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Everything posted by StarRider07

  1. Again, thanks to everyone that helped. The oil gauge and the other 2 are working good. The oil gauge was defective, and my concern with the temp gauge had me thinking it too was either defective or I did something wrong, however with your help, I learned that it take a while for it to move which I got it to do after reving it up for 20 min or so. Had the bike out for a 30 min run on Sunday and no problems. Temp gauge didn't move though but I am sure it had something to do with only being +6 C. And thanks to Freebird for the instructions to block the AIS posted at: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=485 When I put the Bubs on at the end of last year, there was a lot of backfiring. When starting it up in the garage over the winter, the backfiring was not only annoying, it made it sound like something was wrong with the bike and I didn't want anyone thinking my RSV ran like crap. Anyone not knowing about bikes and after market pipes would think that. I followed Freebirds directions and photos and now I have no backfiring. To anyone reading this that is not a supporting member: Please donate something to this site. If you have the money, donate a lot. If you don't have much extra cash, then donate a little. It all helps Dan out. It costs a lot of money keeping a site going, not to mention his time. The information that you get from this site and all the great people here, it will be worth every single penny. And if you are just doing this , well, you will still get the same quality help, however, won't you feel better knowing that you are a supporting member of the best damn RSV site on the planet. Thank you everyone. My only regret is that I will never meet so many of you. And that saddens me. Riding season is here. Ride safe, keep your eyes open, your mind in focus and enjoy the freedom.
  2. Hi Doug. The oil gauge is working fine now. The first one was defective. And, so far, no leaks anywhere.
  3. Thanks for the info and it makes sense, however, I have since installed the good oil pressure gauge and this time I did bleed the line. Is this going to cause a leak now at or inside the oil gauge?????
  4. Well, I am done. It was a defective oil gauge. Got it exchanged and the new one worked right away. And just so I didn't have to take it apart again, I bled the line before attaching to gauge. Also got the AIS blocked. That was so easy. No more backfiring.
  5. After I bleed out the line today if it still doesn't work, the place I bought it will swap it for me. Easier and faster than waiting for another one from Equus.
  6. Thanks Larry. As I mentioned to Cougar, I am going to bleed out the air today and will let you all know.
  7. Thanks Cougar. I am going to take the line off at the gauge today and will bleed it out. I will let you know. Thanks
  8. To all that replied, A very huge THANK YOU. I must have the worse luck in the world. All the people that have talked about their gauges all seemed to have no problems. Me, I get a defective oil gauge. On a good note, seems like I did it all with no leaks whats so ever. In fact I did such a good job that the pressure won't even leak into the gauge.
  9. Hi Monty. Thanks so much for your support. You asked me "how about something like this?" Like what? HAHAHA. Reminds me of myself. Sending an email and forgetting to do the attachment.
  10. You know, I always wondered that myself. If the oil gets to the gauge, will it leak out? Lets face it, when first installed, there will be air in the line. For the oil to get to the gauge the air has to escape and if the air can escape, wouldn't the oil? Something I always wondered about. Anyway, because my needle is stuck at 20, I guess it is safe to assume the gauge is defective. However, the question still stands................is the oil supposed to make it all the way to the gauge? Oh, and one more question while thinking about it. Do you or anyone out there know what the heck the oil pressure should be on our RSV's? Or is there just to let you know that there is some pressure?
  11. By the way,,,,, nice banner. Like that. Now make me one " THOR "
  12. Hi Monty. I have seen oil gauges work in cars and yes, the needle drops to zero when turned off. Do you have the Equus gauges? Does the oil reach the gauge? Thanks Greg
  13. Again, thank you for all your support. This time I let the bike go for 20 min. And after it warmed up, I kept the rev up between 2500 and 3000. The needle started to raise. YEAH! However, I think the oil gauge is defective. Even with the bike off, the needle stays at 20. Now for the life of me, I don't remember if the needle was like that when new or not. I check other new one in the box and the needle was at zero. Now, if it went to 20 after starting the bike, then it stuck there. Guess I will have to get that one replaced. First, I might try to bleed the line but if it is sticking at 20 then there is probably no point in doing that. Greg
  14. Thank you to everyone that has replied so far. What a great bunch of people here. I thought I had let the bike run long enough. Five minutes or so. I was wondering about the temp sensor. Seems that with the adapters in, it sits pretty high and wondering if it is far enough to be sitting in the coolant. Or maybe it doesn't really have to as long as it is getting hot. I put the sensor in the back left head using the inside plug. There is an identical plug on the outside of the spark plug however the instructions and photo appears to be the inside one. I am at work right now so will look forward to more replies. When I get home I will let it run for at least 10 minutes. Once it gets hot, I will continue to rev it up a few times. I get I am comparing it to my ScanGauge in the car. I start to see the temp rise within seconds of starting the car. Greg
  15. I am confused, baffled, disappointed and so on and so on. Got my gauges installed and must admit, they look awesome. I was sooooooo careful with all the wires, the oil line and the temperature cable. No kinks, or sharp bends. Routed everything like a pro, well, at least in my mind. Everything hooked up, gas tank back on, fired her up. Lights come on, volt meter works and that's it. Temp gauge doesn't register anything. Oil gauge,,,,,,,,,,,nothing. Although I used the black tubing from Ponch to cover the oil pressure line, I can see that oil has started up the line however I can not see how far. I do know that it hasn't reached the gauge. Is it supposed to? Just turning the ignition on for power, not started, the oil gauge goes to just over 20 and that is where it stays when running the bike. WTF????? I was so careful. The only thing I did different is that I used the Equus 1.5" gauges. I think they look better and they match the speedo better than the white face gauges. I do want to say that Ponch's instructions are fantastic. There is no way in hell I would have been able to do this without them. THANKS PONCH! HELP!!!!!! Any idea what I could have done wrong? Wouldn't surprise me if it was somthing obvious. Go ahead guys/gals,,,,bombard me with your wisdoms. I will get all your replies on my blackberry so fill me with a pile of stuff to check when I get home Friday. I WANT TO RIDE! Do I sound desperate enough. Greg. (AKA Thor)
  16. I just read this post and went to go order a pair. They are out of stock now. Any one know if these can be bought in a store here in Canada? My fairing is off now so would like to do it ASAP. Thanks Greg
  17. Although my wife has never had a problem or complaint about the seat on my 07RSV, I bought a sheepskin for her due to the heat after sitting in the sun for a while. Not only did she like the fact that she no longer has to sit on a very hot seat, she said it was so much more comfortable. Worth a try.. Caution: Don't get a cheap imitation, get a real sheepskin. Big difference. Greg
  18. That would be the new Google Earth. I have it and I can see my house, street view and can pan 360 degrees. Really cool
  19. I know I don't offer much technical or mechanical info here but I think I can help here: All you have to do is find someone with a 2nd Gen and get a boost. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: Sorry, couldn't resist. Greg
  20. I think we should get a collection point, gather 1000's of them and then dump them right in front of the main enterance of Yamaha doors.
  21. Yes, this link would be handy. Can't find it. Anyone?
  22. StarRider07


  23. StarRider07


    WHY? Did I read 535 messages while at work? WHATEVERrrrrrrr!
  24. Hi Gregg. Maybe this went flying over my head, but what do you mean by CT and may not be safe? Can you elaborate? Thanks, Greg
  25. Hi Gregg. Maybe this went flying over my head, but what do you mean by CT and may not be safe? Can you elaborate? Thanks, Greg
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