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  • Name
    Eric Rovegno


  • Location
    Pueblo, CO, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


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  1. I tried sending 4 messages within the past 4 days. Maybe try my email? erovegno1@gmail.com Thank you for pics. Could you please give me a price for them and shipping cost? The city is Pueblo, Colorado 81006. Thank you again. Eric
  2. Thank you for the response. Where do you live? Could you provide pictures if you are looking to sell them. Might just take both and have a spare or sell extra to make up some of the cost for shipping. I'm in Colorado zip 81006 Eric
  3. Where can I find body parts for this motorcycle? Needing the left Fairing and a few additional parts which I've found online minus the left fairing. What years would fit?
  4. Awesome, thank you. Figure it out as I was digging into it. What sucks is after getting it out and all the disassembly I found it was the battery. Benefit to the process. I found the radiator fluid was full of debris from over the years. Rather get this all finished before its road worthy than after.
  5. Hey all, ok so checked everything mentioned and all checked out except for the starter. Seems to be froze up. Without a complete disassembly is there a way to pull it out easier. I've pulled radiator hoses and got bolts out, but having a tough time removing starter. Eric
  6. Thank you for the response. I will check volts tomorrow and get back to you on that. The battery is good for sure. Just thinking the power is stopping somewhere..
  7. Thank for the response. I had jumped the solenoid and checked the motor for it being seized. It rotated just fine. Replaced fuse box with a new one and secured all new wire connections with new fuses. Still no cranking and still no sound from say fuel pump. I charged battery completely and had it tested. It was good, just sat for a while. So that's good too. The next thing is to check the stater. Is there a good way to do this? Thanks for the input and ideas. Eric
  8. Hello, New here to the Forum. I traded for an 87 venture royale. Got it home and have been tinkering with it looking for things that need replaced and fixed. The first is getting it started. The battery is charged, the headlight dims when pressing the start switch, but not getting any cranking over. Not even hearing the fuel pump starting. Tried the Arc from from solenoid and nothing happened. The previous guy had a friend drop bike while riding it and messed up the body. My buddy started pulling all parts to repair the broken fender, boxes and more. Honestly I am almost thinking he had disconnected something, but not sure. Would like to get it running to try and figure out what else I need to start searching for. Any suggestions?
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