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Everything posted by scotty

  1. There are many good choices for mp3 players. The trick is finding one that will suit your personal needs. I choose the ipod shuffle for these reasons: Price - relatively inexpensive. Small- fits under the tape deck cover. Solid state- no hard drive to fail Holds more than enough music for me- Its currently only a third full. Single large play button- can be operated with a gloved hand, no display or menu to distract me from the important task at hand (staying upright) Just a note on the shuffle, if you leave the unit on "pause" it will go to sleep and the battery will last just as long as turning it off, I pressed pause last fall and it still played in the spring.To wake it up press play, count to 5, press play again.
  2. Name of Restaurant Tilly's Street Address 5114-50th street City Toefield State or Province AB Website (Optional) - Quality of Food Good Quality of Service Great Biker Friendly? (Parking, Trusted Location, Etc.) Yes Kind of Food? (Mexican, Chinese, etc.) Family dining Alcohol Served? No Additional Comments -
  3. I know a guy who is very proud of the fact that his harley has NEVER had a drop of rain on it....but gets washed twice a week. I asked him how often he rides it? He said maybe once a year. Go with whatever makes you happy.
  4. I found replacement switches in an old VCR. I am sure I still have some left somewhere.
  5. kilometer |kiˈlämitər; ˈkiləˌmētər|- a metric unit of measurement. Has also been used unsuccessfully as a tool to convince the wife we need a new bike.
  6. Keep them good videos coming! We will need them next winter! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=och7VhpSQ4g]YouTube - BC motorcycle trip[/ame]
  7. If its not too bad you can use a small ball peen hammer or a pin punch too mash the metal of the screw down and then drive the screwdriver back into it and get a renewed bite. Holding counter clockwise pressure on the screwdriver and hitting it with a dead blow hammer is also effective. Worst case, if you are carefull you can drill the head off the screw and save the reservoir. Scotty
  8. I didn't see that! All I saw was cold windy and cloudy with risk of frost. Thats probable why condor was trying to get it deleted.
  9. If the carb sync is way out it will not fire at all on a given cylinder at idle. Ignition good? I'm not sure when I can make it to regina but I will let you know if I do. We ain't even close to giving up yet!
  10. I have Guardian ducks on my dash. Just to remind me to 'duck' when appropriate. My brother-in-law got them for me after my boo-boo involving my motorbike and a rope between two trees. I also have a STARS air ambulance pin on the dash as well.
  11. I dated a cute girl on the back of my 250. I honey-mooned with her on the back of my 550 maxim. For the 20th anniversary she was on the back of the venture. I have a lot of sentimental attachment to my bikes.
  12. My guess would also be mechanical issue. I built a cruise control test stand for final testing.
  13. mine IS differant... Mine is covered in dirt oil and road grime!
  14. Very cheap head sets at wallmart. Some assembly required.
  15. Contest!?!!?!?! I didn't know it was a contest! Nothing special, but dose have that worked in feel. Internet and beer fridge are a nice touch though.
  16. got it working fine here.
  17. As I recall second lasts till about 120Km/h
  18. In hind sight that was a poor choice in wording / terminology on my part. I think I have it fixed.
  19. Its an 8V output when you speak loud enough to mute the radio. I never sent anything down it. (too scared!) It wouldn't surprise me to see the radio mute have something to do with the unknown mystery pin, but again, I didn't try that ether. I would have liked a schematic also! Don't forget to read the "big disclaimer" Hope this helps, Scotty
  20. Last saturday we got brians bike back together and completed a successful test ride. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DWtDufrKF8]YouTube - brian bike[/ame]
  21. Congrats on the new bike! I went for a ride on Sat. Forecast was for some showers. But there was no mention of snow!!!!
  22. Mine broke out completely. I rectified the problem with an "L" bracket that prevents the cover from moving forward and unlatching. Otherwise, yes it will come loose on the highway causing you to say "what the heck!" You will also notice that the lid has been broke and drilled for machine screws, and the.....
  23. It is possible to have an intermittent stator. There are three windings in the stator and the wires are insulated with a very thin coating. If the coating rubs through the wires will short producing low output when shorted and good when not shorted. The nasty part is it will still ohm just fine. Mine acted like that last fall. On removal the windings were visibly burnt. Just one of many possible failuers.
  24. I wish I had the optional 6 speed transmission.
  25. The glaciers are receding here! I got her out for a short ride today (100Km) before she said she was getting cold. 5 degrees C or 41 F for the high. Yesterday was the my first ride of the year +2 C, but man it felt good!
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