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Everything posted by Rocket

  1. Only if your site name is Freebird.......
  2. Unless someone wins the lottery, or has a cheap wholesale source.......
  3. You gonna enter Don, into the wet T shirt contest????? :rotf:
  4. Yup, big time difference for myself & a few friends.
  5. Eck, should stay away from these machines, due to this fact..... This is in addition, to washing machines (for obvious reasons).....
  6. One source is http://www.speedbleeder.com/Motorcycle%20Sizes.htm#Yamaha http://speedbleeder.zoovy.com/
  7. Sure, why not........:rotfl::rotfl:
  8. Sounds about normal, for Russ.....
  9. Or use Don's hot tub, as the tank....
  10. Also must not forget, to stock the oil asorbant pads, ready for use. It would not be good, for visitors to slip & fall when viewing the area. Some of us, don't heal too good, these days.
  11. Just be carefull, what you ask for. Kevin, remember the dump of snow (about 3 feet in 24 hrs), Victoria & the lower mainland got in 96. Roofs collapsed, Military Reserves called in to assist in various ways. I was doing wrecker calls as well as a transport role as needed.
  12. SilvrT is whining as per normal, but then, he occasionally rides a 2nd gen. Not a good year, to head down under, with the flooding.
  13. Sometimes, also refered to as 0-dark-stupid.....
  14. He also leaves Hope (4paws) behind, so she won't show him up again.....:rotf:
  15. That was taken, on a good day too........
  16. Kregerdoodle, here is the proof of the only scoot, that had to be towed back to the 2008 International Rally HQ. Better ask Gunboat about it sometime.....
  17. Something, you tow a 2nd gen on...... :rotf: Right, Gunboat.
  18. It's a Mk2 thing & I have not put them back in when doing the springs.
  19. Considering at the time for the mk1, I did not know that the bushings were the same for all 1st gens. I had discovered this on the racetech site (after eventually looking at the mk2 section, a year later). I had gotten these mk1 bushings, to go with the new set of "Frank's Forks" to replace the bent forks from killing the deer. The Yamaha 83 mk1 parts fishe only listed the upper tube bushing as part of the fork tube assy & not a separate part, like on the mk2. I haven't needed to change out seals since then. I also like Partshark, for OEM parts.
  20. Yup, but also a possible source for Micarl too. Remember, he didn't know of another potential source & I found this one 4 years ago.
  21. Another source for bushings, that I have previously used. Seals & Wipers are also listed. http://old.racetech.com/evalving/english/Srchpr.asp?bikeid=651&manufacture=Yamaha&model=XVZ1200+Venture&year=83%2D86&TABLEINFO=street&langname=english http://old.racetech.com/evalving/english/Srchpr.asp?bikeid=652&manufacture=Yamaha&model=XVZ1300+Venture&year=87%2D91&TABLEINFO=street&langname=english The prices listed are per pair & not each one.
  22. Double the fun & maybe even the :stirthepot: ....... Provided the other one, gets on the site. :rotf:
  23. Nope, that is 2nd gen speed.................
  24. Give the twin, a bucket of ice cold water, for Cupcake...........
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