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Everything posted by Rocket

  1. Deer Hunter, after taking out a full sized Mule Doe with it:mo money: & the other Doe got away.
  2. Why not fit a bushing into the 88 bracket, to match the 83 bracket hole size.....
  3. Spinrite is available from www.grc.com & here is a clip about it http://www.grc.com/sr/themovie.htm. If using it to try & recover the info, keep it down to level 2. As level 4 could push a flaky drive too far (there are warning shown on screen), I have previously done it.
  4. Sieze one of Erv's cigars & party...............
  5. He also snuck out of the house (Hope didn't know, he was going fishing), so she wouldn't catch a bigger fish again......
  6. I have previously had attempted delivery in Edmonton AB, but the delivery address was in Victoria BC (my Brothers place). I got on the phone with the courier co & asked WTF with the attempted delivery in Edmonton, as I track any shipments.
  7. About $850. after a 43% Discount, for the full year of basic coverage, at least that it was, 3 yrs ago. Rates will vary, depending on area of use. Not sure how it would be in your case, with you living on the island & working on the mainland.
  8. Yup, put it past a 60* lean & the ignition is cut out. So if the scoot is on its side, it should cut out by it self.
  9. There is a flasher for the turn signals & another flasher for the Hazard lights. They are in the left faring, behind the turn light area.
  10. From Scotty's page, for the 83 CB pinouts. http://www.scienceman.com/dm/pages/yamahaham.html
  11. Can't see on the video, if he had better luck in marking the floor, than you did last year on the shop floor. The day you got the scoot back, from me.......
  12. Got mine today too. Maybe, it was on the same dog sled????
  13. The sight of Janet doing that, would have been something to see........ :thumbsup2: :rotfl::rotfl:
  14. How true......... :rotf: Swifty, are you going to tow him, so he can keep up & not get rear ended again?????
  15. It is, buy if you want one, these are handled by another member. As are other items, that get posted on the site.
  16. :bang head::bang head:
  17. As the saying goes, "you snooze, you lose"........... Try to stay awake, in the daytime....
  18. I'm not sure about his baking skills, but he is good at eating cookies......... :thumbsup2:
  19. His is the multi spring pack, as I changed out the springs last year & put Barnett springs in. I would have thought, that the spring types would have been changed, along with the engine displacement.
  20. I have been using Acronis for a few years & it will backup to various media. Here is a link to the system requirements page, for the new version released this year. http://www.acronis.com/homecomputing/products/trueimage/requirements.html
  21. You have tapes, to feed it??????
  22. They started de-tuning after the 1st Gen Mk1, as the Vmax was now, out on the market. I do drag the commonly used tools with me. As you never know, who is going to have a problem, with a bike & I changed out 2 stators at the Cody meet, after figuring out a way to get the 2nd one there, on it's own power from 300 miles away. Once the neglect from the previous owners is taken care of, it is normal maint as per any bike. I have no problems getting on the bike, for a long haul ride & most of mine are solo, heading to & from a meet.
  23. I would have told him, to contact his embassy, for the required help.
  24. Mounts are different, between the Mk1 & Mk2. I had to chop part of the Mk2 mounts to use on my Mk1 & use longer bolts. He would probably have an easier time installing, with a Mk2 set.
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