his 2nd gen. It took searching about 4 or 5 CDN Tire stores, to find a replacement to get him going again. But on this same rally, Freebird also got a wet head (by his own doing), by allowing his helmet to fill with rain water........
  15. Brad, you mean this one????? :rotf: Sorry Don, Brad provided the opening to post them again.................
  16. You or the wife, driving the mini van at the time?????
  17. My understanding was that, they are done up to his specs, so I thought they were rebuilt too. So from what you are saying, Buckeye has new 2nd gen stators made. Where Rick's rebuilds them & it is the opposite for the 1st gen stators. So far it seems, they are both good products, from what I know on the 1st gen side of things.
  18. Looks like a lot of ramp overhang in the pics, you should have gotten some pics, in the loaded travel configuration.
  19. I think the point that Gary was trying to make, is that they may carry an alternative stator, for use with the newer bikes. I had installed the "Rick's motorsport Electrics" stator in his & Marvin's scoots, while in Cody. Re-wound stators from "Buckeye", were not available in the required timeframe. I just looked at the 2nd gen listing at the Rick's Motorsport site & they are rebuilt, like what Buckeye does. But stay away from the "Electrosport", there has been issues with this make before.
  20. I think the Toronto Maple Leafs, are busy trying to figure out, how to win a game.....
  21. Sure, why not, guess I am first.
  22. So you gonna eat some crow then, if you can actually hit / kill some (a very BIG if)????? :rotf:
  23. B.S. Did you do any braking comparison, of the stock lines & calipers, to the braided lines with the same calipers????? The braided lines are a huge upgrade, compared to the OEM lines, all force goes to the pistons & not diminished by expanding the lines. Seeing that we are basically off the scoots due to snow, until April / May of next year, perfect time to do it. It about the same for the stopping power increase, as converting to Mk2 lower tubes & installing R1 brake calipers (4 piston). I am still kicking myself, for not doing it sooner, than I did...... The $ exchange rate is getting better again, to get any parts needed out of the USA.
  24. I don't think he had shot it, yet...........
  25. I think Mangie Moose would be more suitable.........
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