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About JimboSlice

  • Birthday October 19

Personal Information

  • Name
    James Michael


  • Location
    Matamoras, PA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Cars, guitars, motorcycles,
  • Bike Year and Model
    1989 Venture Royale
  1. 2 cars I wish I could get back; 71 Cuda I had when I met my wife and 66 GTO I had in California when I was a teen. I could never afford them these days
  2. Such an awesome bike. Congrats.
  3. My first road bike was a Kawasaki KZ 900. What a scary bike that was. Maybe just due to my inexperience as a street rider at the time. Before then it was all Honda & Yamaha dirtbikes. I started riding big twins back in the 90's and have owned HD, Honda and Yamaha. For me I have a personal preference for Yamaha. They are always on top of the power & tech curve and just a pleasant company to do bizz with. I now own a 1989 Venture Royale. At first I was alittle leery, bue to the overall size of this bike, but now I'm just loving this 30 year old bike. Oh by the way I've decided to name my Venture, "Yambag". It's a Yamaha & a bagger. Ride On fellers & lasses.
  4. Thanks all for all the knowledge. This is my first Venture so I'm a newb. I ended up purchasing Kenda Kruz stock sizes for front & back. These tires are getting excellent reviews and got both for $200 which isn't so bad. So just have to get them mounted and I should be good for the rest of the season. I know, I know, Amazon would have saved me some $$$, but only $30 if you add shipping, and besides, I hate feeding the machine. Rather do bizz with small bizz owner.
  5. Ok, so I've decided not to go darkside, due to the fact that I can't find a good size to go with. So I would like to go with a bigger tire than stock. What is the biggest mc tire I can put on a 89 with no problems??? The factory specs are a 140/90/16. Can I go with something widder?
  6. Good Morning all. Well I was out riding yesterday for a bit(no rain, yeah)when I noticed that my steering is a bit sloppy. It's not as tight as I like it. I looked at the tire and it isn't cupped and air pressure is good, so I'm guessing that I just need to tighten steering. Any siggestions?
  7. I'm a newb, so I don't know Yammer, but he did help me with a reply or two, and with that I am grateful to him. I think that's the reason I like motorcycles so much. It's not about the machine, it's about the people that ride them. I've been riding bikes along time and started mc traveling 15 years ago and have met alot of awesome peeps along the way. Complete strangers who will help you, give you a place to stay, a hot meal and friendship. I'm sure Yammer was one of those kind. Ride On Yammer!!! Correction: It is about the machines. We love them and live for them because they bring us so much joy and freedom.
  8. Ok, I know I'm treading in dangerous waters here, but I will ask anyway. After watching countless youtube vids and reading some articles on darksiding(using a car tire for rear tire), I would like to know if anyone has actually done this on an 89 Venture? You can pm me if you don't want to put it out there. From what I've seen and read, most peeps like using a car tire on big touring bikes, once they get used to the handling, due to longevity of tire, buying price and personal choice on handling. 20k miles out of a tire as opposed to 8-10k sounds way inviting. And at half the cost. If you have done this and had success can you send me the tire size you used for 89 Venture? Ty to all
  9. Hey Zagger. That bike is radical. I can't believe that's a Venture. I'm not looking to go anywhere close to that. Actually after reading all the feedback here, I've decided to leave well enuff alone. This bike is plenty powerful for touring, even with a full load. I prob should have carbs tuned though. Just not sure how to. Yeah I'm one of those. I do all my own mechanic work, if I can. Why pay someone else to screw it up when I can screw it up for free. . To be honest there just isn't any real good bike mechanics around here, except for the Orange county chopper guys. I basically want to keep the bike stock anyway. I'll do some electronic mods, but this bike is in good shape. What's that ole saying. "If it ain't broke don't fix it." I wanted to change the fork oil last weekend but that allen nut is huge. I have to find the key some place. Thanx again Dawson. Appreciate the concern. I am def heeding the warning. I did want to know, what is the average fuel mileage on these bikes? I'm getting around 36 mpg
  10. OK. I will hold off on that. It was just a thought. Ty for the advice Dawson. I'm new to this bike and need the help.
  11. Ok, got an idea. That could be trouble. We all know that cold air intakes make more HP that a stock intake, so with that in mind, I have a thought about using the air vent in fairing, with some ducting, to create a forced cold air intake back to air filter box. I know, I know, it's a big azz full dresser, but what the hell. More ponies are always good, especially on the cheap. Any thoughts????
  12. Rode it!!! That's why I bought it!!!
  13. I originally had it where the stock radio goes and found it a bit hard to get to controls, considering my bars are set low. So I decided to put it where it is now. Much easier to control and I think it looks better. I'm ordering a new tach from Amazon, so should have that done this weekend. But yes, it was abit extreme. The worst part as getting the computer to fit back into it's spot. As you can see it shifted slightly to the left, but still readable. Ya know, that's a good question about the bluetooth. I don't have a headset, so I'm not sure, but it is compatible with any bluetooth device I believe
  14. Installed a Boss MGR350B into dash today. Sounds great and has bluetooth. It took alot of cutting and the tach had to go, but it's in there. The Boss is a nice unit, actually made for a boat, so the waterproof rating is 6, which is good I guess. Unit cost was $80 on Amazon. It pumps out 60 watts per channel and has 4 channels plus to line out for amps or sub. The stock radio just wasn't cutting it. Gotta have my music.
  15. Today I changed the final drive oil. All nice and newb. I installed my new sound system as well. I'm considering removing tach and installing there. It's made for that. Actually for a boat, but sounds great(even with stock speaks) and is waterproof. I can always install an after market tach just about anywhere. Oh yeah, I rode my Venture too. All day. Spent a whole tank of gas. Yeah man!!! One thing I wish I could change on this bike is, to wire up the CLASS air ride to adjust on the fly. That would be the bomb. I know alot of newer bikes do that. Any ideas anyone???
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