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Everything posted by Older...

  1. Chicken soup still works wonders even after all these years...
  2. 1966 Yamaha Twin Jet 100 (the one that started it all) 1968 Kawasaki 175 1969 Honda 750 1970 HD 350 Sprint 1972 Honda 750 1975 Suzuki 500 Titan Some bikeless years 1989 Honda 600 TransAlp 1990 Kawasaki 1500 Vulcan 1993 Honda Helix 1996 Harley 1200 Sporty 1996 Triumph 900 Trident 1998 Harley FLTRI Road Glide 2000 Kawasaki KLR 650 2002 Yamaha V-Star 650 2006 Suzuki S-40 The wife also drives and has an extensive list from 1992 - her present 2005 Kawasaki 750 Vulcan. We're motorcyclists for the duration. Hope to eventually meet all or most of you on the roads ahead. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Safe riding to all.
  3. All comments here have been great, but who is listening to we the people? "Vote" has been stated, but I believe even our vote is not heard. I believe this president was appointed against the wishes of the majority of voters. I was told to get over it, that's the way it is. With that I will end my rant. PS: this country needs change bad, we're broke, we're devided, we're dumbed down, and without the clout of nukes controled by our corrupt leadership we'd already be overthrown by (fill in the blanks.)
  4. Maybe instead of a 3rd generation as being discussed, the Venture goes away like the Voyager and Cavilcade have done. Both of those were fine rides too, for many many loyal owners of yesteryear.
  5. The wife and I are still shoping and comparing and learning. We are more concerned about weight than anything else. We want comfort for two and weather protection. If we go big we're leaning toward a reverse gear in our opinion so far. If we use our heads/brains we may decide on maxi-scooters instead of tour bikes because they offer all we actually really need for real world power, comfort, touring ability, etc. Shoping is fun.
  6. We moved from Queensbury, NY in 1999 to Hilton Head Island, SC. We moved from Hilton Head Island, SC to Florida in 2004. Both moves were great and for the better. We sold previous owned property in both cases and left with $$$ in our pockets. We own again here. We could move again, we may move again, we may not. Listen to your callings... And like the Boy Scout training of years past: "Be prepaired."
  7. We lived in the Lake George region most of our lives. In fact my better half has the honor of being their '96 Queen. Maybe someday we can return during the Americade week, but not next year. Any who attend should have a great time...
  8. Congratulations!!!
  9. It was always real for the first 50 years of our Adirondack Mountain Life, then we moved south a few years ago. Now it's artificial, even the snow... Our kids always had it real and that's what counts the most for us.
  10. This place is #1 because of all the good people involved from way up top, to way down here with me. Neighborhood watch is a good thing.
  11. I didn't see a forum at the other place to ask questions and meet people like over here.
  12. Has and/or will a reverse gear help you decide on your next purchase of a touring bike? This is for men and women owners of RSTD or Venture. My wife is also a driver and has suggested that reverse would be a nice consideration for her when we're talking about 800 give or take pounds. Only the Goldwing and BMW have reverse as far as we know. Will Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki, HD, and others join in and add reverse or is reverse not an issue to you owners of the big rigs?
  13. Star advertising is almost in lockstep with HD in attempting to attract the bad a$$ biker image of days gone by... to sell their roadliners, roadstars, and other V-2, aircooled, OHV, cruisers. I came into the motorcycle riding world when advertising to attract new riders was more like: "you meet the nicest people on a honda."
  14. Seahunt, dragnet, honeymooners, leave it to beaver, gunsmoke, I love lucy,...
  15. Do you hear the tick tick tick from the rear cylinder when it shuts down and the temp. drops; as you do from both at complete shut down? That is one of the sounds missed from the water cooled bikes; instead you might hear the fan running a few seconds at shut down. Kinda do miss the old sounds: potato potato, tick tick, etc. Yamaha's air cooled, OHV, V-Twins are looking better every day.
  16. I quit in '96 after about 30 years of puffing away. The best advice I can give while quitting cigs is to not lie to yourself. When you get the urge/desire/want/need to light one up admit it. "Yes I'd like to have a cigarette, but I'm choosing not to." Then and only then are you in control and not the cigs. In time you will no longer want/need/desire cigarettes. You do have to want to quit or it will not happen.
  17. Almost for certain 2008 is the last 2nd generation, so should we (would you) buy into the last of the 2nd, or wait 'till 2009 or later to be among the first of the new 3rd generation owners? Especially if the 5 year warranty remains with the v-4's, unlike the v-2's... Decisions decisions...
  18. We ride almost every Saturday with others for a total round trip of 200-250 miles on average. Most often we ride with a VTX 1800, VTX 1300, Meanstreak, and an HD softail custom; Along with the wife's 750 Vulcan and my S40 Thumper. I find the different noises soothing and relaxing.
  19. Yesterday was a little cool in the morning, perfect weather to go to our local dealers for a look see in their warm showrooms. Everything I was looking for was there: Venture, Tour Deluxe, and others like Kawasaki Nomad and Suzuki 90T. The trouble is there are no bad ones today among all that we looked at. The top priority is comfort for the passenger. Yesterday the wife actually liked the back seat of the RSTD the best. As a driver she also felt she could handle it easier than the Venture. Since she too is looking to possibly trade in her 750 Vulcan, Mary's #1 pick to buy, drive, and/or ride as a passenger would be the Burgman 400 or possibly even the 650. So here we are, the winter dealer visits have begun and may the best dealers win.
  20. The wife has owned two 883 sporties, I've owned a 350 sprint way back, plus a 1200 sporty and then my 1998 roadglide was our last HD. Never ever a problem that left us bikeless or stranded. We might buy other HD products, but not the ones they're producing now; Because of the heat issues and other teething problems they're having due to the too frequent engine changes HD has been doing. The old familiar, reliable, rebuildable, repairable, easily worked on engines are now in the past. They're now among many other HD legends and memories that some like us two have lived and loved.
  21. Older...


    I posted that tasteless joke after hearing it at work. It was ok for the work place, but it was way over the top for a forum such as this. It will not happen again from this corner.
  22. Tried again to enter. I can enter as a guest under the name "me" But I can't get there from here as my member name, "Older&..." Can admin or whatever correct whatever I messed up possibly weeks ago signing in here and/or there? No major problem except "me" in chat is really "Older&..." unless someone can Help out an old non computer literate fool.
  23. Saw 3 rooms I couldn't log in or enter any room Couldn't register Didn't recognize my name Maybe I'm an outcast
  24. No way. You're talking about 20 years after the "in shape" me.
  25. I got's to hurry on up and get's me one of them there Yamahaha's or Star thing-a-ma-bobs or whatever they's called nowday's so I can understands what ya all are talking about with the chirp and stuff.
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