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28 Excellent


  • Birthday 07/18/1956

Personal Information

  • Name
    Dan & Joan Thomas


  • Location
    Fargo, ND, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2018 Star Venture TC
  1. The SVTC is NOT subject to the vibration issue common to "the other brand" of V Twins, so I am relatively certain this is an isolated incident.
  2. I find Sport Mode to be quite jerky starting out and going between accelerating and decelerating, but I like the responsiveness when riding aggressively. Tour Mode is MUCH smoother, especially with a passenger.
  3. It's happening for sure. We went there three weeks ago before the crowds and the sky-high prices, Had the roads pretty much to ourselves. It was beautiful. We're in Fargo, ND and the only Venture here that I know of.
  4. So...which oil should I use? :smile5::smile5:
  5. I just put on 1,750 miles fully loaded and two-up on a Sturgis, SD trip (530 mile one-way), so a mix of 70 mph highway and slower on the twisties around the area. Got 41.66 average. Impressive. My Victory Vision got 36 at best.
  6. I think someone else addressed this. Bluetooth headsets apparently will not pair with the bike without using a Sena Freewire (uses the same one as HD) If you do a search on the forum, you should be able to find the other threadl. Best of luck
  7. That looks exactly like the Vision horn only with the correct spade connectors, so it actually would be direct plug-and-play. I'm betting mechanically and sound-wise, it's the same horn. BTW, mine won't sound unless the bike is running, unlike the stock horn for some reason.
  8. Thank you to all who do serve and have served. Let us never give in to the pressure to remove "God" from any of our nation's documents. God bless the U.S.A.!
  9. Nothing. It's accessible on the right side of the front wheel. Just need to turn the wheel a bit to get your wrench in there.
  10. Victory Vision horn in place on the '18 SVTC. I did trim the square corner of the horn, so no clearance issues at all. Before recording-20180618-110550[1].mp3 After recording-20180618-112220[1].mp3
  11. Those look great, and the curve on the bracket follows the bike's lines nicely! They look much better than the Kuryakyns IMO.
  12. The tire scalloping could also be the result of bad shock/shocks causing the wheel to bounce without adequate shock damping.
  13. That's funny, but I'm guessing it will be resolved with your first map update. Let's hope anyway!
  14. I rode a Victory Vision 38,000 miles before getting my SVTC. The belt needed adjustment maybe 5 times in ten years. Those kevlar-reinforced belts are supposedly good for eighty thousand miles or so. Mine showed no signs of significant wear. As with any belt, the stretch a bit with time and use, but a little loose is better than too tight, which causes premature bearing and pulley wear. Get the belt tension gauge and check it yourself every month or so and set your mind at ease. Best of luck.
  15. I have this nifty little conversion that replaces the slide and magazine on an actual 1911. Converts it to a .177 caliber single-shot pellet pistol. I believe they stopped making this back in the late 1960's. Air cylinder goes in the barrel bushing area. Pretty fun and still fully functional.
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