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Everything posted by Rocket

  1. Seeing as it is more than 1 scoot, being hauled, I would put E track in the center, for your rear tie downs, as well as the sides on the floor. A workbench in front, is handy for storage when traveling. I used vertical E track to support mine, use the same tie downs across the front to secure the stored items. There are a few pics of mine in the thread below, but mine is only set up for 1 scoot at the moment. I have all that is needed for re-configuring it for 2 scoots, just haven't installed it. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=39470 I have towed the scoot to Vancouver Island & back last winter (to get winter riding in, during the holidays), over the Rockies & had no problems.
  2. So will you still make it to Nelson, or will you actually hard at work, instead of the normal hardly working???????
  3. Deka AGM, but you don't have the time needed (I don't think), to get it before the trip.
  4. I didn't start a betting pool, had considered it though........
  5. How long, do you think this 2nd gen will last, with Charlie riding it??? Just maybe, he won't get rear ended this time.
  6. Yup, on both counts................. :mo money:
  7. Maybe, he doesn't trust the west coast crew, with her. :canada:Or she has no passport & if that is the case, PIP would be a good one, for her (I plan at being at both, of these meets).
  8. Very good point Ben.... It could possibly, end like that cartoon, floating around the net, of a large woman looking for, a small "lost" dog.......
  9. Rocket


    Me thinks, we have a new Wingnut, in the house.......
  10. Rick, you should of gotten the Snow, that we had last weekend....... That brief period of heat (you spoke of) was only a teaser, we need much more of that.
  11. Maybe, we will export Charlie, for a long term stay at the pond.........
  12. Looks like this includes you, Don.....
  13. If I'm correct, by Cdn Regs, the relief well is drilled at the same time. I had read something to that effect, but I'm not entirely positive about it.
  14. Yup, just keep an eye out for Mini.... She is usually, close to any trouble happening (if not in the middle of it). Since she is having stuff done to an eye, shortly before MD... I think, she will only be observing it, this year.
  15. It could be done in a relay, to get her back........ :thumbsup2:
  16. This sending unit, for both the light & gear position, have been known to loosen up, as in having a few mounting screws loose. Causing poor contact for the gear position indicator &/ light, also creating oil leaks. The plastic body of the unit, cracks, around the screw holes, due to becoming brittle. Masterguns, Condor, Friesman1, has had problems with this sending unit, that I know of.
  17. Maybe it is the one, that Black Owl, had posted about before.......
  18. In Ontario http://www.dynabeads.ca/ In B.C. http://www.dynabeads.net/
  19. If it's the movie I'm thinking of, you were in it, mini........
  20. She is short enough as it is..... BTW you got a saddle, to go on the St Bernard, so she can ride it?????
  21. Only times I can think of, is when trying to outsmart Mr Rooster at Grandpagak's, with no sucess so far..... Mr Rooster, has not ended up in a pot, yet......
  22. The clip, is all that normally holds the assy in. So it should just lift off, but sometimes gentle prying is needed, between the bracket & wheel itself, closer to the pins. As the pins, may have rusted into place, you want to clean & lube the pins.
  23. Here is an option. http://www.jmcorp.com/SeeProducts.asp?PF=29
  24. I haven't checked on if Bridget the midget is still around Wainwright or not.... Sounds like she would meet, at least a few of your criteria......... She was well known around here, in the 80s & early 90s. Could supposedly, walk under the bar tabletops & zzzzzzzip.
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