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Personal Information

  • Name
    Chuck Matheson


  • Location
    Fredericksburg, VA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Camping, shooting, and drinking
  • Bike Year and Model
    2018 Yamaha SVTC
  1. Breathing life back into this one... I finally found the cause of the issue I was having, and fixed it. My problem? I did not have notifications enabled on lock screen. For those who may not be receiving text/imessages to their head unit, do the following: Settings>Bluetooth>i with circle next to your Venture Bluetooth connection. Ensure that "Show Notifications" is enabled. If after doing that, you still don't get messages, do this: Settings>Notifications>Messages and enable Alerts on Lock Screen. This was the piece that was preventing my messages from being delivered. As soon as I enabled this, I started getting message text to my screen. FYI, this was also the cause of my issues in my 2015 Ram 2500 with Uconnect. Hope this helps others.
  2. I bought the Sena 20s with the Harley Davidson CB/Audio clamp kit. This allows me to be connected to my passenger using the intercom feature of the Sena, but hard wired to the head unit to PTT the CB radio and listen to the audio in my helmet. Also, let me be the first of many to say that the audio quality coming through the headsets recommended by Yamaha is GARBAGE!!! The Sena boosts that quality to a level that is quite enjoyable. Plus, you have the added capability of talking to other riders in your group that may not have a CB. The great thing about the HD clamp is that it also comes with a cover plate so that if the Sena is dead or not along for the ride, you can throw on the cover plate and still use the on-board features of the Yammy head unit. Best of both worlds.
  3. Has anybody adjusted their handlebars yet? Thinking about changing the angle of my bars to alleviate some of the numbness in my right hand, and wanted to see if anyone else has done this yet.
  4. The lower cords are $70 each...I have two that have literally been used once I'd be willing to sell for $100 for the pair.
  5. Glad it works for you...I've tried EVERYTHING and it doesn't work for me.
  6. Has anybody tried the B&W Biker Bar on the new Venture yet? I realize that they are advertised for HD, but they also seem fairly universal in that they spread to clamp onto the lower frame rails. I'd love to be able to mount one in my 5th Wheel Toy Hauler to take my SVTC in the camper without strapping her down.
  7. Whew!!! I was worried that was all going to be less than $100. Glad to see it's not...SMH:)
  8. Here's the pic of the change from chrome to black trim.
  9. So are you getting iMessages (appearing in blue), or just SMS text messages (appearing in green)? Glad it's working for you...I feel like it's something simple and seemingly insignificant that we're missing here.
  10. I also like the weather alerts that come across the screen..."Tornado warning... Seek shelter immediately and Kiss A$$ goodbye."
  11. I recently changed the chrome trim on the front of my SVTC to black. I ordered the black trim parts off of the black Eluder, and I gotta say...I'm diggin in. I put the two side vent pieces on myself, which only took about an hour. I was a little perplexed by the headlight surround, so I let the dealer install it with the tour pack rack and my first service. They quoted me $80 because they couldn't find the job in the book, and it looked relatively easy. BOY WERE THEY WRONG!!! It took them 8 hours, and they had to strip the entire front end down, just to get to that part. They spoke with their Yamaha rep, who pointed them to the page in the book that covers that job...$450. They were cool and stuck to their quote, but somebody got an A$$ chewing that they won't soon forget. That said, just know what is involved if you decide to make the swap. The most expensive part was that metal cowl under the windshield...over $200...OUCH! I know, I know...pics will follow.
  12. I found this out the same way you did...and boy was I PI$$ED!!! Not only did I have to pay to activate the radio, but to also activate the traffic and weather features. $30K and they couldn't pony up the dough for a year long trial? I definitely made that a point of contention in my survey from Yamaha. ALL of my Chrysler/Ram vehicles have come with 1 year on radio, 5 years on traffic/weather.
  13. https://www.ebay.com/itm/282983739225?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 Used this for a trip to Daytona and back, and it did phenomenal. Selling to go with the 20s, and the helmet mounted wired clamp kit. It will come with a full charge, manual, recent firmware download, and charging cable. PM me if interested.
  14. https://www.ebay.com/itm/282983753215?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 Again, installed this and tried it out for a few hours before wife told me to go Sena. This headset is over $200 new. PM me if interested.
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