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Everything posted by StarRider07

  1. Hello guys and gals. I am sure this has been asked before. I am looking at changing my mufflers and want something that is not too loud yet has a nice deep throaty sound to it. It is so hard to pick something without hearing them. I have heard so many pipes on bikes that sound horrible. Not that they were loud, they just sounded like they didn't belong on the bike. Or maybe they were just crappy pipes. Who knows. And that is why I am having a hard time. A buddy of mine modified his stock pipes. Sure they were louder (not too loud). They had a deeper throaty sound however they had that cheap sound to them. He keeps offering to do the mod for me but I just don't like the sound. HELP!!!!!!!!!! My dealer suggested Bubs and (i think) Fat Boys. Again, I am looking for a good quality, deep throaty sound, not too loud while cruising. By the way, I have K&N air filters already. Will I have to re-jet if I put aftermarket pipes on? I know when I did the K&N filters and pipes on my Roadstar, it had to be re-jeted. Thanks. Any sound files would be greatly appreciated which you can email me.
  2. I have used JB Weld with 100% success. http://www.jbweld.net/index.php
  3. Get the "Ride Like A Pro" DVD. WOW! I just got it and was only able to watch about half of it and then had to leave. After getting the bike out, I sat there and went over in my head what I had just watched. I started off and noticed a difference right away. You see, I had the horrible habit of watching the road in front of me during a turn from a stop. Today, from a stop sign, I made a right turn. Foot on the rear brake, wheel turned to the right, head turned to the right looking straight down the road I was turning on to and I'll tell you,,,, it was like the bike was on auto pilot. I was always nervous making a u-turn. Thought I would try that now that I seen that part of the video. It was a piece of cake. I feel I must say this, although I may be wrong. BAD HABITS ARE VERY HARD TO BREAK! For the 45 minutes of riding I did after watching that video this morning, I had to THINK about my turns. Like I said, I have/had the very bad habit of watching in front of me, looking downwards and only looking a few feet (maybe 6 feet or so) in front of me. Guess it is the fear of potholes. Don't know why but I do know now that it is NOT the way to do a turn. Like everyone is saying: PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE and then PRACTICE some more. You need to break the bad habit (a form of hypnosis) (emplated in the brain) and eventually, you will have the new techniques emplated in your brain so you will then start doing these moves without thinking about it. Oh, one more thing................ GET THE RIDE LIKE A PRO DVD! Ride safe,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ride with wisdom.
  4. I bought my 07 RSV last Sept. I too have a leaking rear shock that is getting replaced tomorrow, under warranty. I only have 10500 (6524 miles). The leak started at 4660 miles. What I don't understand it this...................... These rear shocks have been a problem for years. Why are they still making/buying/contracting out, whatever, these same crappy shocks. These shocks are very expensive and as long as they are covered under warranty, the only problem is the inconvenience and lose of riding time. You would think that these are costing Yamaha a bundle replacing them under warranty. Or maybe that is why they charge so much if not under warranty. I smell a class action suit for those who need a shock out of warranty. There is no way ANYONE should have to pay to replace these shocks with the history of defects. Just my opinion.
  5. Does anyone have instructions on how to install the thermo switches. Photos would be great. There is a new one that will turn that fan on at 80 degrees. (Thank for that info tx2sturgis) What the other one is for, I don't know but there are 2 switches. Can anyone help with the installation instruction. Thanks
  6. Mmmm, thanks guys. One of us is confused. When I said ignition, I meant where you put the key and turn. Isn't that the ignition. Anyway, sorry if I was wrong. Aftermarket unit the key goes in. Thanks
  7. Thanks Squeeze. Now that is strange. Part numbers for sensors yet the dealer said have to buy fan and sensors at over $350. Hense the term Stealers.
  8. Thanks tx2, I willl check that out.
  9. That how we know that fans works. We bypassed and put power to the fan. It works. Dealer says it is the sensor.
  10. My buddy is suddenly having a little bad luck. First the ignition needs replacing. See previous post. Now it seems that the sensor for the fan is not working. The fan itself works, however when the bike gets real hot, the fan will not come on. Dealer says the sensor is gone and needs to be replaced. Apparantly from what he understood, he has to buy the whole fan assembly (fan and sensor) and guess how much??????? $355.00. What is Yamaha trying to do to their customers? Sure sounds like price gouging to me. Is there an aftermarket available? Can only the sensor be replaced? Help. Trust you guys and gals. Sure can't trust the dealers and or Yamaha. Thanks everyone.
  11. Where can I start looking for an after market ignition for a 99 Venture? Yamaha wants over $280 for it. Thanks
  12. The bike is new so it can't be wear and tear yet. And if the connectors need cleaning, let the dealer do that under warrantee next time the bike is in the shop. Thanks
  13. AZSpyder I really can't remember if the CD display was showing. I can only assume it was since I have just activated it to try it out. I tried with the headset and without. However, now that you explained the mutli volume controls, I will try it again. Have to wait for the snow to melt again
  14. I have been doing that thing with turning it down and then up when I need it, however, that is a pain in the a$$ and would prefer not to have that concentration taken away from my driving.
  15. Thanks Freebird. That looks like it is the answer.
  16. Hello again everyone. Boy, I am just full of questions today. haha Seems that I just don't get the power out of my stereo that my buddy gets on his 93 RSV. When he plays his stereo while riding, I can hear it. Faintly, but I can hear it. When I play mine, I have to crank it to full 30 and although I can hear it, it just isn't as loud enough and it is very distorted. When I am using my headset, I can't make out the music. Oh, I can hear music playing but it is more noise than anything else. And again, distorted. And with the constant open mike picking up all the outside noise, wind, bike, my own breathing, it is more nerve racking than anything. Also very hard to talk back and forth with my wife. She can barely hear me and I can hardly make out what she is saying. ANOTHER THING: Thought my buddy and I would try out the CB part of our system last weekend. His bike was about 50 feet away from mine. When I talked to him through my headset, it was so freaken loud, I could hear it come from his bike. It scared him and he had to turn it down. When he talked to me, I could hardly hear him at all, and my volume was turned up all the way (30). Any ideas? Is my stereo defective? Are there any not so obvious settings that I have not adjusted? Thanks.
  17. This may have been asked and answered already but I can't find it. When I plug in my headset, listening to the radio, MP3, whatever, my mike is always open. I get outside noise, if I cough, hum, or sing with the music, I hear it through my headset. Is this normal? Is the mike supposed to be open all the time? When my wife is with me and hooked up, both our mikes remain open. Mmmm, got to be carefull thinking out loud Thanks. Looking forward to your replies.
  18. I know this may sound far fetched by some however it would be the only thing we, as consumers can can do to fight the price of gas. Simple yet hard. In the U.S., pick a major gas company. In Canada, do the same. Let say for example ESSO. NOBODY buy gas there. Go somewhere else. There are gas stations all over the place. Simple. Yet hard to get EVERYONE to do this. BUT, it would work. And don't start buying gas from them when their price drops. Wait until they hurt so bad. We all sit back and complain. We all keep taking it up the backside, yet we don't do anything about it. This is something we CAN do. Problem is, how do we get everyone to do this? I am so sick and tired of being nickle and dimed to death and then hear about how much (billions) money companies make.
  19. Hey Goose. Sorry I didn't relpy. Saw your post and then tried to find the fuse. I mis-read your post and thought you meant to check behind the side cover, which I already did. And since my buddy has chrome panels (not plastic) behind the foot rest, it did not click in. What I find really stupid is that the manual tells you about, and where all the 10 and 15 amp fuses are, but it does not tell you where the main fuse is. If it is in the manual, we couldn't find it. But then again, we were both frustrated with the problem and might have missed it. Also, his manual is in pieces. Maybe that page was missing. Thanks again Goose
  20. Sorry for the delay in replying. The fuse did not blow again. Everything is good now. Thank you everyone for your help on this.
  21. Thanks again. You guys are great. Ride safe.
  22. One thing we noticed when putting the new fuse in and don't think it is normal. When inserting the new fuse, there was a spark. Is that normal?
  23. Thanks a million FLB. That sucker is blown. Why the hell don't they tell you in the manual where that fuse is? Again. Thanks. Now have to figure out why it blew. Later buddy. Thanks to everyone that replied. This is truly a great forum with a bunch of wonderful people.
  24. Thanks FLB. Will go check that now. Will let you know.
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