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Everything posted by ChiefGunner

  1. Farmers Almanac has our Southeast region at “above normal” temps this winter. May get some good riding in still. Last year I won the “monthly mileage challenge” on a different forum with over 3200 miles for the month of February. It’s like realtors say... it’s all about 3 things. Location, Location & Location. 😁
  2. Hey @Freebird, I’m not seeing people signatures under their posts like before. Is one of my settings wrong?
  3. Actually @Woody2605 it’s for both. Any available software or map updates should show up. in fact, since original release there has only been ONE real software update 12.0.6 which took care of a lot of bug issues from the original vs11. The latest update available is ONLY if you’re doing the map upgrade and not to be installed until after the map upgrade is completed. That being said, software for 2018 & 2020 models are completely different and NOT compatible so be sure you are downloading the appropriate software for your model year. Info I’ve provided is in relation to the 2018 model. Don’t know about 2020 model. That being said, for those 2018 model owners it looks like we should NOT expect anymore software revisions in the future. According to Paul Pelland “Long Haul Paul”, there were not enough sales of the 2018 including the Harmon Kardin glitchy software to justify spending more money on it. One of the reasons they went with another manufacturer for the 2020 software.
  4. I haven’t been here long enough to say much, but if asked... I agree with @cowpucthat #2 is a more sophisticated and classy look. I usually use #1 cuz it seems easier to navigate, and like you @FreebirdI don’t care for #3. IMHO, you “long timers” who live here should have what you want.
  5. That’s a very good point @Flyinfool. Maybe just having the trunk light flash and then go solid is good enough. I have an XKGLOW Pro Chrome led package on my bike @ trailer so that no matter what color I’m running the whole bike goes RED. Very hard to miss. This would just be an added. Probably tie one into the spoiler light on the trailer too.
  6. Thanks @M61A1MECH. Having a modulator that is only hooked to the trunk brake light is not a big deal. I was really asking more about a “wig wag” module. It causes all the lights to flash in a zig zag pattern before all going solid. I’ve seen them mostly on wings. Do you know what I’m referring to?
  7. Thanks for that @revpat. Not sure what bike you’re using that on. Remember the “wig-wag” modules seen on a lot of wings? Wish I could find a way to adapt that for my SVTC. The electrical system is CANBUS so I’m not certain it would t cause an issue.
  8. Have done 12 oil changes on mine. I keep a flange style automotive plug on hand in case the CC OEM plug breaks.
  9. Glad you visited and saw this. I was worried about you running around low oil!
  10. Sorry for your loss Don. May the presence of Christ comfort you and your family at this time of loss.
  11. Meant crankcase FILL plug. Also meant until it SEALS.
  12. Remember doing exactly what you were talking about with the green book in the Navy. That’s a blast from the past. 😁 On a side note, the torque spec for the crankcase full plug is not accurate. If you tighten it to the specs listed it will break off by the second time you do it. Basically lightly snug by hand. I use my fingers until it sears and then the Allen wrench I gently “tap” it once using 3 fingers. Never had any leaks and have been doing that since the first one broke during my second oil change.
  13. Very kind of you Eric. I’m not sure why though seeing as how the entire service manual is available on this website isn’t it? I may be wrong though.
  14. Excellent and valid points there @Flyinfool. 👍
  15. @dragonstorm Yup! Check the tightness of your steering head nut. The “thunk” is from the movement. The fact you’re now having cornering problems confirms this. These are the most stable bikes in corners even two up and pushing it hard. Long ago I had a similar “thunk” noise as you described and found the nut loose.
  16. I would agree with @cowpuc on this. You didn’t have the “mushy” brake before you took it in and did after they did the job. i replaced my pads at about 43k miles, but I probably didn’t need to. Still had half the pad thickness left, but I did go with EBC and not OEM. Reason for that was 4-6 weeks waiting for OEM pads! Not in stock?? I guess they don’t plan on anyone needing a common item. Point I’m making is that I had no problems when done and didn’t have to bleed anything. They messed it up, have them fix it.
  17. Indian is a nice bike! Enjoy!
  18. Yes Eric @ecbaatz Many are under a false assumption that the oil will “level itself out” to what is needed in the crankcase and that is NOT the case. The scavenger pump cycles the oil but the flow rate just keeps it at the level you filled it to. You can’t overfill the tank and under full the crankcase and think it’ll be ok. It won’t.
  19. You’re welcome & Thanks @videoarizona
  20. Hey @N3FOLI noticed you said you added 2qts to the crankcase. The manual states that with filter change to add 2.4qts to the crankcase and 3.2qts to the oil tank. If you only added 2qts you’re actually running low in the CC. The system is not “self leveling”. The scavenger pump flows at a rate to keep the CC at the level that was put in there. In other words, if you start out low, you stay low. That’s why it’s important to fill correctly and one of the reasons it says not to overfill it either. Just thought I needed to share that, although everything I said is in the maintenance manual.
  21. Yea @cowpucthat idiot saw me coming and still pulled out.
  22. Thanks brother. Been enjoying every mile!
  23. I’ll try again here @cowpuc Found out what I did wrong. 😳
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