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Everything posted by Rocket

  1. As in depends, for something disposable.... I don't think he is going on, a mad dash cross country trip.
  2. The 2nd gens will last long enough, for a fork oil change??? :rotfl: Probably the same, as changing out the fork springs.
  3. Another possibility is #2 coil, as the tach gets its signal from it. It is acting up or the primary connections for it are loose / dirty. I have had similar, with a loose connection before.
  4. $3500. with the Corbon. I have the piece that came off the upper left & will use the plastex on it, while the fairing is off to get at the flex lines. As I don't have a lot of plastic work or re-paint to do, I gave him his minimum. He was the 2nd owner of the scoot & it was always shop serviced, while he had it. He wanted someone, that knows these bikes to have it & he is now bike shopping. The owner he got it from, put in a K&N filter, rivco spin on adapter, that I found so far.
  5. Recently I bought locally, an 86 VR. The P.O. was trying to sell it to me, for about 1.5 yrs & it came with a Corbon seat w/ backrest in addition to the stock seat. I finally caved in, when during a call back home, a neighbour wanted me to pick up another Venture. This bike is for an Ontario trip next year, which I am to go with him on, from the wet coast. He has been looking after my place for the last 3 yrs, while I am in Wainwright. He is making this a "Bucket List" trip & don't want to do it, on an air cooled bike. So the work on it begins. Progressive fork springs Done CLASS controller solder job Done Ball studs for side covers Done SS Braided line kit Arrived Speed Bleeders Arrived Re-build masters & slave Parts shipped Console top pieces Parts shipped Exhaust gaskets Parts shipped Wheel bearings for as needed Parts shipped assorted grommets Parts shipped Tires Order later Deka Battery Order later I will be getting more into the work on it, after PIP.
  6. So pick up another seat to modify & then enjoy riding the scoot.... :thumbsup2:
  7. I did't get mine for blinding speed, as I knew F* all about the Ventures at the time. But I do have fun with it at times. Actually, the 1st gens have some bells & whistles, that the 2nd gen do not have. CLASS for the air suspension, Gauges including a tach & a rear shock that keeps on going for decades. Must not forget, no rev limiter........ For myself, I find the feet forward positioning, not as comfy as the feet under position.
  8. Brian, just a couple of slight errors here, no need to replace the waterpump assy. Just replace the impeller & seals. I usually change out the waterpump bearing too, while I'm in there. The upper bleeder point added in with the Buckeye SS lines, makes bleeding the linked brakes much easier. I see that he now, puts in a speed bleeder up there, as I just got a set in, for an 86 VR. I know you had mostly, just paid the invoices, while I tweaked your scoot over a winter & been happy since. Consider this guys, when Brian picked up his scoot, he was wondering if he was getting the same bike back (after a test ride). He said, it felt more like my scoot.
  9. Leaving poison gas clouds along the way, for the unsuspecting????? Kind of sounds like it.
  10. I had that recently, look at the CLASS controller plug solder connections. I suspect you will find some cracked connections.
  11. Not sure, but maybe a ground loop, could be the cause. Might be an idea, to Contact J&M directly, for any possible solutions & post the results, for future reference.
  12. Rocket

    Spot Gps

    The nice thing about the spot, it will work in most areas, where cells won't (dead areas & no towers). Unless you carry a Sat phone $$$$$, it may be a persons best option. BTW I carry mine in a jacket pocket. That way if I become seperated from the bike, I can send for help, if needed. Without trying to get to the scoot, in whatever condition, I may be in, to find it.
  13. The 2nd gens, don't have CLASS either.... You have to manually pump it up.
  14. Rocket

    Spot Gps

    Consider it an emergency locator for assistance, with check in & tracking capability. There is no voice communication & it needs a paid subsciption. I use it, mostly on my longer trips, or in areas without cell coverage. http://www.findmespot.com/en/
  15. Send it to Yamaha Canada too, as they should be interested.
  16. Sounds like you need to go back to work & get some rest....... You also missed a great turn out in Nelson, not sure if it was because Brian wasn't there or not.
  17. You forgot to include the sub titles, so more of us could understand....
  18. This group buy & shipping, was completed almost 10 months ago.
  19. Did Lonna let Squid out , on his own?????? Sounds about the right size & he is plenty furry........... But seriously, glad to hear your doing better.
  20. Do the chief Joseph scenic hwy, from Cook city to the Cody area...... Some of us had cabins, at the Ponderosa Campground, in Cody last year.
  21. I think he probably lost the bet.............. Thus the outfit, while riding..........
  22. No idea, but I would think his upper cup size, may possibly, be similar to Big Tom's. This guess is solely from, Big Tom's stated ice cream dish size. Maybe time for another therapy session, in chat room tonight, after the visuals provided & the initial pic posted....
  23. Not a bad haul, for an "Old & slow" person...... Now are you going to torment, some of the lower mainland members, while your there???? Try & time the ferry crossing for the 7, 11 am or 3,7pm trips (prior schedule that the Spirit Class ferries with buffet were on & may be outdated) if doing the Tsawwassen-Swartz Bay run across. The buffet is at the stern or back end of the ship. http://www.bcferries.com/travel_planning/amenities/ship/pacificbuffet.html Remember this is an eating group, with a riding disorder (according to cupcake).
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