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Everything posted by scotty

  1. At my age, the 50 year old chicks are starting to look pretty hot!
  2. I don't have any plans of moving to town...yet. Washing the bike at home not being an exercise in futility will be a plus. I can relate to the water works issue. You are more than welcome to visit here and walk around the NE, NW, or the SW corner of the garage.:rotf: You can also ride your bike up and down the dirt roads here and say to yourself "Oh ya! I remember this...this SUCKS!" It got me thinking though, how many country boys do we have here?
  3. 20KVA may be on the overkill side. The power was out for 5 days here a couple of years ago and we got by with a 3 kw gas genset. We did have to be a bit stingy with power like running the deep freeze at night with the well pump off and the micro wave was off limits. I would think 5 kw would work for just household use, 10 would be lots. Personally I like the diesel idea.
  4. Yup, they do that. The power steering pump can kick up quite a ruckus (cavitation), sway bars can creak, everything rattles, Etc... I never let the fuel get under half a tank and have a blanket in the vehicle. It can be over 7 hours wait for a tow truck in those temps.
  5. If they are of good quality, I agree they can't be beat. If they are low grade they don't grab enough metal and will tear off the corners leaving you with a swizzle stick.
  6. If you are in town you had better call or I will send the neighbours out after you! BTW, Cadillacs is still attached to the Norseman Inn, Big valley runs every year.
  7. It doesn't work for me at all, but then I don't have a street address. On the upside I already know the neighbours names, dogs name, truck make and colour, tractor, combine, etc.... With only 3 neighbours you don't get away with much around here.
  8. Got any grey hair yet?
  9. I like it, it looks good!:thumbsup2: I applied the same $7 technology to the wing.
  10. I just read an article on mid life crises and it sounds like a hoot! So I have penciled in next week to organize a list of all the impulsive things I should be doing.
  11. A person would have to be a nut case to even consider riding a touring class bike anywhere near snow.........What specifically did you want to know?
  12. Our chimney was straight from the basement to the roof. We removed it when the house was moved in 1990.(built in about 1920) The house hasn't fallen down yet but it's still early in the evening.
  13. [quote=pickinfred; Scotty..if I read this correctly, you leave the camera connected to external power and the Drift camera's record function will still work?Yes it will record tied into vehicle power. The small, cheap camera that I played with this fall would not record while connected to the bike's accessory power..... The salesman told me it would operate as normal on external power and by gar he was right. I agree....the quality is good enough for me also.....How did you have the camera mounted? Attached is a pic of the mounting. I think it was a rack from a old fridge, that I cut apart and welded back together, hose clamped to the luggage rack.
  14. I bought the drift this spring just for fun. I tied an extra speaker into the intercom and taped the external mike to it. The audio is a bit quiet. I want to hard line it this winter to get rid of external noise (mike is bouncing) and better sound. The remote is nice, I can turn it on in the morning and leave it in standby until something interesting comes along. I have it tied into power in the trunk. Video quality is good enough for me. It looks way better full screen here. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNc54hE7tSI&feature=feedu]drift 170HD on goldwing in rogers pass.m4v - YouTube[/ame] The remote is pretty short range, almost line of sight short. very dependable at turning on but I have a few clips that are about an hour too long. I can see myself push the off button. Scotty
  15. Congrats on the very sharp looking scoot! Are you sure you are old enough to ride one of them? I know for a fact Nina isn't old enough!
  16. I average about 3000 Km of gravel a year. So some tips: RELAX! - there is nothing worse than a tense passenger on a gravel road. pivot at the hips. For the driver: when you get up against a ridge and the bike starts to fall to the right, the best course of action is to throw weight to the right. I know it sounds wrong but so dose counter steering. What you are doing is setting up the bike in a left turn, The more weight of the machine +passenger + gear = more weight you have to throw around. BTW my missis hates the gravel too. In answer to the other part: yes, she point out hazards when she sees them but is usually too busy taking pics.
  17. I always interrupt the conversation to say 'bump' over the intercom. It seems it is a harsher ride back there. She will then bace a bit for it. The ultimate answer is a bike built for two up riding, of course it's easy to spend some one else's money.:mo money:
  18. My high beam indicator was intermittent as well, RLU not going to ground. I ended up tying the indicator to the low beam headlight wire. It has been good since. It has been a few years since I did that so I hope I remember correctly. Scotty
  19. I was having the very same question for our holiday this year. My wife found this at wallmart on the internet.(currently shows stock in Hayden) I know our phone won't work in the states from our holiday 2 years ago. (pay as you go) This looks like a good plan to me based on some assumptions: 1 Is it as simple as walking into wallmart and for $10 I have a phone? 2 I assume it will not work here, so can I toss it to some random person just before crossing the border? "Free phone, never been used!" 3 If I run it through the washing machine I assume it will not work anymore. Anyone have any insight on these things?
  20. I also like my bikemp3. Works well, it's small, uses the handle bar controls, and best of all no batteries to go dead when I forget to turn it off.
  21. Yes, it is possible and I have done it. (more here) I found that ear buds make the best mikes and do not need to be powered. I used a short piece of 14/2 house wire for the boom. Old computer connectors are 5 pin DIN. Soldering them little wires can be fun. Scotty
  22. I am also very curious about this. I have never ridden a second gen in the wind so maby I shouldn't say anything but here is my:2cents:. When I rode street bikes I had to compensate for cross winds. I always did this kinda subconsciously. When I first rode the VR in the wind it was every where. I found that not compensating for wind made all the difference. The wing reacts like my first gen. As an experiment last fall, 60Km/h side wind, there is a 1/2 Km section of road that is well treed up wind and then the trees end. I set the cruise leaned into the back rest (so I would know if I was shifting weight) let go of the bars and waited for the wind. the result: The bike leaned itself into the wind and did not give up any road. It did start a very slow crawl into the wind witch required leaning to the right to maintain a line. Am I on to something or just blowing smoke?
  23. Actually my wife also had issues with the "age thing". After a bit of practice I figured out how to flip the thing on its side in the corners and that improved her attitude greatly. She also claims that it "lacks sole". Personally I don't get it, it's a machine, it has no sole just like any other machine. Maybe I will figure it out and want a bike with 'sole' when I am 60+.:rotf:
  24. You have to be 60+? Dang, I didn't read that in the fine print. I turned 45 today. Do I have to give it back?
  25. You are not missing much here. Winter storm warning in effect! 10 - 20cm of blowing snow. I spent a half hour getting a customers highway truck out of the parking lot this afternoon.
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