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Everything posted by Rocket

  1. The middle one is the best fit for Sarges46 & myself, without using our cap badges.
  2. The thought of him singing, is bad, real bad......... Is there enough ear plugs, down there, for everyone????
  3. Nope, they fall under the same heading as, the other Scams out there, not worth anything............. But they must have it $$$$ (just in case it might work), in an effort to just barely, keep up to the 1st gens............
  4. You have a better chance on a 1st gen, than on a 2nd gen. Due to the frame mounted fairing, taking the brunt of the impact..... I am speaking from experience here, as I took out a full sized Mule Doe @ 60 Mph. I was riding the scoot 3 weeks later, after getting a coolant tube. Damage pics are in my gallery.
  5. Sorry Don, but it is the colour of our Dress uniforms, Green for Army, Blue for Air force, Black for Navy. Here is the info I found this morning, in the dress regulations. " SECTION 4 ENVIRONMENTAL, BRANCH AND REGIMENTAL INSIGNIA Environmental Identifiers and Insignia Uniform Design. The colour and cut of the navy, army and air force uniforms are themselves the principal environmental identifiers. See Chapter 6. "
  6. I run 44 PSI on my rear ME880. I have worn a few of them out, without any problems. I really liked the ME88 on the 750 Maxim, I got 40,000 Km out of the rear tire.
  7. Ok here is mine, the "Electrical Mechanical Engineer" branch of the CDN Army. Prior to 1967 it was RCEME "Royal Canadian Electrical Mechanical Engineer". The British version is REME, with the globe centered on England.
  8. Some of you, are more like Condor's current Avatar, but not looking as good.........
  9. But no napping, while riding......... So stay awake, after your Ice Cream refueling..........
  10. You want the ones with walkers, or wheel chairs / electric scooters???????????
  11. He has been way too busy, to get on here & stir things up, thus he has been "pretty good"........... This good enough for you Dan???
  12. But he has enough trouble keeping it up............... On 2 wheels that is, when it actually comes off the trailer............. :rotf:
  13. Someone might be able to find, a cheque made out of rubber for you........ You asked when & not how, so if it's rubber, it will bounce.............
  14. Now the warden, has a lot of stuff for him, to catch up on.............
  15. 2 gaskets to do the entire thing, top & bottom of the intercooler on the Mk1, not sure of any changes on the later years. These have been known to leak before..... It is located directly below the carbs, between the cylinders & the crankcase breather vent, is also part of it. Another possibility is the waterpump seals, as there is an oil seal as well as a coolant seal, along the impeller shaft & sometimes the telltale weep hole, in the space between the seals gets plugged. I have not heard, of any more serious causes, with these engines. But the intercooler one is usually the cause.
  16. What, the Warden gave you time off, away from her list of things, that must be done.............
  17. Nope, they gave it to Jamie & Adam to blow up, or otherwise destroy................. :stirthepot:
  18. Yeah that, keep in touch, especially when travelling................
  19. That will be only the first list & many more to come......... So much, for you getting any riding in, at least for the next few months..........
  20. Aren't you like that, at the best of times..... But if ice cream isn't appetizing for you, something is wrong.......
  21. :duck:So how long, do you think that, you will be sleeping with the scoot????? I think, you will need it, after that one.
  22. There was no such instructions, with my 1st gen Stator, from Buckeye. The stator had the stock plug on it too. With the Rick's Motorsport Electrics stators, that I installed in Cody at the Venture Roundup. It was the same as Buckeye, no info included & stock plug attached.
  23. Your anti dives are still hooked up, they are hydraulic. About $100. + GST, from the local dealer here.
  24. Bring the trailer too, so he can get the scoot home, after you guys are finished.... :rotf:
  25. By the sounds of it, there is still air in the clutch master / line. It can be a real PITA to remove, even with using a mityvac hooked up to the bleed screw. Yooper & I had lots of fun with his, in Ontario last year, after rebuilding the master.
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