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Everything posted by wahco1956

  1. I have a set and they sure do sparkle in the sun. I just love the look of mine. Tom
  2. Nice... Thanks:thumbsup:
  3. You are the man Mike, always something new for us poor folks to drool over. Tom
  4. I just installed a lighter where the power pod was in the fairing, and increased the fuse size. It has been like this for 5 years and I have never had a problem.
  5. We have this and it works great. It looks a rides well and our dog has been on some long rides with us. http://venturers.org/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=14076 http://www.wagstrailers.com/
  6. Thank's Jeff Money sent Tom
  7. Found it here for 198.00 http://www.motorsportssupercenter.com/pages/catalogs/detail/26/203/403/4772/1/0/0/1/4/90/69/336/travel-trunk-wing-with-light.aspx Tom
  8. I might as well jump on the wagon. Put me down for a set please. Tom
  9. You can get a refurbished 2720 off of ebay with the full 1 year factory warranty for about 119. http://cgi.ebay.com/GARMIN-STREETPILOT-2720-AUTO-GPS-VOICE-REMOTE-TALKING_W0QQitemZ180358328570QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGPS_Devices?hash=item29fe31b0fa&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A1%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1308%7C301%3A1%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50 http://cgi.ebay.com/GARMIN-StreetPilot-2720-GPS-NAVIGATION-CAR-REMOTE-BAG_W0QQitemZ120414282495QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGPS_Devices?hash=item1c094022ff&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A1%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1308%7C301%3A1%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50 Tom
  10. I'm in the quad cities (Moline) if you are in the neighborhood I can help. We also go up to the galena area sometimes. Tom
  11. I went to true value and got hex head bolts the same size as stock. Now I just use my socket and they are much easier to get on and off. Tom
  12. The pegs from Diamond R are adjustable. There is a screw on them that you turn in or out to adjust the height. Tom
  13. Thanks for the info. I just ordered the carb covers. A great price, I just hope they don't take 9 months to get here. Tom
  14. I knew I had my good eye on that bunch for a reason Tom
  15. I have the 2720 hooked up like that and with the ipod on and in aux mode you can adjust the volume of the garmin to hear just fine. The music is still playing but you can hear that sweet garmin girl over the music. Tom
  16. let me try this Engine is now open. The mechanic followed your advices and opened the clutch cover and removed the basket. They didn't see anything in there, but they used one of those long telescopic magnets and found a broken metal part. It was clear. There was something broken in there, so they had to open the engine. When they did it, this is what they found: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v355/NachoaltesII/C001/DSCF0271.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v355/NachoaltesII/C001/DSCF0267.jpg They said this pinion is shared by the 5th and 2nd gear. This is the open engine. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v355/NachoaltesII/C001/DSCF0269.jpg And these are the mechanic and friend of the bike owner, who took care of the bike and took it to his dealer. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v355/NachoaltesII/C001/DSCF0273.jpg they are now waiting for the parts and the gasket to re-assemble everything back together and close the engine. No idea of the amount of hours used yet, but soon they will tell me the amount of labour and money. Thanks again for your help. Great advices, as always. Hasta la vista from Spain, Nacho. _________________ Proud to be a Venturer!!!!
  17. I had it happen to me also. The engine had to be removed and it was at the dealer for about 6 weeks. I don't know if this link to the venturers site will work but this is the same as mine and yours will probably be also. http://www.venturers.org/Forum/viewtopic.php?t=19256&highlight=lost+5th+gear Tom
  18. I bought the 2720 new for 800.00 and have put on over 40,000 carefree miles. It is easy to use and works great. Tom
  19. Our dog rides in his own trailer. He would rather ride in Mommy's lap, but she has to take the pictures. At least we can take him with us on trips and that makes mommy happy. We all know that if mama ain't happy, no ones happy. Tom
  20. I got mine when they first came out and have over 20,000 care free miles on it. I use the beanbag in whatever car/truck I'm driving and I have it wired into the bike with a ram mount on my left mirror. I would recommend it highly. Tom
  21. This was our first year there and we had a great time. We went for the riding and sightseeing and it was great. On the first full day there we went into Sturgis early and checked out all the vendors and a few of the bars. Then the rest of the week we checked out the sites and the roads. Devils tower, Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Custer state park, needles hyw ect. The last Sunday it was back to Sturgis for the deals on t shirts and souvenirs. I was hoping to get together with other venturider members but that didn't happen this year. This is a link to the pictures we took when we were there. http://www.dotphoto.com/go.asp?l=tomandpam&AID=5465269 You can get an idea of how good the roads are. Tom
  22. Here is the link to our pictures from Sturgis. http://www.dotphoto.com/go.asp?l=tomandpam&AID=5465269 There are quite a few, we hope you enjoy them. Tom and Pam
  23. Brian, Sorry we didn't hook up in Sturgis. Pam and I just got to Cody Wy for a couple of days. We figured we were so close to Yellowstone that we had to check it out. This was my first trip to Sturgis and I must say that it blew Daytona out of the park. The vendors and bars were about the same but the riding made such a big difference. We are up to 800 pictures so far and I'm sure we will get another 500 or so out here in Yellowstone. If any of you have a couple of hours to blow I will post a link to them when we get home. Tom
  24. Pam and I will be there Sunday. Give us a call when you arrive and we can get together for a ride/cocktail. We are staying at the Ramkota Inn in Rapid City. Tom
  25. If we stop at each house with bikes out front and get a beer we will save a ton of money. Tom
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