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Everything posted by yamahamer

  1. Picasa is a good site it will auto upload from your PC and has great edit options.
  2. Very cool!
  3. The garage is mine. The rest is for her. :rotfl:
  4. I used a small peice of angle and bolted it to the ground it git's it a little closer. http://i525.photobucket.com/albums/cc340/MARKANDBINA/THE%20BLACK%20BEAST/100_2692-1.jpg
  5. Nice place! I bought my first this year too. can't wait for that tax credit. Here's mine. http://i525.photobucket.com/albums/cc340/MARKANDBINA/new%20home/100_3112.jpg
  6. Thanks guys! I will get it put on maybe next weekend and give my review after a few hundred miles. I'm looking foward to the change. "UPDATE" TIRERACK IS GREAT ORDERD MONDAY GOT THE TIRE TUESDAY....WOW THATS FAST! http://www.tirerack.com/tires/Compare1.jsp?width=165%2F&ratio=80&diameter=15&manufacturer=Kumho&startIndex=0&search=true&pagelen=20&pagenum=1&pagemark=1&x=16&y=16
  7. I ordered my Kumho today and was wondering does anyone on the Darkside have the smaller front tire on with the C/T? I love the way the smaller tire feels on the Venture and wondered if it will be trouble on the Darkside.
  8. When you say you lost gears did they start slipping or just stop working?
  9. I have a set collecting dust. PM me your address and they are yous for shipping $
  10. Are you just needing stock floor board or the mount too?
  11. Well I lost 5 and gained 6 so thats cool! I have met alot of you and I have great friends on here. I did join this site for information but I stay here cause it's full of great people! Thanks !
  12. I miss my cheap friends. I had a couple of friends that the only comunication was on this site and now thay are gone. None of them were hurting for money so I don't get how $12.00 would have killed them. I guess some people just want everything for free. Sorry for the rant I just miss my cheap friends.:sign **** happens:
  13. My last front tire change I noticed mine were a little tough to turn. Thanks for the reminder I need to order some too.
  14. I tried it once it blew the fuse in about 2 seconds. I bought a rechargable one to keep in the trunk now.
  15. Is this the tire you got? Has anyone ever bought from this place? http://www.tirerack.com/tires/Compare1.jsp?width=165%2F&ratio=80&diameter=15&manufacturer=Kumho&startIndex=0&search=true&pagelen=20&pagenum=1&pagemark=1&x=16&y=16
  16. Looks like 1st should be around 40mph.
  17. Not all carbs have vacume line like the venture so adapter are needed.
  18. The roads were still a little wet so we took it slow. I can't wait to go back!
  19. Just a spur of the moment trip! 802 miles in one weekend.....it was great! http://picasaweb.google.com/yamahamer69/Dragon?feat=directlink
  20. OK I have 6 months left on my VR calendar. Does anyone have any plans for the next one? Will there be another contest? If not I'm going to have a bare spot on the fridge!
  21. Some people drill holes in the filler neck to get the 6 gallons.
  22. DOT# "4605" meens 46 week of 05.
  23. Some new grips would look good.
  24. Maybe this will help?
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