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Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Tucson, AZ, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2014 Yamaha Statoliner 2018 Yamaha Eluder GT
  1. I will take a couple of guesses here. The signature of the bike is on the USB stick correct? What format is the USB stick in? It should be Fat32. I know the bike is very particular on the type of USB drive. You may want to try a 8 GB. You should also receive a USB stick from Yamaha. Mine was mailed to me. I believe the activation code is good, it is the type or format of the USB drive that is causing the problem.
  2. I tried your method and no go for me. Held the button 10 seconds and nothing changed. Thanks for the reply though.
  3. At 61 years of age and no snipping, that sounds good to me!
  4. I have the Eluder GT which of course has the CB radio. The radio is receiving chatter so I know it is receiving properly. Upon pressing the Push to Talk switch, it does nothing. The music doesn't stop or anything happens at all. I have confirmed that the switch does operate through the inspection mode option. Can someone confirm this function works? I have read the manual many times and I haven't come up with the answer. What setting do I need to change for this to work? I am using the J&M blue tooth setup (DNG44) which plugs into the passenger connector which I think maybe the problem.
  5. I bought a new HJC helmet and J&M installed the 45 MM speakers into it while I waited. I had an issue after I got home. Pairing it with my phone the music sounded very compressed and awful. I called them the next morning and said to come back in. They swapped out the Bluetooth unit for another new one and then it was fine. The first helmet speakers that actually have bass. I am very happy with the helmet part. The Bluetooth for the motorcycle is a expensive weight in my left saddle bag right now. What is not very clear on J&M's website is that you need the Yamaha passenger headset cable to make it go. Part number 2DG-H25B0-V0-00 in case anyone else is reading this. I assume this is only on the Eluder as the Venture already comes with the 7 pin socket. I have one on order and it should arrive this week.
  6. We ought to meet up in Gila Bend sometime and compare our GT's. I winter down here in Tucson. I just had the J&M Bluetooth setup installed on my bike. They are located right here in Tucson so I went direct to the factory. Tom
  7. I plan on purchasing the Eluder GT in a few months and have a question to anyone who already owns one. Do all the locking compartments lock automatically when you walk away and the security system engages?
  8. I'm glad to hear that your comfortable on the bike at your height. I have 2 inches on you standing at 6' 5". I did take a test ride when the factory truck came through this area a couple of weeks ago. My legs have most of my height but I felt I had enough room and was comfortable. The handlebars were a bit low for my liking but they can be adjusted up easily. I plan on buying the Eluder this December. I retired last year but I am going back to work this summer in order to afford buying it. I currently ride the Stratoliner. I loved the bike but it felt crude after riding the Eluder.
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