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Sammy G

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Everything posted by Sammy G

  1. David, Thanks, I will try that seeing I rode the seam most of my life so what the hell I'll give it a shot. The boys have never been locked up and I've owned I believe almost ever kind of bike out there. Lowering the bike will help, right now I'm on toes so that put extra presser on the kids, I will work it out, again Thanks. Sammy G
  2. Thx for your reply Bob but I just ordered another stock seat and I'm going to rip it apart, cut the front of the plastic in the shape of a U and the put only 2 gel pads one for each cheek of my butt. That should also drop the seat 3 inches so my short legs can be flat footed. I just bought this bike, never owning one before that is my only *****. Oh and neutral is sometimes hard to pop in. I'll keep you posted how it comes out, it won't be pretty but I'm looking for comfort, Thanks again Sammy G
  3. Has anyone having the problem I am with the stock seat crushing my balls?? Also has anyone removed all the cushion on the seat to make it lower and cut out the front part of the seat to give you ball room?? Thanks
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