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Everything posted by Bones158

  1. This is what I have installed over three years ago with no problem using the CB within group rides and no problem with FM reception. I don't use AM radio haven't since I was a kid. http://www.antennax.com/p-4729-2-eurostyle-13-inch-antenna-masts-harley-davidson.aspx
  2. Prayers being lifted for you, Becky and family.
  3. I'll buy one if still available? Send me a PM, thanks.
  4. Then it's not a trike. It is a Voyager kit or Trigg kit. 4 wheels. Don't know to much about them but Hannigan makes one great Trike that has independent suspensions. Go to Triketalk.com they have a forum for the Voyager and Triggs kits with lots of info.
  5. Puc, that is a lot of water. Looks like my home in Florida. We hope you get all the water cleaned up with no additions added to it. Oh we can send you some frog legs if ya want. Dead or alive your call. Just kidding going to miss meeting you this time around. Maybe at the National in Gunterville. Good Luck
  6. Thank god we are fine here in Nashville, just 3-4 inches of rain. It seems all the bad winds /tornado's is by passing us. Prayers to everyone else. Just crazy weather.
  7. Larry, I'll take one from ya. Just let me know how much. Thanks PS I tried to send you a PM but said your in box was full. Rob K.
  8. This is what I've been using for a few years now. It is not water proof but it has been soaked a few times and come right back after drying out. Originally I had it mounted with Velcro on the riser caps and during the winter I removed our great cassette player and installed it there. Has the clock, volt meter and outside temp. http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/5-in-1-digital-volt-meter/part/BBP-4-239 http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/images/image_7475.jpg
  9. Wow, my dash don't look like that?
  10. On my 05 Venture when I had the popping on decell and could not figure what was causing it, I turned the PMS (Pilot mixture screws) out 1/4 turn on each carb. They come set from the factory on the lean side to meet emission tests. Stopped it in it's tracks.
  11. Happy Birthday Freebird!!!
  12. My son has 05 Avalanche. He loves his. Same paint and interior.
  13. Jeff, welcome to "the Retirement Group"! Take care and get this crap beat. Always prayers your way and hope to see you riding soon. Rob K.
  14. How's the snow up your way?
  15. What was it about? He told me to leave at the start. This was not for me. :confused24:
  16. As what Barry said. I've been a member for a few years now, mainly just read, laugh and expand my knowledge on the Venture. A great bunch of folks. Hope to meet a few here as I will be going to the National in Gunterville and to B2dads this year. Most of my time has been spent with the Southern Cruisers (Rallies, fund raisers, planning rides, ect.). As a former first officer with a chapter in Jax Florida and second O. in WV and now retired in Tn. it is always nice to meet fellow Venturer's. We had my 05 Venture triked by Hannigan last year and with traveling back in forth to Florida (still have our home there) I put more miles on the trailer last year than I put on the trike. Any how my trailer was stolen a few weeks ago so the wife said now it's time to get on the bike and ride to where I want to go. Daa had the Bike/triked at 60,000 miles on her and all but 10,000 was mine. Let's see if she will clime on back with me this year. OK i'm done .. hehehe
  17. "Drunks run stop signs, and pot heads just sit there and wait for it to turn Green"
  18. This has been one crazy winter.
  19. Prayers being sent to your BROTHER and family. Keep us posted.
  20. The only thing that I have found is the charcoal canister. I installed one on Carbon One's aux. tank on my trike. Cali only Ventures have these. Here is one on ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/99-YAMAHA-XVZ1300-XVZ13-VENTURE-ROYAL-STAR-EMISSION-CANISTER-17-/350583908790?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item51a06de9b6&vxp=mtr
  21. Prayers being sent.
  22. My condolences plus prayers to you and your family.
  23. Rob, what did your Dad find out about the hydroplaning problem?
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